
Deconstructing The Ego

7 posts in this topic

Hi Everyone,


This is my first post here. I've been in and out of personal development over the last few years but more recently the last few months I've been taking it on more regularly. As I am aware it is a long journey in this work.

My question is how do we deconstruct the ego? So basically I keep coming back to this topic of the Ego being the soul deriver of all emotional issues. The reason it keeps surfacing for me is due to my continual awareness and consciousness growing and making it easier to see where the ego is at fault for day to day circumstances. I feel a lot of guilt and sometimes shame after preventing any of my ego affiliated issues. Even though deep down I have this clarity that it is doing my inner level benefit it doesn't remove the negativity immediately afterwards. 

I've been trying to install a meditation habit to help build consciousness towards my negative egotistical behaviours. But so far I haven't been able to tap into it as of yet. I feel more then just being aware and building consciousness I need other infrastructures to help reconstruct my ego.

Im minimising social media and trying to give my self adequate time of an evening for reflection, reading, meditation and so on. It's just so distracting when working a full time job, having a relationship and being in an environment that doesn't coincide with my mental movement. It's not that I have certain individuals attempting to push me off course it's just the mundane societal issues that make it continually hard and distracting for progression.

any suggestions or onsights would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

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This is exactly how:

If you would only discipline yourself to sit down and do it.


You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Prabhaker Due to your ambiguous insights previously on this thread. Just would like to ask a question on identity.

I have recently spoke with a friend on identity, he can't see beyond conventional perspectives that the outside world like culture, religion, science, society define our identity. I was trying to explain to him that these things are visual descriptions and accumulations and can help us to operate in the world and maybe give insight to biography but do not constitute who we are. He seems to think, as many do, that if it were not for these things you would be lost and unable to operate. I was trying to explain identifying with the outside only causes limitation to well being potential consciousness, that many identify with their thoughts and learnt knowledge causing blindness to what is undescribable.

could you please eluducate on identification and the issues within it? And how society should operate with identity?

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  On 4/4/2018 at 11:54 AM, Jacobsrw said:

He seems to think, as many do, that if it were not for these things you would be lost and unable to operate.

He is correct, ego is needed because the true self is not known. Journey from ego to true self is very arduous. A great fear and a great confusion, a great chaos is bound to happen. One has to pass through such chaos, that is part of spiritual growth. When you start moving inwards, you start falling into an emptiness, and great fear arises, the fear of going mad, the fear of losing your identity. There is no shortcut to it, and those who seek shortcuts are bound to be deceived by somebody. 

No society allows it to happen, because the real self is dangerous. Once a man knows his real self, he will live according to his light. He no longer belongs to the mob psychology. If he can move in the society like an actor on the stage, only then he can adjust in society. 

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As Prabhaker stated,the journey is not all bliss and happiness. Awakening,ime,was the fun part. Awakening is the real beginning of the journey. You get a real experiential dose of Truth,anywhere from a few minutes, to a few hours,even a few days. Divine love,Oneness,experience/realization that "I Am That", to quote Nisargadatta Maharaj.  This lights the spiritual fire ( bhakti) to pursue the path to the end. Once Truth has been seen ,it can't be unseen, nor forgotten, and no rest will be had until one has returned to his/her original nature.

A lot of spiritual teachers,guru's etc., talk about the bliss and ecstasy of enlightenment,but disregard or "forget" to mention the turbulent fight to get there. It's not good marketing,lol. 

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@Prabhaker the problem is he didn't understand the inflection point of passing through the ego process. He thinks Identity from the outside world is necessity for the entirety of ones life. He doesn't believe in a journey from the ego because identity from the outside is all he thinks there is. There fore in a paradigm of never understanding the self but from outside stimulus. 

Edited by Jacobsrw

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