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The Monk


3 posts in this topic

What is meant by being, what is it? and when do I have it? Why does Leo emphasis this so much?


Thanks for your knowledge :)

"It is YOU that must change for all else to change." - Me.

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This video may help, i was just watching it before, especially where he explains about those "2 to 5 second's" that's being or just being how i see it.

Hope it helps

Edited by pluto


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@The Monk Just look around. Everything that exists is BEing. That's what it does. It BEs. But the magic of being is lost on you because you're deeply mired in a conceptual matrix. Your mind slices and dices and projects upon the raw being which is there, turning it into fantasy. To become really conscious of being is an amazing thing.

As an exercise, try picking up an object like a pen, and just observing it closely in your hands as though you're seeing for the first time. Forget that it's a pen, or that's it has the human function "to write", and just observe it lovingly and curiously, like a baby. If you do that for a few minutes, you'll start to get in touch with the magic of being. Although not fully, because to fully contact being, you have to get rid of the self/observer, so that you literally become the pen.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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