
Are There Any Books About The Nervous System And How It Relates To Spirituality?

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I have been experiencing some strange phenomena in my life recently regarding my nervous system and my meditation practice along with using entheogens for consciousness work. As my enlightenment work continues I have noticed recently that I am getting minor headaches after deep meditations or using an entheogen. (I do not use entheogens frequently. Once a month or less.) Additionally during a profoundly deep mushroom experience I went through what Martin Ball calls bilateral symmetrical fractal energetic yoga positions. Whenever I meditate now I also feel tingling in my spine that slowly spreads to the rest of my body if I meditate long enough. My dreams are also much more vivid than they have ever been. Needless to say these strange occurrences have left me very curious as to what is happening with my nervous system at this point on my journey. Any helpful feedback, information/insights or books regarding this on this would be greatly appreciated. 

Edited by nexusoflife

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Yes, of course stuff like that will happen. That's the spiritual growth process at work. Your energy body is changing, your physical body is changing, your mind is changing, your beliefs are changing, etc. Kundalini energy is rising.

This is very complex topic. It's not just about what's going on in your brain. There are subtle spiritual bodies at work in this process. This process is not just psychological or physical, it's deepest roots are existential and spiritual.

Yoga, Buddhism, Tantra, and Daoism talk a lot about this.

I touch on this topic in my Dark Side Of Meditation video. A lot of weird stuff can happen when your Kundalini starts to rise from meditation/yoga, ranging from the annoying and frustrating to full blown paranormal.

If you feel yourself losing control of your life, then you might ease off on the meditation for a while and do more physical exercises to ground yourself. Otherwise, proceed and trust the process, but also listen to your body and intuition.

A book about the nervous system is not going to be very helpful for this stuff. You want to look for books on Kundalini, Qi, chakras, energy work, etc. Western science doesn't understand this stuff almost at all. Because it only happens to serious meditators and it's non-physical in nature.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Maybe a good idea for a video Leo.  Out of the head and into the body.  I'll have to start to practice this stuff too per your recommendation to me.  I didn't even know about this stuff before.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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@Leo Gura Thank you Leo. I will look into books on Kundalini, Qi, chakras, energy work and other things of that nature.

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I posted a video about consciousness and the brain. This video talks about the physical properties of the brain and how it relates to consciousness. It doesnt make the connections to spirituality much but if you really think about the concepts, understand them, and do a little extra reading you will see the connections.



You should also research the heart math institute. They are doing scientific research on heart and brain coherence which is basically a scientific study of kundalini. They are paving the way for science and spirituality to finally meet. They have videos on youtube you can watch. I cant stress enough the importance of everyone being aware of their research, I was extremely excited when I found their stuff.

Edited by S33K3R

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