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Are visualizing, fantasies(not sexual fantasies) and daydreaming the same thing?

I just made a personal discovery that led me to think that they might be the same thing,the only difference being that visualizing is a more conscious process.I am trying to establish a visualization habit.After I watched Leo's video I tried for the first time to imagine in detail how my "perfect life" would look felt nice,but not that I didn't really wanted that.Then,I remembered the fantasy/daydream I have late at night or in early mornings..which also reflects a set of my unmet needs.When I play it in my head,I feel good(until I become more conscious and my mind comes with counter arguments).

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That's good that you trial-run certain things through visualization. It could save you much time and money otherwise. But remember you will mostly visualize what you already know about. So other aspects of your visualizations will have missing bits (from the real) because you have not experienced them yet.

For example, as a last resort someone may take up a job in aged care, then after awhile they end up liking it, because they found aspects of the job more valuable than the unpleasant bits they first visualized.

On the other hand, many elite athletes regularly meditate on visualizing themselves doing their sport, overcoming possible difficulties, and winning the event. They do this so well, the mind cannot tell if it is a thought or if it was real. To the athlete's mind, they have already experienced winning the event. And as a result, there is no doubt that they can win it.

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