
Liberation :)

6 posts in this topic

I was chatting with @Danielle the other day and this is what she pulled out of me:

"I don't know if it changed me, but my last and greatest trip was when I experienced absolute liberation. It was a liberation from sin.
So the thing is, that every time I take psychedelics, it always teaches me something new, it's like every trip is guided by a master. I experienced oneness a few times on 5meo several months ago. Since then my 5meo experiences changed, and I also tried different substances and those also gave me different experiences. Every trip has the taste of oneness, but every trip shows different aspects of that One.
So as I said, my last trip was about liberation. It was an nn-dmt trip. It wasn't visual, it was purely emotional. And what I felt was unconditional love. I felt that the whole existence is in the space of love. Whatever you do, you cannot get outside of this space of love. Everything that exists is loved. Unconditionally. There are no sins, because every act is loved and blessed unconditionally. UNCONDITIONALLY.
Let me give you a powerful example. If you cut the throat of a baby, it is loved and blessed by the Divine and it is according to divine perfection. Everything that exists is in the space of love. Everything.
Once you feel unconditional love, you are ready to give it to others. Because you understand that everybody has infinite freedom and everybody is loved and blessed by the Divine for their actions. Every act is according to divine perfection.
And you are that Divine that loves and blesses everything. You are Divinity itself. Enlightenment is letting your unconditional love to flow through you and manifest itself through your actions. :)

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There are good reasons why some teachers never speak of this, and I don't think saying those things on a forum where there is clearly damaged people on it is a good idea.

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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Everybody will be triggered in the way they need to be triggered.

@Shin it triggered concern in you. That's okay. Concern is the next in line to love in yourself. :) 

Edited by Barna

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All is one, but that one has infinite attributes.
All attributes are one, but that one attribute has infinite meanings.
All meanings are one, but we find infinite explanations for that one meaning. 

Was this answer clear enough for you? :D 

I don't understand anything. It was simply a short trip report where I explained in words how I felt. There are no inherent lessons intended. 

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1 hour ago, Snick said:

@Barna Your previous drug inspired thread claimed "All is a joke" with a smile after just as this drug inspired thread does! 

My question for you then is...

Is "All is unconditional love" equal to "All is a joke" ? 

Thus, All is unconditional love = All is a joke ? 

The word "all" you use in your "drug  threads" , give us the contradiction..


And to use your "powerful" example from OP.. 

Is cutting a baby's throat equal to both divine unconditional love in perfection AND a joke as well? 

This is no critique, I'm open minded. 

But let us examine what you really say! 

What about the contradiction? 

Could it be that the word "All" is misused in your threads? 

There is love, hate, jokes, kindness, duality, nonduality, violence, evil, compassion etcetera! 

Isn't reality a soup of al these things? 

And your drug experience this time around might have taken you to a particular localization in your self, where you experience nothing but pure unconditional love and linked that to everything, to infinity? 

Again, I might be wrong here, I know mind is a dead end! Your example put it all to the stake thought. Let us examine that once and for all! 


All these points arw valid and make sense, but only in the realm of mind aka from the human perspective.

There seems to be a Good that transcends the good and bad of duality.

When Barna is saying All is joke, I assume that he means, from the place of that Good, the good and bad duality and all other dualities are seen as jokes.

With all is love, I guess he might be saying that from that place of Good without opposite,  All is Love, because there is no opposite.

But if someone cut their baby's throat or does anything else obviously negative in the realm of form in the name of nonduality or spirituality, that is labeled : Spiritual Bypassing. 

It's the mind trying to pretend it is awareness and trying to attain awarenesses qualities. But it cant, because mind lives in duality. Hence for the mind there should be right and wrong, and it's vital.

Edited by Dodo

-1/12 is Infinity 

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