
Not Getting Lost In Materialistic

3 posts in this topic

I'm excited, after 5 years I finally have enough money to build my pc. I've been at it yesterday and what I notice, when I'm working on it, is that I get so lost in all these thoughts and the feeling of excitement. 

Is there a way to enjoy materialistic things but not get attached and identified to them?

In the depths of winter,
I finally learned that within me 
there lay an invincible summer.

- Albert Camus

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Enjoy it enjoy it enjoy it.

Life supposed to be enjoyable.

Why withdraw your attention from something positive and happy?.

There are times we can't be positive, enjoy the positive you have.

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4 hours ago, Max_V said:

...Is there a way to enjoy materialistic things but not get attached and identified to them?

Yes you can. I have lost many materialistic things in my life and at first I always got stressed, angry, and grieved over my losses. Then later I learnt to accept and let go of my investments into materialism, beliefs and relationships. That does not mean that I do not make investments, but it does mean that I regularly let go of them. Anything I fear losing means I have to ask myself if I can let go of it. As soon as I can honestly say that I will be okay without it, then my investment, at that moment, has depleted itself. The hardest investment to regularly let go of, for me, is relationships. I have to let go of it every day. Before going to sleep, I ask myself if I can be okay if I never saw my girlfriend again. Until I can say I am okay with that, then I sleep like a baby.

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