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This Is Hilarious

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These past few days, something very weird happened.
At first it was difficult to perceive it, I didn't even know what I was dicovering something.
This morning I could clearly see what it was, for the first time.

So right now you think you're a spiritual seeker, that you actually want to know what reality is, that in some sort of way, you want to be aware of yourself ?
This is true and wrong at the same time, because you actually designed this game so perfectly, that everything is made to not realize this.
You also really want it, otherwise there wouldn't be a possibility to actually do it.

This is easily explained by what infinity is, which is every possibility of everything in all directions/time/space/senses and even senses/space/time that we can't even think about as human beings, because our mind and perception are limited.

So the thing I discover this morning was this, I want and don't want to realize it, BOTH.
I just realized that everytime my perception of reality started to get weird, my eyes instantly moved, by themselves.
Everytime the mind becomes extremely quiet, it tries to pull itself to some fantasy to think about, or some concepts to explain to random people it doesn't even know.

If you can see that for yourself, for real, in your everyday experience, you'll start to have lots of fun xD
This is hilarious because it is the mind that thinks it's stupid, and the mind itself that laugh at it because it's hilarious to think it's stupid !

Not only that, but you also start to understand that it's all a prank you're doing to yourself.

Just a joke xD


God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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duude, imagine what enlightenment would be like,,

way way more beyond this. 

This experiences really pumps me up

Sarcaste <3 the Sarcasm in Me acknowledges and honors the Sarcasm in You 

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I totally get what you mean.

I was walking on the street and saw a women in the car performing a stupid maneuver. When I caught myself bashing her for that in my mind, aware of that useless negativity, I couldn't resist, but just laugh.

It for sure had that "prank" vibe to it.

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