
Ego Vs Ego

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If you watch Leo's videos on ego he says the ego is the observer, literally. Exactly same with Alan Watts. 

Then, when you watch Eckhart Tolle he says to get rid of the ego you should be the observer. Being the observer is the way out of ego.

Wtf? Is there an observer or not? If I go within and say what I feel then the answer is yes. But since my consciousness is at a low level I think it would be wrong to go within.

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I'm not sure either Leo or Alan Watts has said that, but I could be wrong.  

Ego is just a word for the contiguous self that you think you are.  A collection of thoughts, feelings, and emotions (sometimes even body depending on the person and what they consider as part of their self).  It is what you think is the observer, but is really not.  

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@Heart of Space Of course. Alan Watts always goes like 'What you have taken to be the observer is just one of the thoughts.' 'Can you watch the watcher? It does not exist!!'

and in Leo's enlightenment video he says the illusion is the observer.

but then who would it be to talk about ego?

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Ego is basically the thought "I'm separated from everyone, and I need to defend myself".

What you essentially are is the witnessing presence of awareness.

So you are not only the observer of the thoughts, you are the heart of what a thought is made out of, Being. 

In the depths of winter,
I finally learned that within me 
there lay an invincible summer.

- Albert Camus

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@Emre Observing something is distancing yourself from it. It's me over here observing something over there. It's separation.

So observing is not the end goal. It's a step toward not identifying with thoughts and feelings but there is more.

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