Hero in progress

The Nature Of Perception (a Must Read)

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The Nature Of Perception

In this post I am going to attempt to explain the nature of perception. Now bare in mind this is a difficult subject matter, and I am in no way the expert here. But I have had "conscious" contact with the truth of perception.

I encourage you to contemplate this subject in depth intill you get several hits on this in your own experience. Now My explanation will not be the most comprehensive description that you can here, for more information on this subject I invite you to Read Peter Ralstons books on consciousness. Its Thanks to his consciousness in the matter and excellent explanations covered in his books that I was able to make these distinctions in my own experience.

To put this in the right context, I would like to inform you that I have in no way finished my contemplations on the nature of perception. So bare that in mind. The reason I am bringing this to your attention is because I want to emphasize the point that there is always more to become conscious of. So just because you understand the communications here, does not mean you have "got it" in other words your job is to become directly conscious of this in your own experience, intill it has become apart of ones own personal daily life.

We first need to understand that the truth is inherent in the thing itself, meaning you will find the truth directly in the matter itself. To give you a simple example, if I was to say to you I have two arms and two legs, don't believe me or disbelieve me! Look for yourself and find out if what I assert is true "DIRECTLY" that's a important distinction you need to make in consciousness work.

So enough jibba jabba let's got to it.

The sequence of encounter

Our experience occurs for us as a proccess, this happens incredibly fast and is something we are not usually aware of. Let's go through the proccess together.

Direct experience> Perception> interpretation> meaning> effect> reaction 

First of all we have direct experience, if you haven't had a direct experience of reality yet then you might be abit confused by what that means. But to put it into simple terms direct experience is were you are one with what's there, there isn't any separation involved, no distance, no proccess. 

Then we move from direct experience into the automatic proccess of the following, The next being perception.

Perception is always indirect, implying separation from that which is being perceived. This is what people experience in daily life. If you feel and experience like you are a separate entity, separate from everything else its because perception dominates your daily experience of life. In order to persist and survive in life we need this function of perception to operate all the time, in order to receive feedback about what's encountered, perception itself implies that its indirect. Separate from, we never experience what the thing is itself but rather what that thing is to me, see? Perception is a for me phenomenon.

The information we receive is not the thing encountered, for a analogy its like you are in your own separate room, and you encounter other things that are also in there own separate room, isn't that what its like for you? When you walk down the street doesnt it feel like your in your own separate box or room and you then perceive and encounter other separate rooms. Grasping this distinction of perception is rather difficult because it is happing all the time, your like a fish in water, its everywhere and because of this it goes unnoticed and is probably just considered to be what life Is like and is just a simply a reflection of reality, so this will need contemplation.

The next step in this proccess is interpretation, this is were what has been perceived then becomes something specific for us, we are discerning what this "thing" is we have encountered and getting some feedback/ information about it. This is because in order for a self to persist we need to make sense of what something is in a immediate and basic way.

The next step is meaning, this is were we discern what this thing means in relation to our self identity and self agenda, is it a threat? Is it valuable? Ect what does it mean to me?  Is it good? Bad? is it useful and so on. Our automatic minds functions rapidly to relate what's perceived and interpreted to our overall and immediate survival needs. This meaning immediately shows up as a charged feeling, isolating it as a positive or negative, as well as providing the information about how we should relate to it.

The charged feeling and its effect is what comes into our consciousness, the effect will arise as a feeling disposition motivating us to take the course of action that is deemed most appropriate by ourselves. 

The last step in the proccess is the reaction or action that we take that has been caused or motivated by the feeling disposition that arised.

Now this may seem rather complicated so I will give you some example from my own experience that I spotted last night to help you better understand and help ground it for you in your own experience.

Firstly I went into my sisters room last night I informed her that the pizza that she had been cooking was burned.

So first of all she has perceived me that which she is separate from, she then interpreted what I said making sense of the communication, she then related what I said to her self agenda and what it means to her "the pizza is burned"  and from that has a negative feeling disposition arise in her stomach, were she has determined that a burned pizza is not good for her self agenda, something along the lines of "I hate burned pizza how am I going to eat that" and thus the reaction or response that come from her was anger, the anger arises as a response from the emotional pain that came in the form of a internal state. Her reaction then came in the form of swearing and shouting, exclaiming "why didn't anyone fucking turn it off?"  

So you can see from this, how this sequence unfolds, it happens at lighting speed and you are not are of it, what comes into your consciousness is the meaning and effect, in my sisters case the negative feeling disposition, and anger is all she is conscious of, because what leads up to being motivated to act is not important to a self's survival & wellbeing what to do about it is the important thing to a self.

This all takes serious contemplation and mindful observation to catch this happening  in real time, these things are happening all the time. To live a truely transformed life of unity you will need to become deeply conscious of perception in the relative world. 




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