
Who Really Never Eat A Little Dirty ?

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Hey, I was just wondering if there is anyone here that never eat a little dirty? Like really nothing. No biscuit, bread, ice cream, etc. I'm asking that because I'm a vegetarian since almost a year now, and I've been removing a lot of things from my diet. I eat very simply and I never add spices, sauces, salt, nor sugar. I am very thin and don't easily take weight. I used to go to the gym regularly, except since the beginning of that month because I have no access to it where I am, but I still train (less regularly and less seriously), and sometimes go to the swimming pool.

I never thought before about being addicted to sugar, however as I have so less sugar everyday, I sometimes crave for it. One day, I was craving so much after a long period without sugar that I bough a pack of six chocolate breads and eat five of them. It was more than 3000 kcal in one shot, then I felt bad as I shouldn't do that.

Do you encounter difficulties like this ?

Edited by Raphael

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@Raphael I eat everything lol, bread, biscuits, ice cream, cake. Just yesterday I had 5 cupcakes lol. When I make something I add  sugar, sauces, salt everything. I don't want to lose out on the fun just yet. I eat lot of macaroni, fries, chips and everything else. I like it. Maybe after a certain age, I might need to restrict but don't want too many restrictions. I am living this life once. Don't want to miss out the goodies for a while.

  1. Only ONE path is true. Rest is noise
  2. God is beauty, rest is Ugly 

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Everybody is addicted to sugar. We have been since we were babies. I don't mean the most obvious ones like Agavae Syrup, Honey, sweets, sodas but also fructose in fruits or starchy carbohydrates in pasta, pizza, rice. Or lactose in Milk. Corn starch, wheat products. It's everywhere. Don't beat yourself over occasional cheating, it is very very difficult to unhook oneself from the sugar, it can literally take decades. 

One thing though, I'd advise is not to remove spices from your meals. many of them have proven benefits to cardiovascular health, digestion, mental health, endocrine system etc...Just don't overdo it. 

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Some time ago I did over month of super clean diet ( 0 sugar, low carbs high protein) + 4 times a week intensive weight lifting + alot of sleep and I felt better than ever. Sugar addiction is so bad and most people are suggar addicts including me. From my experience there is no other way to drop it than just willpower through cravings which is really hard and might make you feel shitty for first days but it's so beneficial in the long run.

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6 hours ago, Loreena said:

@Raphael I eat everything lol, bread, biscuits, ice cream, cake. Just yesterday I had 5 cupcakes lol. When I make something I add  sugar, sauces, salt everything. I don't want to lose out on the fun just yet. I eat lot of macaroni, fries, chips and everything else. I like it. Maybe after a certain age, I might need to restrict but don't want too many restrictions. I am living this life once. Don't want to miss out the goodies for a while.

@Loreena I don't think that we should always eat 100% clean, but why not improving this? After all, food is part of the self-actualization process.

Edited by Raphael

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I thought you were talking about actual dirt, because I'm ridiculously literal....lol....I remember this kid in elementary school ate an actual mud pie, and when I caught him (and possibly teased, I wasn't a bully, it was just hard not to say something....) he told me in the cutest sing-song voice "God made dirt, so dirt don't hurt"...lol....anyway it's true!!!....when I pick a carrot out of the garden, I don't scrub them to infinity, or peel away the goodness....dirt has minerals, enzymes, etc...a little dirt "don't hurt"....lol...and I do occasionally eat junk food, and sugar....I just limit....

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@Epiphany_Inspired that dirt on the carrot is Vitamin B12, one of the most potent vitamins and the one that majority of Earth's population is deficient in. That kid definitely knew more about life than most adults :D

Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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i'm completely free. no meat, no chicken, no lactose, no sugar and no processed food

unborn Truth

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I have phases where i eat very clean for several months straight sometimes and what keeps me doing it is how amazing i feel but then i also have this way that if i ever eat anything that does not belong in the human body i have to do another cleanse or fast which is quite the challenge and experience so this sort deters me off junk food altogether.

I'm waiting for spring to come by so i can do a 1-2month raw organic juice cleanse followed by a water fast then hopefully stick to 100% raw cause that is where i feel superhuman 24/7 and i am able to connect with my higher senses/abilities and what not and soon as i introduce something other in my body i immediately notice a shift in my vibration and energy and suddenly become more dense and less free-flowing. What this ultimately means is i start to notice everything drop in mood, energy, wellbeing, mental/emotional health ect..

Maybe people say its all that sugar high and stuff but in my honest opinion there's something that happens beyond what man understands when you consume foods in their natural state that we are biologically designed to consume. Its like once nature consumes itself it becomes one with its divine intelligence and divine function.

For example: Cannabis abuse always makes me end up messing it up although when i respect the herb and do it once in a while for spiritual or medicinal purposes i only seem to crave fruits and natural foods like other psychedelics lead me to. Everything else tastes and feels odd.


Edited by pluto


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On 7/18/2017 at 5:11 PM, Raphael said:

@Loreena I don't think that we should always eat 100% clean, but why not improving this? After all, food is part of the self-actualization process.

Yeah I don't eat healthy because I am careless. It is also because many more things going on in my life that makes it difficult to focus on what I eat. 

What I found is, in order to start eating healthy,those issues need to be resolved first,otherwise the mind is not ready to focus on positive changes. 

Food is medicine. 

I need to keep reminding myself to eat healthy food which is not easy. It takes a lot of work to get rid of bad habits.

But before the bad habits are broken permanently, the emotional psychological issues need to be resolved because those issues are causing those bad habits.

It all needs to go full circle. 

Refer to Leo problem solving video and you'll know what I mean. 

  1. Only ONE path is true. Rest is noise
  2. God is beauty, rest is Ugly 

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On 7/20/2017 at 2:57 PM, pluto said:

i only seem to crave fruits and natural foods like other psychedelics lead me to. Everything else tastes and feels odd.

Fruits are amazing on psychedelics. Get your face right in there, juices sloshing everywhere. No spoon? No Problem! 

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I don't always eat healthy, but I am very aware of the what kind of calories that I am consuming, so that I can make the appropriate adjustments to my daily workout plan!


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