
Does The Body/mind Exist?

34 posts in this topic

1 minute ago, Joseph Maynor said:

@Anna1 Not getting defensive.  I just write very forcefully.  Sometimes that might give you a false sense of motive or intent, I understand.  I said "It may not exist" not "I may not exist" though.

I have no intent, but to discuss the topic. Also, I stand corrected I miss read what you wrote. 

Yes, you write very forcefully.

Not interested.

“You don’t have problems; you are the problem.”

– Swami Chinmayananda

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@Joseph Maynor I see you have now edited, therefore altered 3 of your above posts. Frankly, that's bullshit. Once someone has replied you should not go back and alter posts.

“You don’t have problems; you are the problem.”

– Swami Chinmayananda

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I think it all depends on perspective like already mentioned. The real truth is silent, no words, no concepts, just presence. It's completely empty/void, yet the mind can attribute an infinite amount of identities from nothingness. As long as we are wandering in this realm of words, then yes there is seperation, phases in thoughts, the feeling of communication, a distinct own identity.

If you stop doing that you will become more whole, you will stop walking circles to find the truth. You will be the truth.

Samsara is the endless loop, the searching of something that is already there and therefor it seems unpossible to find. Nirvana is breaking the loop, becoming fully present and be the living truth. I think this is what enlightenment is really about, the glow around someone who holds this knowledge cannot be unseen.

I think enlightenment goes further than a person having some saint personality. If someone is really manifesting the truth, then all space around the person will be affected, as if all there is has become aware.


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@Anna1 sounds like you've experience 'the ultimate perspective' or the 'objective perspective' aka 'the truth' which I see as accessible potentially upon my 'death'. How did you experience it? 



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13 hours ago, Anna1 said:

 (enlightened or not)

It's unnecessary to say this because enlightened people came up with the concept of Vedanta. They had experiences similar to the one in my previous quote. You have to experience that to know for sure if the world is real or not. You can't just get it by studying Vedanta. 

10 hours ago, Anna1 said:

The quote you cited was talking about from the "ultimate" perspective.

I was saying the average person is trapped in the fantasy but enlightened people are not. For enlightened people, the body, mind, and world are unreal. They experienced God that's why they know. 


The unborn Lord has many incarnations. BPHS 

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Anna1 said- (enlightened or not)

32 minutes ago, Deep said:

It's unnecessary to say this because enlightened people came up with the concept of Vedanta. They had experiences similar to the one in my previous quote. You have to experience that to know for sure if the world is real or not. You can't just get it by studying Vedanta. 

Yes, I know. My point is that even if you're enlightened the world still exists, its experienced, it's just not "real". 


43 minutes ago, Deep said:

For enlightened people, the body, mind, and world are unreal.

Right, but it still exists, like I said above.


“You don’t have problems; you are the problem.”

– Swami Chinmayananda

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@Nahm  The answer is, yes.

I'll get back to this question when I have more time. Have a lot to do today.


“You don’t have problems; you are the problem.”

– Swami Chinmayananda

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2 hours ago, Nahm said:

@Anna1 sounds like you've experience 'the ultimate perspective' or the 'objective perspective' aka 'the truth' which I see as accessible potentially upon my 'death'. How did you experience it? 

My seeking started in 2009, so for the past 8 years I've been reading, watching videos and doing massive abouts of Self inquiry for quite awhile.

There has been many epiphanies, insights, Self realization experiences, ect. I've known who I truly am for years, but this seemed to wax and wane a lot, meaning I would forget, because ignorance wasn't removed completely.

It wasn't until Vedanta where  a "shift" in identification happened. It's "mostly" firm, but that "mostly" means it's not 100%, yet. This is very common. So, for the most part it "feels" like I'm the "witness" (AKA- awareness), if that makes sense to you. On one hand im doing, but on the other hand, i know im not the doer. Most things in spirituality are a paradox.

Hope this answers your question.



“You don’t have problems; you are the problem.”

– Swami Chinmayananda

Namaste ? ?

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@Anna1 You are the dancer that is guided by the whole. You are both the dancer as the whole. The moment you see that you are dancing with yourself is where you self-realize and will be living the truth :)

Edited by Principium Nexus

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Yes, it does exist even if it may exist as an ever changing temporal illusion.

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@Anna1 no it didnt but i appreciate the response.   i experienced a shift also that allowed me to see all is one and i am all, but i'm  curious about the possibility of an objective experience.   i suppose by default its not possible while living.  



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15 hours ago, Anna1 said:

@Prabhaker thanks, the story in my view is a tad different then Osho's. Either way, thanks. Btw, sorry for thinking you were someone else a while back. My mistake. 

@Anna1 Osho has his own style of narrating stories...So, yes, they will be different than how it is narrated then other places.. He used to make this clear saying that he is not giving any historical information but he only uses these stories to make a point, to make us understand things.

For example, he gave a discourse series on Krishna.. People asked him if Krishna was a historical person. He used to say that it was not important if he was a historical person, what matters is how he lived his life playfully and what we take from the story.


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3 hours ago, Nahm said:

@Anna1 no it didnt but i appreciate the response.   i experienced a shift also that allowed me to see all is one and i am all, but i'm  curious about the possibility of an objective experience.   i suppose by default its not possible while living.  

My post wasn't meant to be all encompassing, of every realization and/or shift I've had up until now. I have no desire to write it out in detail. I dont see the point.  Sorry, what I did share,  didn't make sense to you. 


Edited by Anna1

“You don’t have problems; you are the problem.”

– Swami Chinmayananda

Namaste ? ?

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I didn't want to comment after I realized I misread your first post, because I couldn't tell what you were actually trying to say and with your forceful writing style and/or personality. I no longer cared what you were trying to say. Thats not being defensive, that's being "not interested", like I wrote.

I slightly questioned this decision a bit later, so looked it over again and saw "many" changes to your 3 posts, so threw my hands up and said forget it. 

If you want to take that as a hand waive, so be it.

Edited by Anna1

“You don’t have problems; you are the problem.”

– Swami Chinmayananda

Namaste ? ?

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