
What Is Justice And What Is God's Justice?

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[Justice] Modern Court systems may seemingly claim this mantle of delivering justice, but what exactly is their justice? Is it to give what is deserved to a crime? How can jail time recover the lost of another human being? How can smoking weed without inflicting any harm to anyone justify 7 years and an inability to get a job? Why exactly are these laws in place? Order, directly or indirectly. Justice to countries is order. Think about it, there would be unrest if murderers were set free yet protests if they were executed. What would happen if marijuana wasn't the scapegoat and charade? Actual issues might be targeted, for example, why was it illegal in the first place?

The universe has an interesting and infinitely complex system of justice yet it can be understood why it is complex simply. The universe does not care for human ideals of order and such.  It will give you everything you want, all of it. So why don't you have everything you want? Imagine a hunger game of every single possible desire you have, even the ones you don't realize, especially them; now imagine only a few of these desires that are in keyword-alliance with each other can reign supreme. For example eating mcdonalds everyday is not in alliance with being fit; Yes possible but unnatural. It is like having shit flavored ice cream or orange flavored chicken noodle.

In the universe, it is not a few things that are brought to justice, every single action you cause is put in this already massive pot of action, simmering the perfect stew just for you. An example of this is a serial killer kills so many yet somehow he isn't killed? Killing is not the only action he has reaped; survival, intelligence, knowledge, deceit, experience and living in favorable conditions are also actions he reaps. Actions that counterbalance his killing and this is just the surface. The universe is true justice; It has no ulterior motive, no human ideals of moral, just exactly what your actions are will come back to you.



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@Progress What Is Justice And What Is God's Justice?

Both are related to the people it governs. Both religion and law are used for some control (policing) over the society it serves. Otherwise self-will will run-riot.

Justice is a word used in an attempt to validate the need for social control, and on a personal level, self-validation.

God (Truth) has no needs / wants. Or else God would be looking for itself to fulfill itself. God needs no justice.

Justice is a need by those who need validation.

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Modern court systems are God's justice. Because there is nothing which isn't God.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Guradid you put the whole monkey labeling system into place? Don't you think a hierarchy system like this just fans the flames of the ego? 

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26 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

@Revolutionary Think I supposed, if you really care to be alpha chimp ;)

You taught a good lesson. Thumbs up. B|

  1. Only ONE path is true. Rest is noise
  2. God is beauty, rest is Ugly 

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I'll be a sigma chimp, social structures are annoying.

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@Leo Gura Technically yes, but I wanted to distinguish a point in a simpler manner. 

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@Visitor Yes that is what I call human justice, for order and ulterior motives. The Universal Justice I call is just a manifestation of every single one of your actions into a big stew. 

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12 hours ago, Progress said:

What Is Justice And What Is God's Justice?

There is only God's Justice, a Jesus will not suffer even on a cross, a Socrates will not suffer even when poisoned, a Buddha will not suffer even when abused and stoned. 

We can suffer even when we are living in a palace, in all luxuries. Any act done unconsciously is a sin, we can punished for that by the court, law or we can suffer without intervention of legal system. A Buddha will not suffer even when jailed. 

Our life can be a celebration but we live an ordinary life, because we live less consciously, it is God's Justice.

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12 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Modern court systems are God's justice. Because there is nothing which isn't God.

God is what is true and real. This does not include anything that is untrue and unreal.

A lot of human behaviours are based on untrue and unreal stories. Which is like a mouth moving (the behaviour) without sound (the untrue and unreal stories). But as soon as there is truth to be said, the sound is heard. God's reality in the first case is just a mouth moving.

Similarly, a rock dug out of the ground is, as it is, true and real. As soon as the rock is shaped and made into a brick, and seen as a brick, the rock is no longer true and real, and neither is the brick. So too are human/social constructs, such as justice.

Ironically, this is even mentioned in the bible. Matthew 7:23.

22_Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’ 23_Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you workers of lawlessness.’ 24_Therefore everyone who hears these words of Mine and acts on them is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.

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@Prabhaker Human Justice is within the infinite equation of God's justice. You view god's justice as using suffering as punishment. Thats a very human view of god's justice. Suffering is but another ingredient in God's justice. To me, God's justice is not about good, bad nor suffering: It is recieving everything one acts towards. I like to think about it like ingredients in a stew. There is a matrix stew which encompasses everyone's karma and then there is your own stew(within that). Some ingredients counterbalance eachother, some compliment eachother and some make a disgusting slop. 

On 7/4/2017 at 10:07 PM, Progress said:

An example of this is a serial killer kills so many yet somehow he isn't killed? Killing is not the only action he has reaped; survival, intelligence, knowledge, deceit, experience and living in favorable conditions are also actions he reaps. Actions that counterbalance his killing and this is just the surface.

Killing is but an ingredient(Karma). Survival, intelligence, knowledge etc. compliment and counterbalance the effects of the Karma of killing. In an example of real life, these actions of survival, intelligence and knowledge allow the killer to survive and not end up killed despite his karma of killing. 

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