
Can Enlightment Make Dating & Socializing Difficult?

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This matter I find rather interesting. I feel like becoming enlightened can make dating difficult. I mean, I just feel like becoming enlightened would already be hard to interact with others because those that have become enlightened are so much more conscious than everyone else that they won't be able to relate to those around them. Is this an accurate assumption? I just don't see how flirting (as a man in my case) can continue while enlightened. 

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@kieranperez an enlightened being finds it very easy to accept others as they are. in my experience

  • i enjoy the presence of healthy and interesting people. the simple act of being in their presence already feels great;
  • i approach toxic people as a passive listener. they always have deep wounds which they struggle to get in touch with. compassion is a great healer and i enjoy watching people being able to heal themselves.

an enlightened being finds it easy to date because he does not suffer from neediness/attachment/possession/jealousy. he also has perfect mental balance and does not let his sexual urges guide his life. in fact, his intimate relationship reaches the purpose of expanding human consciousness as an example of moral righteousness and integral health.

adyashanti and mukti are great examples to me.

Edited by ajasatya

unborn Truth

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In my experience, a conscious person is much more at ease when dating and socializing than everyone else because for him/her life is play, not work. 

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@kieranperez freedom from ego in a sense turns the ego into nothing more then a tool, and gives you huge control over it.

As what you describe is ego. The awnser is no :P.

When enlightend you still use ego. You just dont believe yourself to be it and have freedom from it.

P.s. enlightend egos happen. But thats not enlightenment. That just a problem you have to work on :D


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Do some research on modern spiritual teachers, I'd think you'd be surprised how many are in a relationship. Eckhart Tolle is great example.

I'd actually say that it's harder to date when you haven't done any sort of enlightenment work.

If you haven't healing the wounds of the ego, your relationships will be needy, toxic, angry, drama-filled.

If you're single, you'll be massively afraid of rejection, authentic connection and have limiting beliefs around what sort of woman you serve.

I get what you're saying about the dating pool becoming smaller as you move up the ladder of consciousness. But not every girl you meet or date has to be long term relationship material.

And when you do find that person who you really click with, you'll enjoy it even more because you know how rare it is.



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when you are enlightened you have absolute accpetance to everybody, BUT when you are in the path of self actualization you stop resonating with people with lower awareness than you, for example those who like to party at the disco, drink alcohol, an so...

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On 7/10/2017 at 2:27 AM, kieranperez said:

I just don't see how flirting (as a man in my case) can continue while enlightened. 

Why not? 

Sarcaste <3 the Sarcasm in Me acknowledges and honors the Sarcasm in You 

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Dating and Socializing will be the least of your interests in the more-enlightened stages. You can always lower in vibration and find your preferred balance to exist as a human being whilst remaining somewhat enlightened but this is one of the most challenging things among the awakened ones.

Go with the flow, everything will play out naturally as needed as long as you trust and enjoy every moment of it with passion, love and gratitude.


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Why would enlightenment make flirting impossible? What's your logic behind that?

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Your journey towards enlightenment increases your chances of attaining a high conscious state. people with high consciousness have better abilities in handling relationships as they are at peace with themselves and more self-assertive. They are more or less free from the neurosis that you witness in society. They will not have issues like depression, short temper, anger issues, addictions and a host of other things that are commonly found in the general populace. When you're trying to get spiritual, you obviously become sober and calmer and that helps you to make wiser choices in relationships.

  1. Only ONE path is true. Rest is noise
  2. God is beauty, rest is Ugly 

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The biggest problem that prevents people to have successful relationships are wrong thoughts, 2nd hand experiences that society teach us and arent true.

There are IMO 3 ways to beat these wrong thoughts:

1-shadow work

2-overcome and learn by 1st hand experience, proving wrong the negative thoughts

3-trascend the ego thru enlightenment and then play (lila), and have relationships (without having an ego)

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It makes it easier, especially as a man. 

First of all you are much more likely to filter out the women that are a waste of your time faster. 

You might be less attached or in need of companionship. From this standpoint you are a more powerful man and less likely to be pulled down by a woman that you shouldn't be with.

But Enlightenment doesn't have to do anything with relationships per se. You still need to form a functioning way to treat women to get what you want out of them. Read books about it and get your information from the people that have made the experience.

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If anything I feel closer to people. I feel less like I want things from people but just want to know them. It is so much easier to let go of arguments or whatever; I have a lot more empathy for people. And sex is much better when you are fully aware and in the moment. I think people can see the openness in your eyes, just becomes easier to socialize in general.

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They are very understanding and relaxing to talking to, people generally like that ^_^ but of course your average Joe is going to be confused and lack in understanding of the enlightens persons life choices and may want the enlighten person to be more neurotic, jealous etc.

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