
Solo-retreat To Work On The Life Purpose-course

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I'm currently in the Swiss Alps in a Solo-Retreat with the purpose of working on the life-purpose course (Day 5 today). Is anyone interested to hear about it? If so, I would write short summaries about my days.

Edited by vibrate

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Sure, go on.

”Unaccompanied by positive action, rest may only depress you.” -- George Leonard

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please let us know of all the details.


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@vibrate I would love for you to take this opportunity to write to yourself on this post. Can you truly do that? Can you see that we are you and write to yourself? 




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I’ve realized that I can’t really talk about content of course, so I will just summarize the rest.

First of all, when I saw Leo doing a solo-retreat I was immediately intrigued. I have been on many retreats before but never on my own. But come think of it, it really is the next logical step for me.

I’m transitioning out of a NGO-career to start out on my own, so I felt after I finished work at the end of June I’d allocate some time to get accustomed to my new life (I also got a divorce, sold my appartment, moved to a new city and am basically living in a totally different reality than 2 years ago).

I debated with myself whether to make it a meditation retreat, but then came up with focussing on the life-purpose content. I had found Leo and started on the course only several weeks before and had made some progress, but feared I might not prioritize it enough with other things coming my way.

Situation: I’m in a chalet in the mountains. While there are other holiday homes nearby, almost noone is up here. I do love the mountains and the fresh air. I go for strolls around the little lake that is nearby.

Conditions: Up until yesterday it was cold and windy and rained a lot. I stayed inside most of the time and kept the fire going. Now it’s summery weather and I could meditate outside for the first time this morning.


  • No hiking!  I deliberately did not bring my hiking boots as to deprive me of the possibility to go on on of the longer hikes. Strolls around the house are fine.
  • No entertainment. Everything I read or watch must be related to the life purpose content.
  • No texting, no phonecalls etc.
  • No complicated food-logistics. I do a combination of porridge for breakfast and a mono diet of mung beans, rice and vegetables (a recipe by Yogi Bhajan) and it works great.

Insights so far

A retreat-setting definitely helps getting some pretty serious work done on the course, and thinking longer about it.

Had quite a breakthrough with one of the visualization exercises on day 2.

Read „the big leap“. Instead on rushing on tot he next book (I have 15 here with me just  to have the choice) I take time to repeat the important content from the book and to think about it.

Meditate way more than I thought I would because the need to do more increases.

I feel content and happy most of the time.

I cope way better with being all alone 24/7 than I thought I would.

I have a lot of energy and it gradually increases. Trouble to wind down to be able to sleep.

Wake up most of nights around 3 am hearing all kinds of noises, unsure what is real or unreal.

Less is definitely more. It doesn’t matter how much you get done, staying in your own space is whats counting. I’m way slower that I though I’d be but it feels exactly right.

How I start the day (Alarm goes off at 8)

  • A Kundalini Yoga Kriya
  • 3 different Kundalini Yoga meditations: One I always do, one I do for 90 days and one I do for 120 (today is day 40 for both of those), takes me about an hour
  • 20 minutes doing nothing (just learned that technique)
  • 10 minutes meditating on the "ultimate sucess mantra" from "the big leap"
  • 5 minutes reviewing my values
  • however long it takes to review the work I’ve done on the course

Day 6 today and I have another night, full day and night before to go  before I need to head back :)

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@vibrate Great initiative! Hope you got some good insights from it.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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