Joseph Maynor

Is Enlightened Living Like Being In An Egoless Flow State

4 posts in this topic

Just curious.  I know we tend to focus on the theory, but the theory and the experience are two different things.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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Enlightenment is a peak experience of your meditation session. I don't believe anyone (sane) walks enlightened all day.

Note, I have only had a slight peak into enlightenment (and I am not sure if it was enlightenment at all).

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3 hours ago, Joseph Maynor said:

Just curious.  I know we tend to focus on the theory, but the theory and the experience are two different things.


What Enlightenment Is:

  • A sudden massive shift in awareness where one becomes directly conscious of one's ABSOLUTE nature.
  • "You" and "the world" merge, erasing the physical distinction between self, other, and world.
  • The realization that you are reality itself, and not merely a "self" inside of reality.
  • The realization that "you" do not exist, and never have existed.
  • An experience beyond all experience.
  • TRUTH!

What Enlightenment Is NOT:

  • A meditative state
  • A vision or an energetic experience
  • A psychedelic experience
  • A belief, a model, a theory, a concept, an idea, an ideology, a rational knowing, a philosophical position
  • A psychological change
  • Emotional mastery
  • The cure to all your bad habits and evil ways
  • A form of self-improvement or self-help
  • Understanding of everything under the sun (omniscience)
  • Depersonalization disorder
  • Atheism
  • Nihilism
  • Existentialist philosophy like: Sartre, Nietzsche, Camus, Heidegger, or Kierkegaard
  • Religious faith or positive thinking
  • An OBE (out-of-body experience)
  • An NDE (near-death-experience)
  • Lucid dreaming
  • Becoming a good human being
  • The end of personal growth and development
  • The end of existential investigation (there are more insights to be had than just one, so don't get cocky)
  • Buddha-hood or mastery
  • A shiny achievement to put in your trophy case


Make sure to read this document again and again, I always find myself returning and doing some. Practise is most important.

-1/12 is Infinity 

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Sounds like some kind of enlightenment at least, that is how one usually feels after a major awakening, i was in that state for few months before it started to wear off since i needed to re-integrate myself into society and share all this i had found which at the time only felt divinely right to share and express to others, feels like a million years ago yet just around the corner.

The more questions about enlightenment i hear the more i realize no one can really explain it because ones enlightenment could be another's illusion.


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