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Any Books On Long-term Meditation?

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Hey everyone are there any books on Long-Term Mindfulness Meditation and the effects it will have on you over years of practice because as I do more of it I want to know what it going to start happening to me so that all these results don't suprise me, I can't seem to find any...only books on 'how to meditate for 30 days' or stuff like this, nothing long term... :) 

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The Progress of Insight.

This is used by the Buddhist Vipassana tradition of Mahasi Sayadaw in Burma. It details a series of stages that (supposedly) everyone must pass through as they practice meditation, all the way until enlightenment. Of particular interest is a series of stages in the middle called "The Dark Night of the Soul", which is supposedly very unpleasant and possibly even depressing and seems as if one has "regressed" on the path, but actually is just another stepping stone.

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Thankyou @Flow With Life I will start right way!!! :D

19 hours ago, Flow With Life said:

The Progress of Insight.

This is used by the Buddhist Vipassana tradition of Mahasi Sayadaw in Burma. It details a series of stages that (supposedly) everyone must pass through as they practice meditation, all the way until enlightenment. Of particular interest is a series of stages in the middle called "The Dark Night of the Soul", which is supposedly very unpleasant and possibly even depressing and seems as if one has "regressed" on the path, but actually is just another stepping ston


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Try The Mind Illuminated as well. Good description of all 10 stages, attention vs awareness,  and Awakening. 

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