
Wisdom Of The Subtle

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[An understanding, An appreciation] It all started when someone on a post that mentioned watching the breath as part of an enlightenment technique. That was sometime yesterday? Intuitively and in a state of chaos with myself, I knew their was something to it. As much as I made a point about this technique, i might've done 2 hours of this in total.

This watching of the breath is so grounding, so blissful(maybe you won't notice how it is at first), It reminds us the simplicity of life, to just be, Exist, without need, It is the embodiment of what you think when "Zen" comes to your mind. Even amidst your mindgames, just listening to your breath releases the hell of it. So much that I fell asleep amidst watching my breath. The nap was one of the most refreshing naps I've had and when I awoke, I found no mindgame to be had.

Well after that I went out with some pals, They directly or indirectly made me think of a few things about my life. Am I manipulating others? Am I lying to others? Is this moralistic? Under what conditions isn't it? Well these things were always on my mind, but I was chasing myself in circles trying to find the answer instead of stepping back to see the picture.(As a result of the higher "zen" state) I understood what was important to me, what mattered and what didn't and I didn't have to prove to others I was a decent human being: I was all that was needed, not to be simplified in terms of good or bad. You know what's the crazy part? This was all done half subconsciously as a result of just existing.

It was really when I began listening to semi meditative music that I began to understand how beautiful life is. How everything regardless of if it was wrong or right was necessary in teaching me the way of my life. How wonderful and amazing the human beings I've been given the privilege to be with. How even those who crossed me were needed to show me my path in life ultimately. The world and those I held dear were so beautiful in that moment. It made me want to express my gratitude and appreciation in fullest. This little event reminded me of a trip that sent ripples across my life many months ago. Besides the beautiful and godly music, This was a rather subtle event, It was how subtle it was that made it so beautiful. Not all the greatest things lie in the final prize. 


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