
What The Heck Are Reincarnation And Past Lives?

26 posts in this topic

2 hours ago, Mert said:

But Leooo, so are you saying there could be non-physical organisms?

I'm saying you could be a non-physical organism ;)

All that needs to happen is your memory is wiped, and you're instantiated into this reality.

Right now you see yourself like a snake, but maybe you're an organism which is more like a hydra.

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You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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9 hours ago, WaterfallMachine said:

I go to for a short and simple past life regression technique. But I use it mostly because  I find it easy to enter a state of relaxation quickly.


Everybody try this and report back!  I wasn't able to see anything, but I really struggle with visualization.  Even something like imagining walking down a hallway is something I can't seem to do, though I'm sure with practice I could get good at it.

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4 hours ago, Soulbass said:

What i know is that past & future lives are simultaneous because time is not linear and exist only from our perspective.

It's said that we can have several simultaneous incarnations on earth, and if we met one of them it's instant enlightenment (it could be an animal, or another human).

I'm experimenting with past lives regression hypnosis on youtube, I got detailed results. Is it just mind, or what? Maybe imagination is not what it seems to be. From where does our ideas come from? Is it our's? Are our lives our's? What forces influence us?

Also, it's said that our past/future lives explains personality traits, and when we'r working on ourselves, it influence/solve problems in other's lives.

The polarity/duality thing suggest that somebody can have very opposite traits in life (Adolf Hitler could be Amma).

The ideas you mentioned were interesting. Where did you hear that? I'd like to learn more about it.

On your questions, I read somewhere that you can ask specific questions to explore in a past life regression and it might be helpful to ask your questions during your next practice. I read on the Holographic Universe that people actually have one where they plan what their next life is to be and you might want to try to remember that to have a taste of the nature of reality. Alternate possibilities to try is that on some lives is that you might have met someone who had some answers or be someone who had some answers.

I definitely noticed similar personality traits in my experimentation with past life regression. There are of course differences in personality.But I noticed a theme of pursuit of wisdom, curiosity and wonder. If not that, at least some kind of intellectualism. 

 I remember being in what seems to be a well built body of a serious African man and asking wisdom from the village elder. I remember being an American mother cradling my child in World War II and thinking of my mission to teach my child wisdom — so one day this wisdom can spread so the world can be at peace. I remember being some arrogant, loud and dark skinned man teaching a few people while thinking of how much more I know than them. I remember what looks like the body of a Spanish or Portuguese explorer during the age of discovery and wondering what lands I have yet to see. And even more than that.

And you guessed it — I still love this stuff. Haha.

“The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.” 
― Socrates

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@WaterfallMachine I got these ideas from various sources in french : franck lopvet, christophe allain, marc auburn... sadly it's not translated in english.

My view : being relaxed and focusing on body, higher the energetic field (dunno how to call it) and using your 3rd eye, explore existing "data" available out there.

I've seen things which makes a lot of sense considering my current life, it's very helpful.

I'll experiment with asking questions in this state.


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On 21/07/2017 at 11:37 PM, Mert said:

@Leo Gura But Leooo, so are you saying there could be non-physical organisms? I've actually never thought about that. I think my core assumption was if something is not in our perception, then it is literally nothingness. But not-perception is still a thing right? So it's not nothingness. And if reality is absolute then it can contain individual souls that had past lives, human egos and pizza galaxies where everything is made out of pizza. Damn, that actually makes sense in a very weird way. But eighter way one part of the dream wouldn't be more spiritual than living as a human ego or an ant. They should be equally ignorant from the nondual perspective.


oh yeah you're getting there, everything is possible, and therefore it is...the simpsons, the rick and morty show, game of thrones, pokemon...there are dimensions where this stuff is actually happening with complexity as vivid as our reality with consciousness being explored in different ways then ours. 
what we imagine exists,what you imagine exists,when you get this you start to feel your powers as an infinite creator.

infinity is INFINITY, everything is possible and everything is

your imagination is the gateway to different realities and ways of consciousness

Edited by Arkandeus

Stellars interact with Terrans from ÓB (Earth’s Low Orbit).!

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