
What Am I Even Asking?

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I'm having a slight brain melt down here. If you can follow and understand me please offer your thoughts.

Am I asking you all to communicate the incommunicable experience that is enlightenment itself? 


If enlightenment is the destruction of the ego and 'realisation' that oneself is not a separate entity and is actually everything/nothingness/infinity then what are we doing living these 'lives' with these crazy egos. It seems the purpose of everything is to know that we are everything? 

Or in other words...

If we all are this void/infinity/nothingness. What am I just now with this ego? Am I still the infinity?


This is possibly the hardest thing I have ever tried to communicate to someone else. 

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"This is the result of trying to philosophizing too much... You are awareness but you are not the concept of awareness.. Anything that you think about awareness is a concept, and that concept is not you. And if you notice anything that seems like anything, it is not you either.

Don't try to twist your head to look at your own eyes, you will end up mistaking something that you see for your eyes.. Anything that you see with your eyes cannot be your eyes.

Any word to define who you really are is not the right word.. People have chosen the words awareness or nothingness because they are close in pointing out what it is.."

I think this helps me understand things.

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14 minutes ago, Cammy said:

I'm having a slight brain melt down here. If you can follow and understand me please offer your thoughts.

Am I asking you all to communicate the incommunicable experience that is enlightenment itself? 

Of course now can enlighten you with words. You have to do the practices. 

If enlightenment is the destruction of the ego and 'realisation' that oneself is not a separate entity and is actually everything/nothingness/infinity then what are we doing living these 'lives' with these crazy egos. It seems the purpose of everything is to know that we are everything? 

Being, not a realization.

Haven't you ever played a video game or watched a movie? What was the point of that?


Or in other words...

If we all are this void/infinity/nothingness. What am I just now with this ego? Am I still the infinity?

Yes, but you're not conscious of it. It will fill up inside of you like an ocean of love and pour  right through you as laughter and tears.  I would put down infinity, nothingness, everything. They're words from one who experienced enlightenment. If you're on the path still towards it, those are concepts, and that is illusion, and I think it might be making it harder for you.  Only the practices will 'move the needle'.

This is possibly the hardest thing I have ever tried to communicate to someone else. 

That's great! 




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3 minutes ago, Nahm said:

Only the practices will 'move the needle'.

I better start practising then. 

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@Cammy What you're doing every day is living to survive as an ego. Which is the opposite of enlightenment.

What you are now as this ego is infinity pretending it is finity.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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On 13/07/2017 at 1:18 AM, Cammy said:

I'm having a slight brain melt down here. If you can follow and understand me please offer your thoughts.

Am I asking you all to communicate the incommunicable experience that is enlightenment itself? 


If enlightenment is the destruction of the ego and 'realisation' that oneself is not a separate entity and is actually everything/nothingness/infinity then what are we doing living these 'lives' with these crazy egos. It seems the purpose of everything is to know that we are everything? 

Or in other words...

If we all are this void/infinity/nothingness. What am I just now with this ego? Am I still the infinity?


This is possibly the hardest thing I have ever tried to communicate to someone else. 

Your present experience is exactly this - a present. That's how I feel about it. At times, however, it changes the letters around and the present slips away, becomes a slippery serpent. That's when you're in the shithole of life, enduring hardships, thinking "Why me, ffs?? I don't want to be here, I don't want to be doing this. How am I so unlucky? etc" - Those are the wrong questions, because they fuel the suffering (self enquiry is the right question, but that's not the point of this post, although it should be helpful:D )  

The best analogy is with the dream state. You become someone else in the dream state, yet you still are you in there. You are not that dream entity, yet inside the dream you behave as if you are it without questioning. How can that be? Translate that in waking life and see how it is possible that you are not the body nor mind, but are something deeper, that you haven't yet even seen (as the waking-dream entity, just as the dream entity doesn't know it is you (the sleeping man in bed), until it becomes enlightened (lucid dreaming) ). So I project Enlightenment as lucid waking. Same thing, different levels and dimensions.

Open your mind to the possibility that you truly don't know who you are and that you have not seen your true self (This is paraphrasing one of Leo's suggestions somewhere on the forum that has stuck with me deeply to this day and fuel my self enquiry). Now the journey to the center of the Earth  of your being can begin.

Thinking about these things is just chit chat that doesn't help, it's the logical mind dissecting and making sense of things. The logical mind wants to create "A Theory of Everything" or formula for Enlightenment. I don't know if those goals are possible, but for sure in a probabilistic dream such as this, actively participating in Enlightenment work and following the spiritual teachings is a sure way to increase your probability of becoming an enlightened (awakened, lucid) character in the dream of consciousness. Ofcourse I do not know that for certain, but I project my understanding into what I think (believe) is true based on my observations. I am not attached to that position, and could be very wrong. Best is not to think about things that are unprovable in the first place. Best is not to attach to any position - I am Ego, I am Enlightened - both are positions.

To be truly Enlightened, I project that one should not have any fixed positions. But that is impossible as long as there is an I, because of the following paradox I already posted about on the forum: 

To have no fixed positions is a fixed position in itself. It can only be achieved in the 0 point, where the I becomes 0, there truly can be no fixed positions, because there is no-one to have them. 




Edited by Dodo

-1/12 is Infinity 

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