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Nightmare: War, Tornado, Flood

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Had some nightmares last night, or maybe more of a stress dream than nightmare because while it was disturbing I wasn't really feeling fear.  First I was close to a beach with people, and we were attacked by others, then there was a giant tornado preceded by dark clouds and rain.  The fighting stopped because of the intense weather, I ran to a vehicle and sped down a single lane road surrounded by woods.  The road was flooded in the distance ahead and my path blocked.  I turned the vehicle around.  It gets blurry after that, I remember having sexual encounters after that in a flooded environment but it seemed normal to me.  Very strange.  I've been meditating a lot lately but I've also been under a lot of stress, I'm starting a new job and looking at homes to buy, I'm starting a new path in my life, I feel pretty alone and scared.  

Been dealing with depression/anxiety most of my life.  I've resolved a lot of emotional problems over the past few months of doing light PD work, but I've only scratched the surface.  This was one of those dreams that provides a very strange and bizzare feeling that lingers throughout the day.  I only have intense dreams of this magnitude maybe once or twice per year.  I feel like a different person in the smallest way possible after experiences like these, even though I dream most nights, they don't make me feel this way the following day. 

Edited by MiracleMan


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amazing! wish I had dreams like these'd grow so much as a person going through all that

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