
Career Improved - Now What?

2 posts in this topic

In the past year, I have made vast strides in furthering my corporate career. Originally, I was at a job where I wasn't challenged, people disliked me professionally and personally, I had a challenging almost psychotic boss, I got very little raises (which made sense) so I figured if I improve all that, I would at the very least feel less stress and anxiety. 

Fast forward and frankly, I have very little to complain about in my current role. I'm thriving, taking on cool projects, getting paid more, and have people supporting me. Thus, by all accounts, I expected to feel way happier but a year in, the nagging feeling about purpose is creeping back in. I'm sure there is something to my personality (constant need to improve also equals constant dissatisfaction with what is). The scary part is that I can see how I can get to new heights but I'm not sure if it will really give me the peace, fulfillment and joy that I'm looking for. There isn't any pressing urge to make decisions but I feel like I'm not necessarily moving in the right direction and that by procrastinating, I'm doing a sense of injustice to myself. Although, it's not very clear what those actions are or maybe I'm fooling myself playing mental gymnastics. 

Welcome your suggestions and approaches! :)

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@Violet Great to hear your career is going well. Seems like (IMO) you are looking for happiness & fulfillment from a corporate career. "You're still young, that's your fault". Practices have no substitute. Only the practices will lead you to the place of satisfaction and simultaneous expansion.  It is a delicious harmonious state. 



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