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Joseph Maynor

Is Claiming That Ego Is A Part Of You Or Reality Just Clinging To Concept?

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Doesn't this thesis or concept put us a tad into the matrix too?  A tad into theoretical idealism?  Reality just is.  The ego is concept, an idea.  I can cling to or release the concept of ego.  I do not need to define or view  myself or reality through that prism.  In fact, it seems erroneous on the surface to do so, does it not?  It's like an apple believing it's a Red Delicious in some fundamental way.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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@Joseph Maynor

Illusion of the Ego

You are thinking as if ego is something that you are carrying and that you can drop. Ego is only an illusion, it is only an idea. It has not to be dropped, it cannot be dropped. How can you drop an idea?

For example, it is getting dark in the evening and on the road you see a rope, but it appears to you as a snake. Now, can you kill the snake? In the first place the snake is not there! Can you avoid the snake? In the first place the snake is not there. Can you be unafraid of the snake? In the first place the snake is not there, so all these things are irrelevant. All that is needed is a little light - just a candle will do - and you will see the snake has never been there. It was just an idea, an illusion, a projection.

The moment you find the rope, will you ask, "Now what to do with the snake? Should I drop it?

Should I forget all about it?"

The moment you discover your being there is no ego found. Ego is only a projection: just as the snake is projected on the rope, ego is projected on the being. You don't know the rope, hence the snake; you don't know your being, hence the ego. Ego is not knowing your being; not being aware of your being is what ego is all about. So there is no question of dropping it.

But many people try to drop it, and the miracle is, they even succeed! They become humble. But humbleness is another trick of the ego, a very subtle trick - the ego has come from the back door - because to drop it simply means you have not understood it at all, so it is BOUND to come.

Ego is just a habit, a habit of ignorance, unconsciousness - it will come back. Please don't drop it!

Don't feed it, don't drop it, because in both ways you will be saving it. Just watch it, and you will not find it.

The only thing to remember is to watch where the ego is, and you will not find it - nobody has ever found it. Whosoever has looked for it has not found it, and those who have been trying to drop it have never been able to get rid of it.

  Osho ~ Philosophia Ultima

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isn't there  a realm where the ego is useful and practical- in the local(robertMonroe) just some what like the (alchemical) the ego and even its' original survival use is fuel for growth...and useful as a prime material....question what is real and what is appearance.

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