Mindfulness Why Time Is An Illusion By Marc Geroux

By Loreena in Self-Help Product & Book Reviews,
Mindfulness Why Time Is An Illusion by MARC GEROUX     this is a fantastic book and everyone should get it. So a big thumbs up. Its available at amazon and you can get it right away. I had to dowmload, read it, write review all within a short time. it talks about how time is an illusion and it may not really be the way we think it is. My favorite line from the book is “there exists only the present instant. There is no yesterday, nor any tomorrow, but only Now.” The other golden line from this book is each fleeting moment is just a fresh incarnation in awareness. There is a wonderful quote by Prof William James "..the thoughts themselves are the thinkers." The self is an identity created by us. it is gradually developed through our past moments. The thoughts we have become objects because we identify strongly with them and these thoughts then become the basis or foundation of who we are. We use time and mostly our past to create an identity for ourselves which is generally false. our materialistic lifestyle has resulted into excessive thinking and analysis. Much of this book may have been inspired by Tolle's work so Tolle fans like me would indeed love it, To consider thoughts as real brings immense suffering. This is where mindfulness meditation comes handy. chapter 2 talks about the origin of mindfulness meditation. Chapter 3 tells about the benefits of mindfulness meditation . It helps the brain like changes in size of amygdala, reduced levels of C-reactive protein and many other body-mind benefits, the benefits even extend to diseases like cancer. HIV, fibromyalgia, tinnitus, ADHD, anxiety, depression, IBS and a host of other problems including addictions. It also benefits communication in  relationships and increases the level of closeness among partners. Chapter 4 deals with meditation basics and ways to achieve mindfulness. Chapter 5 gives a layout of techniques to gain access to the now. These access points are called portals. Different ways of accessing the portals to the now have been explained in depth I had to write this review in a jiffy( so you can all get it quick)  so I know there are formatting(and grammar) errors. Apologize for that.   Thank you for creatinng this wonderful gem of a book. Happy Reading.    
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