
To Connect With Your Superior Intelligence And To Obtain Certain Truths And Guide

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Part I:
The first thing you must do to invoke your superior intelligence is to learn to doubt all known limits except your certainty. Think of the origin of the universe, have you asked how it happened? The ordinary reasoning requires the feed in the idea of a creator or a force that created it, who created the creator or the force? If you continue to reason you will repeat the process again and again without a solution that fits into the known logic. What do I understand by logic can be transcended? Yes, and it seems that something so simple is always forgotten for everyday life and the mind closes to beliefs of superior origin.

If you are looking for illumination of your knowing perception, the first thing to ask yourself is: can I see the face to the truth manifested and not to flee, have I the desire to fight the worst demons if necessary, to fight against my worst horrors? When the time comes the road will manifest before you, you will not have to look for it, since the forces that impel your being from the immutable are like a river that flows to its destination without discussing where it goes, even though magically the form and direction of the river may always change, it is not necessary not to act, just don't be obssesed with that, because if the moment must arrive, it will arrive when you are ready, to hasten in the spiritual path without being ready is called curiosity and leads you to fill your head of spiritual and esoteric literature of all kinds that will chain you and it require much effort to eliminate it from your mind; When the moment is perfect search intelligently, and your way will have the blessing of a sincere and not fanatical or imaginative interest, but remember, don't stop, if you feel that you must advance, then advance. Transcendental knowledge can manifest as absolute truth and transcend the realms of common sense, but we must be able to accept it and seek from the inside, it have been given to you intelligence and your worst mistake may be not to use it with all possible rigor, the true wisdom in which you can absolutely trust is not an external vision but one that is connected to your natural intelligence, and your intelligence is more than what the common being is accustomed to perceive, its highest degree there is no probability or discursive thoughts but certainty, a certainty that goes beyond the forms of words and explanations that man tends to seek. When you are ready you can stop reading books and begin to read in your own being, in the silence of your interior, you will understand this truth: words are the vehicle, not the essence, and the essence of a word can approach to what is called good or bad and is connected to the true intention. Be receptive to what is in you, do not put your head down to the power that is granted, be patient to accept the degree in which it arrives and be a inner worker to continue growing if you really wish it.

How do you begin to connect with your own superior intelligence or how to amplify the connection and break the domain of dark beings that take advantage of your unconscious side?

The first thing to remember about the intelligence that is at your service and about your own being is that they are more than what commonly it’s perceived, commonly the human mind causes you to identify with your limited states and your wisdom does not progress, people live blindly like sheep following other people's opinions by imposition of the ego and the fear. How do you break these chains and regain control of your conscious being?

You must first accept your own intellectual ability, you must accept that you can see things your way and try to feel like absurd to put your decisions in the hands of other people's opinions if your own conscience gives you a more reliable solution. It is very common in the spiritual realm to give your life to the guidance of a guru or a guide and to forget your intelligence as if you can't go on your own way or as if they had shown you the absolute truth, but it was really your intelligence that asked you to do it or the fear of being judged, to miss a special opportunity? Be careful! You must accept first even if it goes against the common sense that although something is very probable that probability is nothing before the eyes of the truth until you do not prove it, therefore, if you are deluded spiritually or your spiritual work stagnates you must check if you have allowed to yourself renounce to intelligence that was granted to you in existence, intelligence that can even transcend the commonly understood as logic when it has awakened in your conscious aspect. Phenomena as the origin of existence seem to transcend logic and do not seem to have an explanation because someone had to create the first thing that existed, according to the common logical reasoning. Forget your failures on the intellectual plane and concentrate on the present, you must open your intelligence, observe all your ability to be intelligent, if necessary even as a light or ethereal substance that goes beyond your physical body, expand it in your consciousness as far as is possible cleaning negative interferences and giving you more sensibility to that intelligence, think for yourself, do not self-limit to yourself, you have to reaffirm again and again the following and try to accept it: "I think first by myself with all possible intelligence and will and I help to myself with external knowledge only as necessary" until that becomes a reality or a silent will that you can feel working on it and gives you satisfaction. You should also try to do the same exercise of perception and expansion that I described for intelligence, but now for your willpower. The next step is simply to be, and be natural, when you find yourself in the right moment and place: become indifferent to the use of words mentally and to all discursive judgment, simply retains the sincere desire to fully fill your attention observing: life, your body, your thoughts, your intelligence, your being, everything that you really want to observe even if more than one thing at the same time, and don’t say anything, just observe, also keep the sincere desire to know what your deepest intelligence wants to show you, but not with words, but in the form of ideas; the higher aspect of your being will gradually manifest in your consciousness, ask your mind to receive in satisfaction form a sign that it (your mind) must yield its will to that superior intelligence that impels you unconsciously but in your favor, even if you don’t understand its will, just feel that it is okay, you can feel a peace, a joy or something when you move automatically and although you don’t know what happens, something tells you that things are okay like this, even if it is not clearly perceived or even if it is not perceived, yes, it may seem crazy, but it is not, if you feel more of a sensation in different directions follow the one with which you identify, but beware, because your intelligence can lead you to light or darkness depending on your true purposes. On the other hand this exercise does not mean that you don’t use the discursive side of your mind ever, when necessary do it, either for mental health or for a specific activity, it is very important that you keep in mind that all this must occur without forcing, I mean not because I say it or blindly, inject the desire and expect it to work in you, do not force the mind to be blank blindly, the undesired thoughts will be gone when the time is right or yourself will separate them naturally and healthy. Through this exercise you will begin to have intuitions about things, such as instant reflections on an idea and you will begin to discover that you are something different than what your mind has made you believe, as if thoughts that you had at times does not come from you now. You will begin to connect with the inner aspect of your being and you will realize how some external forces will try to maintain the attraction towards thoughts and ideas that in the bottom don’t interest you and can be seen very rare, you will begin to differentiate your intelligence from the external control, which may come from another evil and manipulative forces that work from the hidden places to the common eye, or you will see attraction to ideas that your own intuition indicate with certainty they can lead you to a superior well-being if you inject will to yourself. This can be the beginning to a journey of self-knowledge, you will understand to differentiate what really makes you good from what damages you, or what constitutes an immediate sacrifice for a future good. Keep away the idea of that you can't reach it, be persistent and you can even to reach an omniscience conection. I once read in a Hindu script: "The Self is the Guru." Unfortunately nowadays many people follow to incarnated persons who don’t teach you to use your own intelligence and make you surrender to them, even worse, many people follow a mixture of doctrines and esoteric teachings that buy your intelligence for a transitory joy and the consequences can be disastrous, don’t be a sheep, be the keeper of your own path and everything you receive from the external will be processed first by the filter of your own intelligence.

Part II:
You can free yourself from the suffering in your life and be aware of the spiritual truths and applied techniques to your own particular case. All this in this incarnation if you have the time for it. All that is asked in this case is: will, courage and persistence.

All the process that connects you with your higher intelligence must occur naturally after taking appropriate consent measures, if this has not happened, be patient, it is very important to adapt the consciousness to a state of indifference with respect to what is observed in discursive matter, try to feel more and not to reason the things, feel the abstract ideas that your observation object produces in you, invoke those ideas, including the emotional feelings that are involve if this is from positive pleasing; take a daily time to practice a simple introspective meditation, close your eyes in a comfortable posture, preferably in a chair and not lying because it will attract a sleepy state more easily, then, in that posture tries to relax but do not obsess about it, you can observe your breathing for a while maintaining a rhythm of inhalation and exhalation as natural as possible, breathe the necessary, wait for the necessary time before exhaling, exhale what is necessary and wait again what is necessary to re-inhale, observe all your thoughts with the intention to observe them but be indifferent to their content, be indifferent to make them persist and indifferent to others coming, with the expectation of capturing ideas that come from your superior intelligence to guide you in the process, to communicate something useful that you know it will help or that you want to know, it is not any idea that comes to you, but those that come with enough certainty to say I must trust in that idea, and then you can surrender to that guide even if all known external intelligence is against you, but your superior intelligence will not force you to anything you don't accept, so you are still responsible for your decisions. You can feel slight desires of movement in trying to stay in that position, don't resist, at least in the beginning, but don't lose the intention of the process, as you go deeper you must feel as if the unwanted thoughts become more abstract or more like concrete ideas, if you feel that you are falling into a void, a numbness, an excessive relaxation or a feeling that something wants to take your consciousness out of the body, resist, don't let yourself be carried away by weakness, stay alert to the process, you can expand the consciousness out of the body with the consent of your intelligence with the certainty that it produces something desired by you and does not have to involve the abandonment of the body; the idea of feeling without thoughts could frighten you, maybe as a feeling that you are going to be out of control, ask your superior intelligence to give you a signal in the form of satisfaction or joy about everything is fine, it is not necessary to reason if it is fine, you will know it, whenever I refer to asking a signal like this to the higher intelligence it must be a recognizable signal, a signal that prompts you to continue with sufficient certainty, some parts of the mind may oppose but something tells you with certainty that you must do it, then there is a process in which you know and you are taken knowing, when you got practice will be fluid and pleasant, because it relaxes the mind and improves your health by releasing the habit of resorting to discursive or very concentrated thoughts to make decisions, which can be done occasionally but not as a slavery, you can even try something strange in this meditation, something in Zen Buddhism is called thinking without thinking, you imagine your being as something transcendental and invisible that is making instantaneous decisions in your conscience and although you don't see what decisions you feel you should act or think according to those decisions, but this must be done by asking for a signal to that higher intelligence, to that transcendental something, then you will not reason that you do the right thing, you receive the signal from your upper unconscious zone, that unconscious zone sends it to what I would call the root of each chakra or center of consciousness, which connect with the brain and heart, these root zones in coordination with the physical organs process the idea, compare it with your true interests for the moment and you feel like the next movement is backed up, but to feel that is like a lightning bolt and there is no time to think about it, you must keep in your interests the intention to act when the movement is backed up. Never be disappointed if the intelligence seems to fail to you and make you do something silly, sometimes the channels are not free from interference and external entities, sometimes they can make you think or do nonsense. Copying this synchronization process and taking it to your daily tasks will give you more mental freedom and will speed up many everyday processes, and yet it is something that you already did in some activities maybe without thinking about the fact, I mean walking, eating, doing body coordinated movements for balance, etc... It is something you do and it is enough, perhaps it is not guided by the highest level of intelligence beacuse it has not been necessary, but it is done with an incredible intelligence compared to ordinary reflexive reasoning, do you would reason at every moment the exact point in space to where you are going to move an arm and at the same time a foot and repeat the process with reasoning until you are 100% convinced that the next position is correct, millimeter to millimeter for giving an unit of measure? It really seems absurd, but so many things are done in everyday life ignoring the tremendous potential of the superior intelligence that can assist us. The purpose of this meditation will be to sharpen your connection with superior intelligence and even to have flashes or revelations of knowledge in the form of intuitive ideas, in other free moments you can continue practicing the previous methods of observing anything desired, then apply the same interiorization by disconnecting yourself of unwanted ideas. The time that you must dedicate to each exercise you must feel it with your personal plan, don't do things that you feel that can make to you a not suitable damage, sacrifice can always be, unless you make of these processes something that satisfies you. In order to brighten your life and attract more positive mental states, positive energies, and to improve the perception of truth I propose the following: imagine that your being in its depth contains a source of joy, ask your superior intelligence to send you joy all day, be receptive to that joy, try to feel it for real and enjoy it whenever you want; it is important to mention something that I mentioned in the first methods, for all work with the higher intelligence you must allow it to take energy and will from you, but you must give it sincerely, always feeling a sign that it is right for your best interests. Remember that other beings can deceive you to steal your energy from hidden areas to the common eye, can make you believe that they are your intelligence and are not, so you must act with certainty that it is the right thing, perhaps the idea of acting continuously and with speed if at the same time you must be sure is something weird, the superior intelligence is powerful and in your centers of mental consciousness there is also the ability to follow a synchronized rhythm with that higher intelligence on a fluid time, it is something that you simply have to do when you feel yo have to do it, it is a point where the reasoning already hinders, in which the forms of thought perhaps give you the initial impulse but then you continue fighting against the mind or external influences if they oppose to keep you in this state, it is very pleasant when you reach the highest levels of release, if it is the case it begins to release large tensions that you had for a long time and that were not positive for your health. Much encouragement, persistence and courage to move forward. Remember to do it all by own decision and if you feel ready for these practices.

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