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Technology And Internet

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Technology is a double-edged sword. It gets us to the moon, it kills millions. It helps us "communicate", It makes us dumber.

Once i heard a quote it went a bit like this: "Science only discovers keys. We choose what doors to open, The rockets that we used to carry nuclear weapons, we later used to first get to the moon".

I have a friend that lived in the countryside. (He is coming back to the city this week, though.) While living there, he was in a terribly bad financial situation (we are both 15 btw) and he didn't have internet most of the year, only in his phone he rarely even used for social media. We are very similar, with related interests on self-growth and existencial wonder. Thing is, we are also different. I am pretty much addicted to the internet, youtube, videogames, porn. He isn't. He has found his passion (parkour), He excercises regularly, etc. Even though we have almost the same theoretical knowledge on how to live life, he had it almost better off than me because he didn't have internet, so it was harder for him to get addicted (thing he kind of was when he lived here.) The point im trying to make here is: Should we quit internet? should I quit it? Maybe i should just go cold turkey on most of my addictions by pulling off the cable. Now that my phone is broken, plus this potential change, my life could almost get a 180 degree turn, should i do it?

Also, is today's internet, media, etc, bad? or just what we make of it, like in the quote? I really want you people's opinion on  this. (share your stories btw)

Edited by Scarwolf

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I don't think you can remove all of them from your life simultaneously if you are addicted to them.  However, you can make a plan to become more conscious about how you use these tools. When you watch TV ask why you are watching TV? When you are checking Facebook, ask yourself what value Facebook has for you?

There is nothing wrong with technology or the internet, per say. The problem is when we become attached to these things and they become a source of stimulation rather than a tool. We all need to be careful about what sort of information we take in a daily basis from TV, Media, etc.  

It does not hurt if you unhook yourself from them temporarily if you can.  My 2 cents. 

Edited by Self-Mastery

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If you want to quit the internet, you can, it's your choice. However, in my opinion, it's not a good one. The internet is one of the most awesome technologies that humans have created until now. There is a lot of bullshit on it and it's also often very difficult for me to stay focus, nevertheless, there is so much incredible high-quality content that quitting it would be very dumb.

Your quote says everything, the internet is not the problem, the problem is how we use it. In my case, I see that I'm wasting too much time looking at stupid shit, but I'm trying to make some move to reduce that. We should try to use technology in an intelligent way, but stay mindful and detach from it.

One thing that I noticed recently is that it's better when you are organized, for example when you have a todo list you waste less time as you know what you need to do.

Another point is about being tired. Using the internet when you are tired is cancer, because you don't have the energy to do anything, and you start procrastinating a lot. In this case, it's just better to have a break or go to sleep.

My final point is about motivation and life purpose. It's simple: if you're really passionate about something, you're not going to waste your time with technology, contrariwise you can embrace technology and use it as the most powerful tool to make your passion extraordinary. For me, it's how I understand why sometimes I procrastinate so much, as I still didn't find my life purpose.

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