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How Do You Focus On One Thing?

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I invested in a bunch of self-help programs and books. I make a long term program with a sequence i will study them in. After the first book or program. I start the list over and go to another course. With the same books and coures this has been going on for 2 years. Any advice?

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@Endew Hi. I guess my first thought is that it appears you are procrastinating. I've been there, done that, and still do at times. I have a few questions for you to self investigate. 'Have I gotten any insights from the books and programs to date?' 'Have I made progress over the past two years?' 'Have I actually applied what I am reading and learning?' Have I actually completed the exercises and techniques I've read or heard about?' 'What's holding me back?' 'What am I scared of?' 'What one thing can I do right now to help me get traction towards a new future?' You can probably think of more questions.

I remember a time when I had read a particular book three or four times over several years and 'done the exercises in my head' and thought 'yeah, I get it'. But, things didn't change and I still hadn't moved forward.

I was at a juncture in my life and didn't know which way to go - either way was as scary as the other. Then I remembered that book. I decided to dedicate an entire weekend actually following the exercises. I wrote over 150 pages in an exercise book as a result of actually doing the work as it was supposed to be done.

When I had finally finished, I felt a huge shift in me and I knew then which direction I needed to take. It was still a hard decision, though it didn't seem as scary as before. I felt better within myself and knew I had done all I could do in that situation.

So, my suggestion to you is to think about all the books and programs you have read or done and think about the first element of all of them that comes to your mind and resonates the most with you. This will most likely be what you can start with first.

Trust your inner knowing! Best wishes.

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I see no point in studying self- help. You have to do it. If it doesn't change your everyday thinking and behavior, it has no value.   

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