
How I Became Enlightened Fast And How You Can Do It To

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@krazzer I was attending school for a computer programmer. So I had a lot of programming to do in various languages. I was still in this awarness all of the time. Being hyper aware, observant, and focused on breathing. Not controlling breathing, just observant of the breathing mechanism, sometimes slowing my breathing down but generally focused on maintaining the awarness of the breathing mechanism. I was not paying any attention to thoughts at all, and I have still made it. It's possible.

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55 minutes ago, krazzer said:

Have you ever heard of the 'flow' state? When you work and just work and the world around you vanishes for hours. Productivity goes through the roof.

I wonder what is with all the software engineers here :) 
I'm a rather good Java developer, with more than 10 years experience. When i program i am always in a state of flow.
Rather than being more aware, it is actually a total dissolution of self, of humanity even. Since it is object oriented, huge geometrical building blocks fill my brain, and i am rearranging structures in my head as i type the code. There is no thought or effort, it all just flows out of my fingers.
It is the best thing in the world. But i do not know if it has a lot to do with enlightenment.

9 hours ago, AleksM said:

When I say that I'm enlightened. I am not talking about any state, experience, imagination, belief, this things just come and go. Since I became enlightened all those things changed a lot, but this awarness of awarness is still present. It doesn't go away. Whatever I do, it doesn't go away.

It's why i said, you have become awakened to the self. You experience and see the distinction between consciousness and mind/ego.
It allows you to see the mechanics of the emotions, the automatic behaviorism, that your body/brain is involved in. That you can do it 24/7 is very good. Now you can start really seeing how the mind/body/brain work, and start to let it all go.
Somehow, your mind has convinced yourself this starting state is enlightenment. However it is far further than most people will ever get in life.

So... , so far, so good. Until you begin with a whole list of things we should do. It's always a red alert, if we have to do stuff.
Stuff about soundwaves. Crystals. Light Language activation. Altering your DNA trough sound and vibration. 
These are all beliefs. Constructs of the mind, thoughts.  All of this is are thought projections, dreams. It is stuff to hide behind, to give the ego/mind something to attach to, rather than letting it all go.

To be, you just need to be. I am that i am. Not all those extra things you drag into it. You are making the simplest thing in the world (enlightenment), seem like some sort of thing you can gain by doing stuff with your mind/body. When all you need to do is be. Enlightenment is so simple, people cannot do it, because the ego doesn't accept such empty simplicity. To be enlightened, you don't need to do more stuff with your mind, you need to do a lot less. You don't even need to constantly be aware of the breath, this is just a tool to allow your mind to empty and become what you truly are, being itself, existence.

It doesn't really matter much to me. But for yourself, don't stop yet and dig deeper, because there is a lot more to find out still.
You have just seen the ox's tail, as zen monks would say :D 

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LoL. :D

You don't have to do the other stuff I have mentioned, but if you do, it Will accelerate the expansion of consciousness. I have mentioned techniques that are out of the mainstream and very few people know about them. You have to destroy the limits of imagination. Your consciousness Will expand beyond what you perceive as yourself. It's impossible to describe that in words. I have done enough research on those topics and experimented if those techniques really work. I have followed my intuition to find and research those topics. And it was extremely effective once I started applying those. Are you open enough to experiment with them? When you experience physical proof there, and more people experience physical proof, not just imagination, than you have to be open enough that there's something worth exploring.  And also ... don't believe anything more than 50%.

"You" can do a lot less, and increase the output of what "you" do.  Your body is an insrument, trough which a lot of streams pass.  Once there are no energy blockages, the energy flows better, and that way the output of energy increases.  Since everything is energy, everything "you" did increases. Without a doer. Can you grasp this? xD

If your illusional  you  will egoistically atribute everything perceived as yourself as something that "you" did because you identify yourself with the perception of that what is. 

Well my journey was magical words realy cannot describe it... You can become enlightened by staring at a white wall for 3 years like Ken Wilber (if I remember correctly), you Will just stare every day into a blank white wall for 3 years. It's the simplest thing ever.

I want to make the most difficult things I can imagine to do, effortlessly without effort because I recognize growth as myself. And I recognize effortlessness as the big me. And I recognize that the growth that I can see all around me is a reflection of consciousness, because everything is a mirror.

I am not maintaining my attention now like when I started, only on breathing. And I still maintain the permament awarness and the absolute. Everything can change now and at the same time nothing Will change at the same time. 

 I'm recommending a phase trough which yourself can pass trough.

Every assumption "you" make about "myself", it's just a delusion from realizing that it's only you here. :)

I have not stopped at all. This is peanuts compared to what is yet to come. ;)


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@AleksM was it 24/7 awarness only, including normal meditation or did u do Mindfulness with labeling and stuff during this time period. 

Edited by Harikrishnan

I will be waiting here, For your silence to break, For your soul to shake,              For your love to wake! Rumi

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@AleksM I haven't yet read the whole main post, but I like it so far. However, I see you talk about thinking and getting rid of all thought (" You have to be this awarness continously to get rid of all thoughts.") I want to raise a few questions with you:

  1. My first point I want to raise is that many (if not all) teachers including Eckhart Tolle have stated that getting rid of thoughts is not the goal, but going above and beyond them, so as still allowing thought to be there, but not getting sucked into every thought and having to follow it as if it matters absolutely. 
  2. Why would radically accepting being reject thought or even Ego for that matter? Isn't the  Enlightenment you describe perhaps another close minded state? The other side of the Ego coin?) 
  3. That aside, I work in programming. I'm sure many others who work with their mind on things /that they have not yet achieved mastery of/ can testify, that one has to think, like a lot, in order to get things done. In fact I am getting progressively worse at my job as I progress with my spiritual practise, because I meta-examine myself during meetings and work and I try let go so much that I can't think, let alone think productively.
    Is it that technology and enlightenment do not match? Because I do not see a way to program and not think actively. When I just sit there observing my breath, the code doesn't write itself (It doesn't get invented by itself). Thanks

This is not an attack on your state, I generally wanna know your opinion on these points, especially #3, as I've been struggling with my dayjob and making sense of how awareness is supposed to know everything and I am it, but I can't code for shit without actively thinking (Ego) . Tnx.


Edit: O shit, I just sneaked a peak at few comments above and I see other developers talking on the subject. Hehe! 

Edited by Dodo

-1/12 is Infinity 

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@Harikrishnan 24/7 awarness with a morning meditation practice.  No meditation with labeling.

@Dodo Yes. Getting rid of thoughts is not the ultimate goal.  But I have found that once you get rid of the mind, and start being in the no-mind, you can see more clearly what thoughts really are.  It's not necesarry.  But it's very effective for enlightenment.  You don't have to do this for the rest of your life.  Just for a period of a few months to deconstruct the mind and see it more clearly for what it really is. 

  Enlightenment was always there but now,  you don't get lost in thought and more clearly recognize what doesn't change ever from what constantly changes.  Then it "becomes"  permanent.  You cannot get rid of it.  When you have 50 000 thoughts it's easier to get sucked into them than if you have only 100. Yes, when your enlightened it doesn't really matter how many you have, your still detached.  But with that you get rid of the most pervasive mechanism of illusion and that is monkey mind.  After that enlightenment is much easier.  And after enlightenment you can start to think your 50 000 thoughts again if you want (you'll recognize however it's not really necesarry anymore). 

The code writes itself, there is no do-er. I think you can write good code, without too much thinkining. You have to let go the need for control first . I am definitely more productive now than before when I had more thoughts in my mind.

How do you meta-examine yourself during meetings and work?


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15 minutes ago, AleksM said:

@Harikrishnan 24/7 awarness with a morning meditation practice.  No meditation with labeling.

@Dodo Yes. Getting rid of thoughts is not the ultimate goal.  But I have found that once you get rid of the mind, and start being in the no-mind, you can see more clearly what thoughts really are.  It's not necesarry.  But it's very effective for enlightenment.  You don't have to do this for the rest of your life.  Just for a period of a few months to deconstruct the mind and see it more clearly for what it really is. 

  Enlightenment was always there but now,  you don't get lost in thought and more clearly recognize what doesn't change ever from what constantly changes.  Then it "becomes"  permanent.  You cannot get rid of it.  When you have 50 000 thoughts it's easier to get sucked into them than if you have only 100. Yes, when your enlightened it doesn't really matter how many you have, your still detached.  But with that you get rid of the most pervasive mechanism of illusion and that is monkey mind.  After that enlightenment is much easier.  And after enlightenment you can start to think your 50 000 thoughts again if you want (you'll recognize however it's not really necesarry anymore). 

The code writes itself, there is no do-er. I think you can write good code, without too much thinkining. You have to let go the need for control first . I am definitely more productive now than before when I had more thoughts in my mind.

How do you meta-examine yourself during meetings and work?


I'm seeing how I am identified with being the body and mind during meetings and work. And I have to be in order to perform and remember past relevant information that I need to bring forward... Also im required to think about future and estimate time for completing tasks...


I get what you're saying with stopping thinking now. Means to let consciousness be on the foreground, as Ekhart says, and when you have to do and think, it is there in the background, and he claims that is the true mastery, of holding the awareness of being the midst of doing as well. 

He's been stressing that he's not against doing in his recent talks, but his teachings are more on the being side, because that's what is needed for the balance.

Edited by Dodo

-1/12 is Infinity 

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Perhaps in India they need more doing teachings?  

-1/12 is Infinity 

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17 hours ago, AleksM said:

@krazzer I was attending school for a computer programmer. So I had a lot of programming to do in various languages. I was still in this awarness all of the time. Being hyper aware, observant, and focused on breathing. Not controlling breathing, just observant of the breathing mechanism, sometimes slowing my breathing down but generally focused on maintaining the awarness of the breathing mechanism. I was not paying any attention to thoughts at all, and I have still made it. It's possible.

True, it's possible to be in the flow and be aware of that at the same time. Haven't done any coding for some time now but i'm definitely gonna try more of that when I do.


26 minutes ago, AleksM said:

The code writes itself, there is no do-er. I think you can write good code, without too much thinkining. You have to let go the need for control first . I am definitely more productive now than before when I had more thoughts in my mind.

I have the same experience. When you're in the flow it definitely feels like the code is writing itself. There is thinking, but it's very much to the point and there is no fear of doing something wrong or overthinking what you're doing. It just flows :D


3 hours ago, Dodo said:

That aside, I work in programming. I'm sure many others who work with their mind on things /that they have not yet achieved mastery of/ can testify, that one has to think, like a lot, in order to get things done. In fact I am getting progressively worse at my job as I progress with my spiritual practise, because I meta-examine myself during meetings and work and I try let go so much that I can't think, let alone think productively.
Is it that technology and enlightenment do not match? Because I do not see a way to program and not think actively. When I just sit there observing my breath, the code doesn't write itself (It doesn't get invented by itself). Thanks

I would advise not to think or try to be aware while coding. Just immerse yourself into the process of coding. Get in the flow. My coding has improved much since I started my spiritual path. And so did @AleksM's.

Maybe it looks like you're not being productive because you're mind is so quiet, but a quiet mind is the best place to subconsciously create a solution to a technical problem, which then seems to come out of nowhere. 

I don't think technology is in the way of spirituality or enlightenment. Unless you're misusing it. If you use technology to express your creativity I don't see any problem with it at all.

Easy choices, hard life. Hard choices, easy life.

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12 minutes ago, krazzer said:

True, it's possible to be in the flow and be aware of that at the same time. Haven't done any coding for some time now but i'm definitely gonna try more of that when I do.


I have the same experience. When you're in the flow it definitely feels like the code is writing itself. There is thinking, but it's very much to the point and there is no fear of doing something wrong or overthinking what you're doing. It just flows :D


I would advise not to think or try to be aware while coding. Just immerse yourself into the process of coding. Get in the flow. My coding has improved much since I started my spiritual path. And so did @AleksM's.

Maybe it looks like you're not being productive because you're mind is so quiet, but a quiet mind is the best place to subconsciously create a solution to a technical problem, which then seems to come out of nowhere. 

I don't think technology is in the way of spirituality or enlightenment. Unless you're misusing it. If you use technology to express your creativity I don't see any problem with it at all.

Yeah, I enjoy programming for myself creatively, and I've written one cool useful desktop app which I just love to improve. 

However at work it's different. I am far from a good programmer and it's a constant effort and struggle for me.

-1/12 is Infinity 

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@Toby @Shanmugam @nightrider1435 @Natasha @Joseph Maynor @Markus @Nahm @Barna @S33K3R @WelcometoReality @Prabhaker @Leo Gura @Space @Flicker_boy @krazzer @zazed @Timothy @OBEler @Harikrishnan @Dodo

Is anybody interested in experimenting with those other methods that I have mentioned?

I have created playlists with a lot of videos in 2014. I have a playlists with solfeggio frequencies and other frequencies (64 videos), DNA activation (6 videos), super powerful meditations, Ascension meditations (111 videos) and a playlist with nature sounds (11 videos). I have listened to all of those.

If your interested I Will send you the links. ;)


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@AleksM  Hey you should really look up Walter Russel! I think you will enjoy his study and books a lot! He was a genius and also talks that space-time/energy radiates/pulsates by contracting and expanding in some sort of quanta. His book the "Secret of Light" is probably his best along the "Universal One". There is website I just found and it seems to have all this interesting reads:



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@AleksM I am interested. I hope these sounds do not conflict with other binaureal beats like holosync I use right now

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Perhaps we are just limited by language here, and i am just misunderstanding your intentions/meanings.
Sometimes i think you know what you are talking about, other times it seems just totally besides the point.

13 hours ago, AleksM said:

You don't have to do the other stuff I have mentioned, but if you do, it Will accelerate the expansion of consciousness

Why? How? This is a strange belief of the mind.

13 hours ago, AleksM said:

Your consciousness Will expand beyond what you perceive as yourself. It's impossible to describe that in words

This is true, words are from the mind, they cannot describe enlightenment. That which creates words cannot become enlightened anyway.
The moment you speak, write or think about enlightenment, duality is created.

13 hours ago, AleksM said:

If your illusional  you  will egoistically atribute everything perceived as yourself as something that "you" did because you identify yourself with the perception of that what is. 

Who exactly is doing al this stuff? Is that you really?

13 hours ago, AleksM said:

I want to make the most difficult things I can imagine to do, effortlessly without effort because I recognize growth as myself. And I recognize effortlessness as the big me. And I recognize that the growth that I can see all around me is a reflection of consciousness, because everything is a mirror.

But who is doing things, who is imagining things? Who is being effortless, or who is using effort?
Is that really the big you? Is the big you ever doing anything, aside from being (alive)?

Is the big you even seeing, or is it aware of a monkey's sight creating seeing?



If you do all that stuff and think it has much value for reaching enlightenment, you are just a monkey thinking it is aware of itself.
Its not wrong for the monkey to do stuff, or to have fun in life, or to do activities that puts it in a mental state of bliss or calm or unity.
But it has little to do with enlightenment, its more about manufacturing pleasurable feelings/thoughts to be aware of.

What enlightenment is, is disidentification with the monkey, and awakening to the true self that is watching the monkey run around in life.
It is the realization, that we are actually the entire world the monkey is running around in. It does not really matter one bit what the monkey is doing after that, from an enlightenment perspective. And there is more than one monkey running around in this existence.
From a perspective of the monkey's life, regarding, money, success and the monkey's emotions, the monkey can still work to better itself. It can perhaps even become aware it is just a dream, while trying to be a good dream. But this is more an indirect result of enlightenment, rather than enlightenment itself, and it can be done without enlightenment entirely.

This is why all those activities are just mental exercises and irrelevant. The monkey can never become anything more than a monkey, it cannot become enlightenment. You cannot be enlightened as a human being, because you are not a human being.
But we were never really the human being to begin with, we are that which is aware, consciousness, one.

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Why? How? This is a strange belief of the mind.

I don't know really technically speaking why and how. I just have an inner knowing that it does. Meaning and language are limiting our expansion of consciousness in a sense so we have to be carefull here.


Who exactly is doing al this stuff? Is that you really?

It's consciousness.

No. That stuff doesn't make sense to the ego because the ego is limited by the perception of that what is, and that perception can be easily arranged and dearanged by the words that enter your awarness. It is constanly changing. Relying on what you sense as true Will only create delusion.


But who is doing things, who is imagining things?

Nobody is doing anything. Nobody is imagining. Those are impressions that enter consciousness.


 Who is being effortless, or who is using effort?

Effortlessness IS. Ego is using effort.


Is the big you even seeing, or is it aware of a monkey's sight creating seeing?

It is aware of the content of awarness and detached.

I agree with your explanation about enlightenment. And It doesn't conflict with what I am saying.


It does not really matter one bit what the monkey is doing after that, from an enlightenment perspective

You are all of reality AND in reality itself. But the only thing that is important for enlightenment is the recognition of what you existentialy are (the first part). If you stay in an enlightened "perspective" you can waste a lot of time. You Will destroy all bounaries, because you Will be boundary less. And boundaries are necessary to be a psychologicaly developed individual normally functioning in this world. I'd rather be both.


And there is more than one monkey running around in this existence.

That only makes sense to your perception.


You want a confirmation (yet everything is filtered trough your beliefs, perceptions, interpretations, past memories ... and that creates your unique perception ) so you can confirm that I am enlightened when it makes sense to you, yet there is no way to confirm that trough language. Everything that I have posted could be a lie. So stop that shit now. End of.



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@AleksM Fair enough. I guess my monkey just likes to go more straight to the point, rather than having all sorts of practices. This is a dualistic idea/concept in its own, so not really relevant. I just sit and allow thoughts to fade out, and really just do nothing, without trying to do nothing. Like not touching anything mentally, a quiet relaxing into it. I become, I am.

If you are happy with your practices, and it works for you, then good for you.

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@AleksM I'm interested. Being awake to a certain degree in this society, it's stressing me out, I think the nature sounds will help greatly with my inner peace.

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2 hours ago, zazed said:

@AleksM Fair enough. I guess my monkey just likes to go more straight to the point, rather than having all sorts of practices. This is a dualistic idea/concept in its own, so not really relevant. I just sit and allow thoughts to fade out, and really just do nothing, without trying to do nothing. Like not touching anything mentally, a quiet relaxing into it. I become, I am.

If you are happy with your practices, and it works for you, then good for you.

I think you touch on a really nice paradox here. In the same fashion as the paradox of fixed positions, one cannot do nothing,  because this is a doing in itself. 

The only point of resolution of this paradox is at the 0 point,  where there is no I to do or not do, only then can true "do nothing" be.

-1/12 is Infinity 

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