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The Universe

Everyday Life With The Third Eye Chackra Opened

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How does the third eye activation and full opening afect your everyday life ?

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every moment feels intense and unique as i walk around and contemplate the mystery of reality simply happening.

unborn Truth

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14 hours ago, The Universe said:

How does the third eye activation and full opening afect your everyday life ?

Firstly, two points are to be understood. One, the energy of the third eye is really the same as that which moves in the two ordinary eyes - the same energy. It begins to move in a new center. The third eye is already there, but non-functioning, and it cannot see unless these ordinary eyes become unseeing.

The same energy has to move in it. When the energy is not moving in the two eyes it can move in the third, and when it moves in the third the two eyes will become unseeing. They will be there, but you won't be able to see through them. That energy that looks through them will be absent; it will move through a new center. That center is between these two eyes. It is already there, complete; any moment it can function. But it needs energy to function, and that same energy has to be diverted.

Secondly, when you are seeing through the two eyes, you are seeing through the physical body.

The third eye is not really a part of the physical body. It is part of the second body which is hidden - the subtle body, the SUKSHMA SHARIR. It has a corresponding spot in the physical body, but it is not part of it. That is why physiology cannot believe that there exists a third eye or anything like it, because your skull can be analyzed, penetrated, x-rayed, and there is no point, no physical entity which can be said to be the third eye. The third eye is part of the subtle body, the sukshma sharir.

When you die your physical body dies, but your sukshma sharir, your subtle body, moves with you; it takes another birth. Unless the subtle body dies, you can never be freed from the circle of birth- death, rebirth-redeath. The circle moves on.

The third eye belongs to the subtle body. When the energy is moving through the physical body, you are looking through the physical eyes. That is why through the physical eyes you cannot look at anything other than the physical, than the material. The two eyes are physical. Through these eyes you cannot look at anything, cannot see anything which is not physical.

Only with the third eye functioning can you enter a different dimension. Now you can see things which are invisible to the physical eyes, but are visible to the subtle eyes. Then, with the third eye functioning, if you look at a person you look at his soul, at his spirit, not at his body - just like you look at the physical body through the physical eyes, but you cannot see the soul. The same happens when you look through the third eye: you look and the body is not there, just the one who resides in the body.

Remember these two points. Firstly, the same energy has to move. It has to be taken away from the ordinary physical eyes and allowed to move through the third eye. Secondly, the third eye is not part of the physical body. It is part of the subtle body, the second body that is within. Because it is part of the subtle body, the moment you can look through it you look at the subtle world. You are sitting here. If a ghost is sitting here you cannot see it, but if your third eye is functioning you will see the ghost, because subtle existence can be seen only through the subtle eye.

How is the third eye related with this technique of looking? It is deeply related. Really, this technique is to open the third eye. If your two eyes stop completely, if they become non-moving, static, like stones, with no movement in these eyes, the energy stops flowing through them. If you stop them, the energy stops flowing through them. The energy flows; that is why they move. The vibration, the movement, is because of the energy. If the energy is not moving, your eyes will become just like a dead man's eyes - stoney, dead.

Looking at a spot, staring at it without allowing your eyes to move anywhere else, will give a staticness. Suddenly the energy which was moving through the two eyes will not be moving through these eyes. And energy has to move; energy cannot be static. Eyes can be static, but energy cannot be static. When these eyes are closed to the energy, if suddenly the doors are closed and the energy cannot move through these eyes, it tries to find a new path. And the third eye is just near, just between the two eyebrows, half an inch deep. It is just near - the nearest point.

If your energy is released from these eyes, the first thing that can happen is that it will move through the third eye. It is just as if water is flowing and you close one hole: it will find another - the nearest which can be found with the least resistance. It will find it automatically; you do not have to do anything specifically. With these physical eyes, you just have to stop energy from moving through them, and then energy will find its own path and it will move through the third eye.

This movement through the third eye transforms you into a different world. You start seeing things you have never seen, you start feeling things you have never felt, you start smelling things you have never smelled. A new world, a subtle world, starts functioning. It is already there. The eye is there; the world, the subtle world, is already there. Both are there, but not revealed.

Once you function in that dimension, many things become apparent to you. For example, if a person is going to die, if your third eye is functioning you will become immediately aware that he is going to die. No physical analysis, no physical diagnosis can say that certainly he is going to die. At the most, we can talk about probabilities. We can say perhaps he will die, and this statement will be conditional: "If such and such remains the case, he may die; if something can be done he may not die."

Medical diagnosis cannot yet be certain about death. Why? So much development and yet so much uncertainty about death! Really, medical science is trying to deduce death, to infer death, through physical symptoms, and death is a subtle phenomenon, not physical. It is an invisible phenomenon of a different dimension. But with the third eye functioning, you suddenly feel that a man is going to die. How do you feel it? Death has an impact. If the man is going to die, then death has already cast its shadow there, and that shadow can be felt with the third eye at any time.

When a child is born, those who have had much deep practice using the third eye can see the time of his death that very moment. But then the shadow is very subtle. When a person is going to die in six months, then anyone whose third eye functions a little can see the death six months before it comes. The shadow darkens. Really, around you a dark shadow settles down and that can be felt, but not with these two eyes.

With the third eye, you begin to see auras. A person comes to you; he cannot deceive you, because whatever he says is meaningless unless it corresponds to his aura. He may say he is a person who never gets angry, but the red aura will show that he is filled with anger. He cannot deceive as far as his aura is concerned, because he is completely unaware about the aura. Whatsoever he says can be judged through his aura, whether it is right or wrong. With the third eye you start seeing radiations, auras.

In the old days, that was how someone was initiated. Unless the aura was right, the master would wait, because your wish fulfillment was not the question. You may have wanted to be initiated, but that was not enough unless your aura said that you were ready. So for years the disciple had to wait until the aura was ready; it had nothing to do with his desire to be initiated - that is futile. Sometimes even for lives, one had to wait.

For example, Buddha resisted the temptation to initiate women for many years. So much pressure was put upon him; still he would reject this. Ultimately he agreed to initiate women, but then he said, "Now my religion will not be alive after five hundred years; I have compromised. But because you are forcing me, I will initiate women."

What was the reason why he would not initiate women? One basic reason was this: with man, sexual energy can be regulated very easily. A man can become a celibate very easily. With a woman's body it is difficult because menses is a regular phenomenon - unconscious, uncontrollable, non-voluntary.

Semen ejaculation can be controlled, but menses cannot be controlled. Or, if one tries to control it, then it will have very bad effects on the body.

The moment a woman enters her period of menses, her aura changes completely: it becomes sexual, aggressive, depressed, all that is negative surrounds the woman, and this happens every month. Only because of this Buddha was not ready to initiate women. He said that it was difficult because every month the menses moves in a circle, periodically, and nothing can be done voluntarily.

Something can be done, but it was difficult to do that in Buddha's time. Now it can be done.

Mahavir completely denied any possibility of a woman being liberated from a woman's body. He said that a woman has to be born again as a man, and only then can she be liberated. So all the effort should be channelled for a woman to enter a new birth as a man. Why? It was a problem of the aura.

If you initiate a woman, every month she will fall down and the whole effort will be lost. There was no discrimination, no evaluation about whether or not woman and man are equal; that was not the question. But for Mahavir the question was this: how to help? So he found an easier way: to help a woman to be reborn as a man. That was easier. It meant that a woman had to wait for another life, and the whole effort had to be directed toward the goal that she should be born in a male body.

This appeared easier to Mahavir than to initiate a woman, because every month she comes back down to the original state and all effort is lost. But these two thousand years have done much.

Particularly, tantra has done much.

Tantra has found different doors, and tantra is the only system in the world which makes no differentiation between man and woman. Rather, on the contrary, it says that a woman can become easily liberated, and the reason is the same, only looked at from a different angle. Tantra says that because a woman's body is periodically regulated, she can detach herself from her body more easily than man. Because man's mind is more involved in the body, that is why he can regulate it. Man's mind is more involved in the body; that is why he can control his sex.

Woman's mind is not so involved in the body. The body functions as an automata - different, on a different layer, and the woman cannot do anything about it. It is like an automatic mechanism; it goes on. Tantra says that because of this woman can detach herself from her body very easily. And if this becomes possible - this detachment, this gap - then there is no problem.

So it is a very paradoxical thing: if a woman decides to be celibate and to detach herself from her body, she can maintain her purity more easily than a man. Once the detachment is there, then she can forget the body completely. Man can detach himself very easily, can control very easily, but his mind is more involved in the body. That is why he can control, but then he will have to control every day, continuously. And because feminine sex is passive, it is very easy for a woman to be relaxed about sex. Man's sex is active. It is easy for him to control it, but difficult for him to relax about it.

So tantra has been trying to find many, many ways, and tantra is the only system which says there is no difference, that even a feminine structure can be used. So tantra is the only path which gives women equal status. Otherwise, every religion, whatsoever it may say, deep down feels that women are inferior. It may be Christianity, it may be Islam, it may be Jainism, it may be Buddhism, but deep down it feels this, and the reason is the diagnosis through the third eye, the aura - the forming of the aura every month at the time of menses.

With the third eye you become capable of seeing things which are there, but which cannot be seen with ordinary eyes. All the methods about looking affect the third eye, because looking means a certain energy moving outward from you toward the world. If blocked, if suddenly blocked, the energy will find another path, and the third eye is just near.

In Tibet there were even surgical operations for the third eye. Sometimes it happens that your third eye is blocked because you have not used it for millennia. If the third eye is blocked and you stop your eyes, you will feel a certain uneasiness because the energy is there and there is no path where to move. In Tibet they devised certain operations to have the passage cleared. This can be done.

And if it is not done, then many things can happen.

Just two or three days before, one sannyasin - she is here - came to me. She said, "There is a very hot sensation at the third eye." And not only was there the sensation, the skin had become burned as if really someone had burned it from the outside. The sensation, the burning, was inside, but the skin was affected. It became completely burned. She was afraid - what had happened? The feeling was pleasant, the warmth was very pleasant as if something were melting. Something was happening, but even the physical body had become affected, as if actual fire had touched it.

The reason? The third eye had started functioning, the energy began to move in it. It had been cold for lives together; energy never moved through it. When for the first time energy moves there is the warmth. When for the first time energy moves there is the burning sensation. And because the passage has to be created and forced, it may become like fire. It is concentrated energy hammering on the third eye.

In India we have been using sandalwood powder and other things, ghee and other things, just on the third eye spot. We call this mark a TILAK. It is put just on the third eye spot in order to give a certain coolness from the outside. So if warmth comes within and fire moves within, it should not affect the skin outside. Not only can the skin be burnt by it, sometimes even holes have appeared on the skull.

I was reading one of the most penetrating books about one of the very deep mysteries of human existence on the earth. There have always been proposals that man came from some other star, because there seems to be no possibility that man suddenly evolved on earth. There seems to be no possibility really that man could have evolved from a baboon or a chimpanzee. And there has been no link, because if man evolved from the chimpanzee to be man, there must be links - something that is between man and chimpanzee - but there is no such thing. With all the available data and discoveries, we have not yet found a single body structure, a skull or anything, which we can say is a link between the chimpanzee and man.

Evolution means steps. A chimpanzee cannot suddenly become a man - stages must have been followed. But there is no proof, so Darwin's theory remains a hypothesis. There are no in-between links.

So there have always been fantastic proposals that man must have appeared on the earth suddenly.

A man's skull dating very far back, a hundred thousand years back, has been found. But in comparison with other skulls there is nothing lacking in it. It is the same type of skull, with the same brain, with the same structure. We have not evolved really as far as mind structure is concerned.

So it seems man suddenly appeared on earth. He must have come from some other planet. For example, now we are traveling into space, and if we find some planet worth living upon we will populate it; then suddenly man will appear there. I was reading a book about such a proposal, and the author has been finding many things to help his hypothesis.

There is one thing that I wanted to tell you about in connection with this matter of looking. He has found one skull in Mexico and one in Tibet. Both of these skulls have holes at the third eye spot, and the holes are such that they could only have been made by a gun bullet. The skulls are at least one-half million to one million years old. If the holes were made by an arrow, they could not be round. They are so round that they could not have been made by an arrow; only a bullet could make such holes. So that author tries to prove by this that bullets existed one million years before.

Otherwise how were these two men killed?

But really, that doesn't prove anything about bullets. Whenever the third eye is blocked completely and the energy moves suddenly, this hole can appear. The energy is just like a bullet coming from within - just like a bullet. It is concentrated fire; it will create a hole. Those two skulls with holes show not that those men were killed by bullets, but simply that there was a third eye phenomenon. The third eye was blocked completely; energy became concentrated. The eyes were stopped completely; energy could not move, and it became fire. Then it exploded. Just so that there would not be such an accident, in Tibet they discovered and devised methods to make a hole so that the energy could move easily.

So whenever you are trying this looking, remember this: if you feel a burning sensation, do not be afraid. But if you feel that the energy has become a great fire as if a live bullet is there and wants to penetrate the skull - stop the method and come immediately to me. Do not do it further. If you feel as if a bullet is there and it wants to penetrate the skull, stop. Open your eyes and move them as much as you can. Immediately the sensation will drop, the energy will have moved through the eyes. And unless I say something to you do not proceed, because sometimes it has happened that the skull is broken.

Nothing is wrong even if it happens. Even if one dies in it nothing is wrong, because one has achieved something which is beyond death. But just to be safe, stop whenever you feel that something wrong can happen - with any method, not only with this. With any method, if you feel something wrong is possible, stop.

In India now, many methods are being taught and many, many seekers suffer unnecessarily, because those who teach are not even aware of the dangers. And those who follow, they follow in a blind way. They do not know where they are moving or what they are doing.

I am talking about these one hundred and twelve methods specifically because of this - so that you become aware of all the methods, all the possibilities, the dangers, and so that you can then find out which will suit you best. Then if you proceed in any method, you will be fully aware of what can happen, what you have to be aware of, and when something happens how you have to tackle it.

  Osho ~ Vigyan Bhairav Tantra Volume 1 

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I've read in someone's book (non-english) who have opened his third eye, that he can see and talk with creatures co-existing or near or physical reality. It's not unlikely Tolkien's universe, since he talk about forest and stuff.

He have telepathy conversations with higher beings as well, but he say it's hard to describe in words.

Edited by Soulbass

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i believe my third eye is opened. I never know for sure with this because I can't really ask a doctor and confirm.  In December I started feeling energy in my body and chakras opening. After about 6 months I had a moment where my entire self was basically in my third eye area. Happen for a few seconds and then I panicked. Several days later I started to see I think energy fields. It looks like clear rain coming down in a diagonal. I sat outside for an hour cause I had to convince myself I was actually seeing this.  Now, when I look at objects they start to get wavy but it happens so quickly that I have to question if that is happening. It seems like it is a gradual opening.  

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To me by simple means it gives you the ability to "see through all the man-made bullshit, through the matrix/illusion you once lived in but couldn't think or see past until you re-activated it. In a Nutshell :)

Only then you will understand the quote "The eye only sees what the mind is prepared to comprehend"
 to its full extent :P

Edited by pluto


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