
How I Became Enlightened Fast And How You Can Do It To

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@AleksM Yes! I would very much like that thank you!! 


Alesk I want to say thank you. I have been practicing awareness for 3 days now. I feel very different. Things are amazing. It is so funny that you brought this simple idea to my mind as I did walking meditation with a buddhist monk once and I myself had this idea to remain aware always. But I didnt, ego convinced me it was too hard and I continued to separate meditation from life. Now this changes everything so thank you.

Edited by S33K3R

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14 hours ago, AleksM said:

@Toby @Shanmugam @nightrider1435 @Natasha @Joseph Maynor @Markus @Nahm @Barna @S33K3R @WelcometoReality @Prabhaker @Leo Gura @Space @Flicker_boy @krazzer @zazed @Timothy @OBEler @Harikrishnan @Dodo

Is anybody interested in experimenting with those other methods that I have mentioned?

I have created playlists with a lot of videos in 2014. I have a playlists with solfeggio frequencies and other frequencies (64 videos), DNA activation (6 videos), super powerful meditations, Ascension meditations (111 videos) and a playlist with nature sounds (11 videos). I have listened to all of those.

If your interested I Will send you the links. ;)


  Yes, send the links, please. Would be interested to experiment :)

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I have messaged all interested members. :)


I am posting this video  from Arcturus RA now , the man who I have mentioned in my first post. I think most people are sceptical about him, because they judge too quickly. In this video he talks about his goals.


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@AleksM I'd like those playlists as well! Thanks!!


I've tried sungazing maybe 5 days ago and 3 days ago I sungazed for a pretty long time. Since then in the middle of my focus there is a blurry circle so I have a hard time reading and recognizing faces. I I talked with some non-spiritual people about it and one of them said with certainty that I can become blind if I continue to do this.  Do you have any suggestions? has this happened to you as well? Is there a way to get rid of the blurryness faster than just waiting?

I did see some good effects of the sungazing, my eyes relaxed when I closed them and right after the sungazing sessions my thoughts disappeared for a while.


I'm having good experiances with binaural beats but I've never tried sofeggio. Do you think the solfeggio frequencies are more powerful than binaural beats?


You talked about some supplements from arctarus Ra. I have looked at 4-5 of his videos but I haven't heard anything about them, can you give me a clue :)

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Have you done any research about sun gazing? Don't look directly into the sun, this could damage your eyes. Fix your attention away from the sun. Also don't start with long periods. Start with 5 seconds and work your way up until you reach 44minutes. That's not a fixed rule, but it should give you an idea about progressing. You Will know when it's enough, listen to your intuition. Also you can do various energy exercises with the sun hitting you. I had blurry vision but it didn't last long, around a minute I think, and that was mainly because I was looking directly into the sun. If you still have blurry vision after a few hours, you have probably stared for a while directly into the sun. If this continues, go see a doctor. I am not a doctor.

Solfegio frequencies are totally different than binaural beats.

To give you an idea. When Nikola Tesla said the key to the universe is hidden in the numbers 3,6,9 as far as I have researched he was reffering to the solfeggio tones.


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1) How do you get anything done if you stop thinking 24/7? I guess this could work for an enlightened person, but before you get enlightened? Because this takes effort, so I don't see how mindfulness 24/7 is as compatible with life purpose.

2) Can you enjoy having a root canal without anesthetics?

Edited by Edvard

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1.) My body just moves without me thinking (hearning mental sounds). It's the same for you, your body is moving on auto pilot. But parallel to that if your identified with ego, you attach to unnecessary thoughts that come up and basically with that you create unnecessary mental sounds that disturb the inner piece. (yes, You can have thoughts and maintain inner piece but it's better to have NO unnecessary thoughts - like for example, your doing chores and simultaneuosly thinking about a person that is not  present there with you...forget about that, just focus on doing the chores) .

The ego thinks it is the driving force to which the laws of nature bend, however the ego is just a byproduct of the natural laws. You don't have to be in the no-mind all the time till you die I am recommending this for a period of a few months until it becomes automatic and just with that you Will cut years of traditional sitting meditation practice which is totally worth it, by being aware of the breathing for a few months constantly, after a while  unnecessary thoughts STOP popping up and that helps you a lot in this journey to enlightenment. You can do this the slower way or the faster way, the end result Will be the same, since attachment to thoughts creates unnecessary suffering in my opinion it's best to let go of that as fast as possible and the best way to do that is by being aware of the breathing and paying attention to all perceived light and sound - that grounds you in being.  You are not achieving anything with enlightenment  so in my opinion it's best to become enlightened as fast as possible. It's not like your gaining anything with enlightenment, your just losing unnecessary emotions (sadness, jelously, doubt, envy, guilt, shame, depression, anger, frustration, fear...) and thoughts (stories of past and future, negative thinking, judgements...).

2.) I went to the dentist a couple of times in the last 3 years. Nothing really serious. They jsut sharpened some of my teeth and I was observing that and taking as a meditation, was not reacting, it was cool.

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On 7/8/2017 at 11:16 AM, ajasatya said:

@AleksM nobody cares about it. your words are useless. you cannot guide anyone.

lol that was rude, man... chill out 

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@AleksM  I recently talked to the teacher of a small sangha in my area.  He said I put far too much value on my meditation practice and that I should be meditating all day, basically the same thing you suggested in your original post.  He said this was the reason for the lack of major results.  I can see why this process could take years, even if you do multiple hours a day.

I try to meditate 30 mins to an hour a day, and more on weekends, I've had some good results but they are stagnating.  Some recent results are:

  • Diminished depression - suicidal and disturbing thoughts are gone, or have much less impact
  • Some minor neurotic behavior has vanished, but the major neurotic behavior remains
  • Reduced amount of anger and better understanding when anger arises
  • Work feels more rewarding, less of a burden, I'm less bored and more focused on the job
  • Awareness of how judgemental I am of everything - I can see my mind attacking things constantly, and I'm aware of how I lack control over the attacking entity
  • Insights into a baseline level of fear that runs in the background 
  • More I can't think of...


So I'm thinking the 24/7 hard mode meditation, making every second count, is the way to go.  I'm trying to go on a 10-day retreat here soon, if I don't get into this one I'm going to start setting up my own retreats.  


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On 7/30/2017 at 7:04 AM, AleksM said:


1.) My body just moves without me thinking (hearning mental sounds). It's the same for you, your body is moving on auto pilot. But parallel to that if your identified with ego, you attach to unnecessary thoughts that come up and basically with that you create unnecessary mental sounds that disturb the inner piece. (yes, You can have thoughts and maintain inner piece but it's better to have NO unnecessary thoughts - like for example, your doing chores and simultaneuosly thinking about a person that is not  present there with you...forget about that, just focus on doing the chores) .

The ego thinks it is the driving force to which the laws of nature bend, however the ego is just a byproduct of the natural laws.

One thing I noticed is how retro-active the mind is, it claims everything after it already happened, but it seems like it's happening at the same time.  I'm seeing something happen, then the mind comes in and claims that event as if it had a part in it happening.


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Thanks a lot for writing up this post. I wonder how come I didn't find it earlier. This post made a lot of sense to me. 24/7 mindfulness that you suggested sounds like a legit and quick strategy. I have some direct insights about mastery because of 10k+ hours of hardcore guitar practice in 6 years. I think if someone deliberately practices something 16 hours a day for a year (Like focusing on breathe), I don't think there would be much left in his psyche other than the practice itself lol. Its shocking how people trash talk about a claim so quickly without even trying it out. 

And also talking about woowoo or crazyness, Enlightenment itself is the ultimate mindfuck. "There is only God and I'm that", this statement itself is the most crazy thing. Compared to it 3rd/1000th eye, light body, deity, galactic counsel, 500th dimension etc pales in comparison. So I don't get why people pursuing the most crazy thing which is enlightenment, still get offended by some of these things you mentioned.

Now It would be really helpful if you clarified some of my questions.

1) When you started 24/7 mindfulness, did you just focus on breath(sensation in nose) strictly or on the feelings of body at the same time?

2) I've really struggled holding this focus while studying/memorizing, using computer/mobile, talking with people, reading a book. During these activities, things continuously pop up which demands your thinking/attention. While activities like walking, eating, sitting alone, brushing etc are monotonous and easier to practice mindfulness simultaneously. How did you become successful in bringing unbroken focus on breath while those technical activities? Did you keep on trying again again million times a day until you reached a break through?

3) Have you attained complete and permanent dis-identification from mind/ego/karma/self image?

4) If so, how do you look at all this spiritual evolution/higher dimensions/guides? where is this stuff actually going and whats the point really when you can't cling/identify with anything but just observing.

5) Do you have any experience or researched seriously about kundalini?

6) Did you have a serious crisis in your life that led you to such hardcore spiritual commitment in the beginning (Like addictions/breakup/depression etc) or you just embarked on this path out of love for Truth and mystery of life?

and finally...

7) How are you man? :)

PS: Sorry if this is too long. Hoping for your answers. And you write in English just fine. All the best :D

And I love how you say that our present reality itself is a psychedelic experience. Just beautiful!

Edited by Preetom

''Not this...

Not this...

PLEASE...Not this...''

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On 7/14/2017 at 10:27 AM, AleksM said:

ght and more clearly recognize what doesn't change ever from what constantly changes.  Then it "becomes"  permanent.  You cannot get rid of it.  When you have 50 000 thoughts it's easier to get sucked into them than if you have only 100. Yes, when your enlightened it doesn't really matter how many you have, your still detached.  But with that you get rid of the most pervasive m

I have a few questions regarding your being right now if you dont mind:

Do you feel blissful all the time?

Can you still suffer, feelings of anxiety etc...?

If you redirect "yourself" to the I-feeling, are you aware of that I-sense?

Do you still perceive a body and the universe?

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So I don't get why people pursuing the most crazy thing which is enlightenment, still get offended by some of these things you mentioned.

Yea, It's Quite funny. :D


1) When you started 24/7 mindfulness, did you just focus on breath(sensation in nose) strictly or on the feelings of body at the same time?

I don't know exactly how because I was practicing this stuff 4 years ago and it was most probably a combination of things, a morphing process of evolution and transfiguration. That's why I have mentioned all the techniques I have used, but I still don't know for sure what is the exact formula (need to do more contemplation of my past). That's also why I have mentioned some things that don't seem directly related but from my point of view they are.

But to answer your question I would say both. Be aware of as much content as possible that's happening in the now moment and don't see yourself as a part of it. Then once the purification process is over you can also see yourself as a part in it and act more paradoxical. Find who authentically you are as fast as possible and boil it down to the essence. Check out this site also find your goal, mode of operation, attitude... (all on this site) + enneagram type and your path of stress and growth.

The thing I know for sure is that it was extremely effective.

It was not like some great teacher told me some secrets in the beggining. I was having a conversation on a forum and the thread I posted there was about the stages of meditation. And then this guy (that was my inspiration at the time, and later became a friend) told me that there are no stages and something just clicked for me.

I don't know what he said exactly (he deleted the forum), but from what I remember I interpreted it like I need to pay attention to all perceived light and all perceived sound and to maintain a state of inner silence. To not indulge in the content of those two, to just become aware of those. And to do this you have to maintain a detached attitude.

I was walking down the street and was aware of the sounds that were hitting my body ("okay, there is a dog barking on the right side of the road, there is a couple walking behind me, I can hear the automobile sounds.... I didn't repeat these thoughts in my mind but I simply acknowledged that that was happening in that moment ) I was not a part of it but the totality of it.

I had an obsession to find Truth, I had to because the happenings of my past would not be resolved if I wouldn't and I said in the past that it Will come a time when I Will understand and know (note the story about the ghost I mentioned in the first post). So when I realized the totality of it all, that all is being projected onto the now moment, I somehow realized that everything that comes into existence, comes from that silence, So I have started to be this silence more and more by returning all thoughts that popped up to this silence via breath and awareness which transmuted all into silence. After like 3 weeks of "doing" this I was starting to see light orbs all around me, multiple times per day, and I somehow knew I was on the right track. (some say these light orbs are angels from higher dimensions). I didn't know what these are at the time but I knew that something magical was taking place and trusted the process.


2) I've really struggled holding this focus while studying/memorizing, using computer/mobile, talking with people, reading a book. During these activities, things continuously pop up which demands your thinking/attention. While activities like walking, eating, sitting alone, brushing etc are monotonous and easier to practice mindfulness simultaneously. How did you become successful in bringing unbroken focus on breath while those technical activities? Did you keep on trying again again million times a day until you reached a break through?

Yes I have persisted and tryied to maintain the inner silence in amidst all circumstances. The hardest times are also the best times for growth.

The school part was the hardest part for me, I Will just quote what I mean from the first post.

 Whatever you do, do it mindfully, I don't care what it is. You can use critical thinking, contemplation and practice mindfullness at the same time. (be wary of the observer ego trap though, but you don't need to worry about this in the first few years).

 When you're on ther computer/mobile, usually most people go on autopilot mode, because you are not moving your body, you're just clicking and so it's easier to fall in low consciousness using technology. After 5 minutes of watching TV you go in zombie mode, your alfa brain waves increase and thinking beta waves diminish. You have to become comfortable moving your body without thinking in this case. I think something very similar happens  when you're on the computer/mobile to some extent, even if you're just reading stuff on your mobile/computer. 

I remember a long time ago, I was trying to read a book and simultaneously think about something else, it was not really effective and it was like a nightmare, I had to reread the same sentence multiple times. I don't think now when I read and that boosted my reading speed. So mindfullness practice Will help your reading.

So where ever you have a difficulty maintaining a mindfull state, that is an indication of a awarness growth potential. That's not bad, that is good.


- When the teacher in school was talking the theory from the textbook we had to all write it down. I have witnessed for long periods of time how thoughts automatically triggered when I had to write it all down. So I have trained to write without hearing mental sounds from the teacher (to repeat that which the teacher said in my mind). I have directly become the teacher. I was in this ever present awarness that is everywhere. I was all of the connections. I have become a channel for the teacher who was talking. I had no thoughts and my arm was automatically writing down every word the teacher said. Try it yourself without stopping till your arm hurts. In this practice it's not important to pay attention to content of awarness it's just being while your bombarded with thoughts. This is just a side practice that was born out of being aware of breath all the time, but found it to be really great in raising consciousness, so I had to write it down.


3) Have you attained complete and permanent dis-identification from mind/ego/karma/self image?

I don't know. I can dis-identify from thoughts, when thoughts come up, I can return thoughts to pure silence, my mind is 99,9% silent all the time. I annahilated my self-image on purpose, radically transfigured it and in the following year I Will do it again. The practices I did leaved a permanent state for me but with that I have also realized there is an even deeper and more majectic permanent state of embodiment, and I'm working on it now, but it Will take me a few more years to be completelly embodied. 

I still have some problems with an addiction to fapping, to which I was addicted for like 8 years prior to enlightenment, it's a deeply ingrained behavior. Prior to enlightenment I didn't even know I was addicted, then slowly after months and months of observing my awareness about it increased.  It doesn't have any power when I'm in neutral mode but it's hard for me to not react a few times a month, and a few times is enough to amplify it's habit rhythm and to maintain it. The ideal for me would be once every 2-3 weeks. I also have some destructive sabotaging personality traits on which I need to work on more. So my behavior is not all perfect, I have said that in my first post, when I realized I need to do more personal development and enlightenment simultaneously. I am improving and also I am done.


5) Do you have any experience or researched seriously about kundalini?

No research done but Will do in the future for sure. I had a lot of experiences with it though, like feeling energy blasts from my body and around my body, feeling my auric field and other more energetic aspects of reality.  I think it's an important component of enlightenment.


6) Did you have a serious crisis in your life that led you to such hardcore spiritual commitment in the beginning (Like addictions/breakup/depression etc) or you just embarked on this path out of love for Truth and mystery of life?

I had a minor one but I don't think it's important to mention because that was not responsible at all for all the spiritual progress.

What made me make such a commitment was the obsession to know Truth. And that obsession was triggered by a memory of me seeing a ghost, which I mentioned in the first post, I didn't mention that story just randomly, It was an important component of my awakening. If I didn't had that radical experience with a ghost, probably I wouldn't have made such a commitment. I simply had to know the Truth, all was pointless compared to that. I didn't even know what I was looking for in the beggining, I didn't have a notion of Truth, but I knew I am going to do whatever it takes to know and to get more in tune with the subtle aspects of reality that are not directly perceivable by the human eyes.




Do you feel blissful all the time?

No but I had periods that ranged for a few weeks that were extremely blissful but I am not able to maintain it for more than a few weeks for now. This is the difference between realizing enlightenment and embodying it. Embodiment requires time for integration. Realization is accesible directly in the now moment without changing the behavior and external circumstances.


Can you still suffer, feelings of anxiety etc...?

Yes I can but It's kinda funny because I can dis-identify with that mental suffering on a dime, in one breath the suffering is gone. When it happens it happens without my conscious awareness so I need to bring some light to it and then it's gone. "Pain is unavoidable, suffering is optional." Also most of the suffering we experience is mental suffering not physical suffering.


If you redirect "yourself" to the I-feeling, are you aware of that I-sense?

Not totally sure what you mean here so it would be cool if you explain this question a bit more. I think I understood your question but better clarify.


Do you still perceive a body and the universe?

Of course, I perceive the content of the universe but I became more aware of the context in which it's happening. And that awareness of the context transmuted most of the dualistic patterns, brought greater piece and alignment/synchronization with the universal harmony of existence.

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@AleksM the shit you are saying about stopping thoughts is resonating with me, so you think focusing on the breath to stop thoughts is a better method than asking self inquiry questions like who am I? And should you minipulate the breath in any way, or just let it do what it does ?

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Thinking leads to thinking.  So in my opinion that is a more effective way to stop the thoughts.

At the begining you Will have to manipulate breathing, but after a while, you Will be able to stay aware of the breathing without manipulating it.

Here is a post in which I mentioned a few more tips:


Edited by AleksM

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I have been doing self inquiry for a year and already have a fairly quiet mind, but when I'm stressed thoughts start racing and I can't control them 

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You can do self-inquiry without asking questions and just focus on the deepest sense of your True Self, there are multiple methods for doing self-inquiry.

You don't have control over your next thought, you don't know what your next thought is going to be. But you can set thoughts into motion so they attract more thoughts that are similar in vibration.

Now, since you don't know the content of the next thought, the thought Will just appear and then you Will realize that the thought appeared. Certain situations, people Will trigger thoughts. The reaction is very fast. After the reaction formed you Will tend to follow the thoughts that the reaction triggered. Don't follow the thoughts in that situation. You have to slow down the reaction process by slowing your breathing down. Then you can  later analyze that reaction on paper (to find out beliefs and definitions that are not in alignment with your True Self).



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@bobbyward when unwanted thoughts come, start building the habit of ‘flipping the coin’...state the exact opposite, it’s simple and subtly powerful. Both perspectives are equally true. 



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On 12/11/2017 at 10:57 AM, bobbyward said:

I have been doing self inquiry for a year and already have a fairly quiet mind, but when I'm stressed thoughts start racing and I can't control them 

That happened to me some time ago... did you tried mindfulness meditation? That helped me a lot to get "separated" from the thoughts.

You can't control the thoughts, being aware of them is the best way to "control them". Being aware knowing those thoughts are not "your" thoughts.

There's not a "thinker of thoughts".

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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@AleksM I was impressed to read about your experience and thanks for sharing your 24/7 obsessive breathing awareness technique. I will try to follow from now on for a month and see for myself the changes within me. I just wrote a post about dropping and picking new habits at ease and let me see if I develop this habit with ease.

My question to you is What are the changes you experienced post enlightenment?

I get that you are not associated with your thoughts/mind anymore..Other than that what other changes you observed?



Edited by krish

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