
Scared Of Actual Demons

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This is getting quite ridiculous...

Watching Leo's latest video on the paranormal has opened up my mind, but also released a deep fear from childhood.

As a child, I was always naturally scared of things, but horror movies, especially those involving demons etc (Paranormal Activity etc) would keep me awake for nights on end. I always had this deep curiosity and interest for demons.

I overcame this fear with rational thinking eventually, but occasionally when camping or in solitude, I would always wonder if there was something else out there, but I would dismiss it.

This is going to sound really silly, but I am genuinely afraid of such an entity existing. Earlier this year I read that an entity can attach itself to your suffering and feed off it, and that made me paranoid when on my own, but I overcame that with rationality.

I used to be fearless (or so I thought), but now I can barely sleep or meditate early in the morning for fear of nightmares or sleep paralysis. My imagination is constantly making up grotesque and spine-chilling demons that, with the whimpering plea of a child, I do not want to ever encounter.

I used to be able to go running late at night in the dark forest, it was serene, I craved the beauty of the isolation but now with this opened mind of the paranormal, I cannot seal the paranoia. I am constantly unnerved by figures in the shadows and even the slightest sounds. I have always wondered what I would do if I did see one, but It would depend on its appearance I would either attack it and hope that it is imaginary or sit in shock as it approaches me or stands ominously still.

Is this a spiritual problem or simply a juvenile dwelling?  


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@Weltschmerz it's just your imagination. if you're going to open your mind, be responsible for what you let in.

these beliefs are clearly decreasing your life quality. you used to run late at night in the dark forest. that was fucking awesome.

throw them away again.

Edited by ajasatya

unborn Truth

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@Weltschmerz Sounds like the Predator Movies, "Get to the Chopper!" or "You can't see the eyes of the demon until he come a calling".

I think it might be part of some personalities to have a sense of something not quite right "You don't know what it is, but it's there...like a splinter in you're mind, driving you mad." Perhaps a bit like Descartes evil demon argument. Probably something to do with various elements of the unconscious mind bleeding through to the conscious, imho. What to do with such a situation no idea, nothing to see here carry on I guess.

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Demons go away by changing your views of them.  Never experienced a demon before, but I used to be afraid of the dark as a teen because of The Ring movie.  I would cover up my tv before bed with a blanket, lol.  

I like darkness.  There is something comforting about it.  I will bet that a demon would be much weaker than a God anyways.  Like a two year old punching you in the shin.

A demon is probably an analogy to the ego or pain body feeding on fears and growing.  Like how Hindu Gods are conceptualized stories about the egos path towards Enlightenment.  The concepts can be made real, I don't know how, but it is usually because consciousness is trying to show you something within yourself.

So for you a demon could be real if you feed it.

Good wolf, bad wolf story. 


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@Weltschmerz Fear feeds what is (perceived) evil in your mind. The more you feed it the more likely for it to manifest. So stop feeding your mind with fear. Change your thinking to what is loving.

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Hahahaha, Alright I'll go running in the forest at night again.

I can now see how this is just imagination being fed, thank you for your help.

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  On 7/12/2017 at 4:29 PM, Weltschmerz said:

I do not want to ever encounter.

You know that when you are alone in the night they are there. But you are unnecessarily afraid of poor demons. Compared to human beings, they are very innocent people. Have you ever heard of any demon turning into an Adolf Hitler? or Genghis Khan or Tamerlaine? Have you ever heard of demons creating Hiroshima, Nagasaki, preparing for the Third World War? Have you ever heard of demons doing any harm? Their harm, if sometimes you hear some stories, is more or less trivial - small things.

They are also afraid of you. You don't be worried. They are already worried very much; they are afraid of you. Demons are simple people, very simple. In fact, they are the same people like you, they just don't have bodies so they can't do much harm.

Don't bother about demons - just go into the fear. Tremble if trembling comes, but don't find any explanation that you are trembling because of the demons. That is just an explanation to explain away the fear.Just go into trembling, tremble for no reason at all. If you feel like screaming, scream for no reason at all - but go into the fear itself; don't bring anything else in between you and the fear. That is a trick of the mind. And if you can go deep down into the fear, you will be surprised: the deeper you go, the more and more fear dissipates, disappears. And when you touch the very core, the very bottom core of it, it has disappeared. You are simply there, utterly silent.

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I am constantly unnerved by figures in the shadows and even the slightest sounds. I have always wondered what I would do if I did see one,

you are already seeing demons, they are very much apart of your world...which is why you can relax and stop fearing them. 
you may not see them with your physical eyes but with in your inner being, in your minds eye they are very much there, your fear is proof....their presence in your awareness is undeniable....you are not seeing them with your eyes but in your inner planes, in your feelings they are already there, they are seen and experienced in surface levels and deeper levels.  
A whole lot goes on psychically beneath the daily physical life.  

if you can just realize that the demons are already there,you can realize that they're not that scary, you've already been dealing with them; you can start letting go of them.  

the very second you fear something, it is already in the midst of your being.  
the person who fears getting robbed while he walks around, is getting robbed every moment that he walks around.  
there is no such thing as the future, as such fear is not a feeling that is a reaction to a probable future event, it is an event happening right now.  
the person who fears that they might lose their money and become poor even though that person is well off, psychically in their inner being they are living as a poor person that lost their money.  

once you fear something you've already been hypnotized, the only way out is to accept. 
''if I lose my house, I will be alright, if I'm robbed I will be alright somehow, if demons are real, I'll be alright'' 
the illusion then dispels.....

as you accept that demons are real, you perspective of them will change....you might start seeing them as creatures that cannot harm you, you might start seeing them as forms of suffering, you might take pity on them, you might even stop believing in them. 
but always, accept what is

aren't demons very powerful? they're so scary because they posses such insane vitality....
what would happen if you stop fearing demons? what sort of person would you be?
a person that does not fear demons? can't you feel the power? 

this power is yours, it has always been, you are facing your own power realize that, you're afraid of your own power. 
it's called power projection, you can take it all back. 
realize the perfect plot set-up by your higher self. how many people have the opportunity in their lives to face real demons and overcome their fear about them? 
this is a situation unique to yours, your belief in demons allows you to face them, which allows you to overcome them. 




Edited by Arkandeus

Stellars interact with Terrans from ÓB (Earth’s Low Orbit).!

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The demons of the Goetia are not these malevolent beings that they were painted as, they are human loving entities that only wish to help humanity! The word demon comes from the Latin "daemon" meaning "teacher/demonstrator"  That's why when we say someone is instructing, they are DEMONstrating what to do. 


The leader of this group of beings whom created humanity is known as Enki. His brother is Enlil. They created humanity for scientific studies, and merged their DNA with ours. Many of the beings of this race completely disagreed with the doing of Enki, and opposed him and his followers. (Kind of like we do with democrats republicans). Imagine if we gave a primate our DNA and it was able to think advanced, talk, dance, create...many would call it an Abomination, but many would support it. 


The group that opposed humanity's creation are known as Angels. At first, Enlil was against humanity, and created a plan to destroy us. This was the invention of Abrahamism, and was designed to suppress spiritual knowledge. Enlils brother Enki eventually convinced Enlil (also known as Beezelbub, The jade emperor) into siding with humanity, but there was one being who hated humanity. This was Michael (known as Archangel Michael)  he took Enlils plan if Abrahamism and helped popularize it to the high priests of humanity. All spiritual knowledge was mostly lost (except for those in the mystery schools still in contact with Enki) with the creation of the Abrahamic faiths. Wars, barbarianism,  whatever you name it were created because of the angels. The angels appear to humans as these benevolent beautiful white light beings. This couldn't be further than the truth. They trick, deceive, and want humanity to fail. It's all part of a political debate involving Enki (also known as EA, Malik T'aus). 



Edited by Russell
Submitted accidentally before ready

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  On 7/15/2017 at 6:13 PM, Russell said:

 The word demon comes from the Latin "daemon" meaning "teacher/demonstrator" 


Linguistic intervention :P


From Ancient Greek δαίμων (daímōn, “dispenser, god, protective spirit”).


(Classical) IPA(key): /ˈdae̯.mon/, [ˈdae̯.mõ]

(Ecclesiastical) IPA(key): /ˈdɛ.mon/, [ˈdɛː.mon]


daemon m (genitive daemōnis); third declension

a genius loci, a lar, the protective spirit or godling of a place or household

(astrology) the 11th of the 12 signs of the zodiac

(ecclesiastical) a demon

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@Lynnel thank you so much! I totally misspoke. 


Are you and I also on the same page in believing that these advanced beings called "demons" are not the boogeymen that Abrahamics make them out to be? 


(Of course there are definitely malevolent beings on the astral plane..its just been misconstrued) 

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@Weltschmerz I've had the same issue since Leo's video. I used to be fucking scared of Hell going to a Christian High School. I've been able to put all that behind me but for some reason, probably because I trust Leo as my source of information, it really fucked me up thinking that Demons/Hell etc exist.

I realise it's got nothing to do with him and just my quality of mind and web of beliefs that have re-inserted / re-surfaced this, but obviously it's difficult to deal with when you think "hey all possiblities are possible, so that means i could probably just be stuck in the hell that I keep imaging. I keep thinking i'll attract it by putting my worry and attention on it. I can't even watch Leo's video on Absolute Infinity at the moment because my anxiety has returned! 

I brewed some Ayhuasca the other day but it was fairly light strength. It was a really difficult mild trip because my thinking / ego brain was quite active and I kept going into negative thoughts and feelings. Every time my consciousness went into nothingness and tried to let go of my Ego to experience absolute infinity I felt myself grasping in fear of that potential evil that may await. It's fucked up because I've spent the last year getting rid of my anxiety and felt super grounded. I've been able to have many heavy trips without any issue at all as well.

I'm going to trust this is part of my purification process since I had a really heavy awakening / enlightenment experience the night before that mild experience and I've been struggling living in this reality ever since. 

If anyone has any further techniques or advice on dealing with this it would be much appreciated. 

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Hello I'm new here, this is a great site.

I did a search on nightmares and found several different threads so decided to make my first post here, since all of my demon encounters have been in dreams.

I had some intense dreams the past few nights, and in the middle of a scary one, I actually remembered something I read on this site about bad trips and how they can be good learning experiences, so I thought maybe that's true of dreams also. So I kind of made myself stay in the dream for a bit longer than usual. Then last night I had a really scary one, and instead of looking away from the monster in the dream, I just stared at its face and then I became the monster.

Usually I wake up terrified, or I just cower in fear till the dream ends, so this time I noticed that I took different attitude during the dream. I don't know if this qualifies as "lucid dreaming" or not.  I wasn't in total control, the only thing I remember being in control of was that I chose not to try to look away from the monster's face. I didn't feel as though the demon possessed me, it felt more like I possessed the demon. If indeed I did become possessed, I would say that it wasn't totally horrible; there was a pleasurable aspect to it as well.

Then I did all kinds of horrible things as the monster, which I prefer not to go into, and kind of exulted in the evilness of it all, it was as though I was Saruman after having joined the side of Sauron in Lord of the Rings. I might have then awakened and felt like I was a terrible person for indulging in that way, but again I recalled Leo's Rant Against Morality video about not automatically labeling things good or evil. And then I felt less guilty, and now I chalk it up to a super realistic kind of role play, or like if you play a video game and you choose to be the villain character.

Although I'd prefer not to have these kinds of dreams on a regular basis, LOL.

Edited by Clay Basket

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