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Joseph Maynor

Has Enlightenment Work Changed Your Religious Beliefs

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I believed in God before enlightenment work.  I used to say that I both am and am not a Muslim.   I still do believe in God, but I dropped all ideology around God.   My religious beliefs have radically changed since studying enlightenment.   But my perception of God phenomenologically has not changed.  God is very synonymous with intuition though.  But more accurately -- intuition is an aspect of the voice of God.  A quality or trait of God.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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I use to be a Christian. Learning non-duality made Jesus' teachings makes more sense.

God to me right now means nothingness. Even saying that makes it into somethingness

God is

Sarcaste <3 the Sarcasm in Me acknowledges and honors the Sarcasm in You 

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@Joseph Maynor

I don't know. For predistination to occur, we will need to have a pre-determinator. I'm not saying that there is no posibility of a higher conscious being or entity. Everything is possible. Maybe there is a God watching, then we are predestined. If there is no higher entity, then destiny does not exist. 

Sarcaste <3 the Sarcasm in Me acknowledges and honors the Sarcasm in You 

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55 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

I believed in God before enlightenment work.  I used to say that I both am and am not a Muslim.   I still do believe in God, but I dropped all ideology around God.   My religious beliefs have radically changed since studying enlightenment.   But my perception of God phenomenologically has not changed.  God is very synonymous with intuition though.  But more accurately -- intuition is an aspect of the voice of God.  A quality or trait of God.


44 minutes ago, Zephyr said:

I use to be a Christian. Learning non-duality made Jesus' teachings makes more sense.

God to me right now means nothingness. Even saying that makes it into somethingness

God is

Yup, same here.

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I left Christian church after awakening. Human mind tends to be dogmatic and always looks to explain away what it can never explain. When I saw through the illusion of the ego, toxic emotions of conformity, like fear (hell), shame (sinner), and guilt (love by obedience), lost power over me. That was my salvation. My ego was what held me hostage in the prison of my belief system. One has to be radically honest with themselves to step out of the religious paradigm. And also brave enough to face social diapproval. I did lose some 'friends' when left the church, but also found out who was there for me for real, our friendship never skipped a beat. My view of God changed as well. It's not 'he' anymore, or 'father', or 'judge', etc. Those are just human projections. The Absolute is neutral, unconditional, ultimate liberation. And resting in Being brings peace beyond all understanding. Apostle Paul was right about that ^_^

Edited by Natasha

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@Natasha Giving up free will was the end for me.  If there is no free will, God is not gonna be judging me.

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Never had religious beliefs, but was connected with God as a kid, forgot about it, came back to it as an adult.  

Don't do as much Enlightenment work as i should 

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39 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

@Natasha Giving up free will was the end for me.  If there is no free will, God is not gonna be judging me.

How convenient, lol ;)

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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