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Full Time Noob Freelancer Or Side Hustle It?

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I'm at the position where I can full time on copywriting due to the kindness of my family having me at home and personal savings. The thing is, I don't want to be dead weight for them and I also want to take care of myself. 

This situations puts me on a crossroad with which i'd like the opinion of more experienced members: 

  • Advance more now and have the opportunity to earn a decent income quicker, or
  • Play safe and earn some money through other means but keep working to build a copywriting career

 What does the community here think about this, is it a good idea go full time when I'm just starting out or is it better to do it as a side hustle? Thanks a lot for your input!

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I would choose the first option. You will move faster towards mastery. In the end I guess this is more important than being independent of your family, as long as you become independent at some point.

But its your choice. Look what is more important to you - not being a weight for your family or taking care of yourself. How can anybody here know what is more important to you?

Maybe you could make the choice easier by journaling and contemplating about the two options. What would your life be like if you choose X? Which emotions would you feel? What is moving you closer to your goals? What is your intuition telling yourself? . . . . .

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