John Iverson

Big Belly

8 posts in this topic

is it okay that the only thing that i will workout on my body is my big tummy? I will sit up? And I don't care for the rest of my body? Because others said that i loose weight but i have e belly ? I don't eat alot but still my belly is there..huhuhuh

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2 hours ago, John Iverson said:

is it okay that the only thing that i will workout on my body is my big tummy?

 There is a great difference between living, being healthy and being an exhibitionist. A very wrong concept has pervaded in the world. According to this, the chest should be well developed and large, and the abdomen should be flat, almost against the back. This mad tendency has created a terrible disturbance within the human body. In order to inflate the chest, the breath has to fill the chest and not be allowed to go down further.

 There is a stupid idea popular in the whole world that belly should be pulled in and chest should look larger, it hinders natural breathing. Breath is literally the bridge connecting all of these aspects of our being and our existence. When you are relaxed ,as the breath goes in, your belly starts rising up, and as the breath goes out, your belly starts settling down again. Try to see children, very small children, taking their breaths. They take them in a different way. Look at a child sleeping. His belly comes up and down, not the chest. That is the right way to breathe; remember not to use your chest too much. Sometimes it can be used – in emergency periods. You are running to save your life; then the chest can be used. 


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Losing weight but still having a belly means you're burning muscle not fat. It can also hint towards insulin resistance - your body isn't capable of lowering blood sugar and maintains elevated insulin levels, which causes food being directed straight into the adipose tissue. 

What to do about it? - Start burning fat instead of sugar or muscle.

  • Heavy resistance training not cardio
  • Eat whole foods with less sugar, more fiber, and protein
  • Get your hormones in check - testosterone, growth hormone and thyroid.
  • Sleep more, reduce stress and stick to circadian rhythms
  • Consider intermittent fasting to switch into ketosis and reverse insulin resistance

Caloric restriction will lead to malnourishment.

Look at starvation victims from concentration camps and Africa - they have no muscle, but they still have fat bellies pointing out. They get some food, but not enough to maintain their lean body mass. As a result, their body will never convert over to burning fat for fuel because they're fed, a malnourished one, but still.

That's why fasting is always a better option for fat loss than a calorically reduced diet. You'll switch into ketosis and preserve your lean mass while burning fat instead.


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Your body type will determine the proportion of your belly to the rest of your body. If you are naturally apple-shaped, you always will be. There is no way to target weight loss to a particular area of the body. The best thing that you can do is try to strengthen your entire body, and you will look and feel better. But there is no way to actually lose belly-fat without losing weight all over the body... except liposuction. 

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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Try a healthy plant based diet, especially replacing dairy/meat by soy products. 

You can check the scientific research in the 2min video of "Waistline Slimming Food"

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It's your body type. For you the last thing to go is your stomach. It's the same for me. Especially the side handles. For other people it might be their legs or their ass. But a lot of people have a area where the fat tends to store. 

Sit ups won't make your stomach go away. It will only strengthen and grow your stomach muscle. Which is good for a six pack. But you will never see that six-pack if it's behind a layer of fat. 

Losing weight, it's really not that hard. You need more intense workouts and/or less intake of calories. 

It doesn't really matter what work out as long as it's more of it and more intense. You can get all anytical over it, but it's most important to just take action. 

It's the same for food. You simply need less calories. It doesn't really matter which foods you cut. You can get all sports scientific over it but the bottom line is you need to take in less calories then you burn. 


Edited by SFRL

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There are 3 body types in general: 

1. Ectomorph - tall,long limbs, very lean, finds it difficult to gain weight, yet extremely easy to lose it. defined by fast metabolism and overly exposed "Adam's apple"

2. Mesomorph - Naturally lean and muscular, tends to have low body fat and finds it relatively easy to gain muscle mass. Also has relatively fast metabolism but that can change with age/lifestyle

3. Endomorph - chubby type, the "big person". Not necessarily tall but usually heavy in weight, broad chest, thick arms and tights. Easy to gain fat all around the body. More challenging to lose weight than the other 2 types. 

All that being said, each of these can gain some benefits of the middle category ( mesomorph)  if they change their lifestyle, diet, exercise routine etc. It is however quite unlikely for Ectomorph to become like Endomorph and vice-versa. From your profile pic, I'd say you are type 1. 

Also it is important to realise that your genetics largely predispose you largely from where you get fat. Some people only get fat belly while retaining skinny legs. Others gain everywhere( chin, ass, legs, arms..). If you have a lot of belly fat, it is likely that the area of lower abdominals is your primary fat storage and that your diet is too high in calories without significant nutritional value ( pastry, sweets, sodas, starchy carbs, fatty meats and maybe too much fruit). 

Secondly it is likely you do not have enough exercise to revers the fat buildup. High Intensity Interval is one of the best options there is for balancing weight and add some resistance training to gain muscle ( if you are interested in that). Or simply add a jogging routine to your planner at least times a week. 


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I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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I fetch this issue of sudden increase in body weight and especially the belly fat before my menopause dates. I completely don’t know why this happens but I am noticing this from several months. At last I started searching for the solution to shed belly fat during Menopausal. And I got this post it helped me a lot in resolving my problem so I am sharing it with you all. If anyone else dealing with such then try this….!




Edited by sandra142

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