Joseph Maynor

Do You Believe As The Absolute That You Are Creating Reality And Creating Your Illusions Of Ego And Self

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I hear some people believing this.  Or saying things along these lines.  Please expound for me.  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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@Joseph Maynor It's like asking ocean if it believes it 'creates' waves. The Absolute is impersonal and doesn't have beliefs. All that can be said is what's happening is a mystery and 'we' are on a wild ride. Good luck to all of 'us' :D

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@Natasha I agree.  I think some people do hold this kind of belief though.  I've seen it and heard it here and elsewhere.  And even if this is in the paradigm of thought, it might still be fruitful to try to put it into words.  At the worst, it will be fun.  At best we might discover something.  I'm hoping somebody who believes this will give it a shot.  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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5 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

@Natasha I agree.  I think some people do hold this kind of belief though.  I've seen it and heard it here and elsewhere.  And even if this is in the paradigm of thought, it might still be fruitful to try to put it into words.  At the worst, it will be fun.  At best we might discover something.  I'm hoping somebody who believes this will give it a shot.  

Then, if for the fun of it, the answer to the OP question from 'me' would be a yes 9_9  

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@Joseph Maynor This has an infinite amount of answers because it's totally relative to how far down the rabbit hole you've gone in experiencing the oneness. One person swears they experience no free will at all, while another person swears they created the entire life they just lived. It's a matter of experienced depth of connection to source through loss of ego and beliefs of separatism. Every single person means something different when they say "I". 

Edited by Nahm



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@Nahm Awesome!  I gotta keep an open mind as I plunge inside!  I'm gonna start doing this heavily in like 30 days.  Between now and then I'm played my the role of the seeker.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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Ok.  Let me take a stab at this.  If you're nothingness and all creation comes out of nothingness, then everything created came out of you.  Simple eh?  Look at awareness.  Reality is populating awareness.  Reality comes out of awareness.

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Yeah I tend to think more and more that I'm creating the experience of reality, as days goes on.

I'm still experimenting with it so I'm not quite sure, but even "not quite sure" work as a limited belief.

Beliefs and expectations... that's the rules of the game.

Also, it's about to know what your subconscious want, and how you try to bend reality with your conscious will, while your subconscious want something else.

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There really is not a subconscious mind.  That's just a useful term for novices to understand that their conscious mind is not themselves.  Or they are not their conscious mind, the inverse is also true.  All reality flows through emptiness.  You are emptiness.  Therefore, you are all reality.  This seems totally sound to me.  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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@Joseph Maynor Take the topic of creation out of the stratosphere and bring it to the center of your personal wheelhouse, since epiphanies happen there.  As in, realize that our bodies & brains, and quality of perception are made of only what we put in our mouths. Nothing else. By our choices in food, drugs, beverages....we are in the most literal sense possible creating our physical bodies. Letting go of the ego & it's preferences enough to center our food choices around health & well being would be far more eye opening as times passes than aiming to see through reality philosophically. 



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