
Should I Get Leo's Book-list?

19 posts in this topic

I started to read more books recently and I was just wondering if I should really get Leo's list. There are a lot of useless books out there and I was just wondering if the filtering that Leo did is worth it.


Has anyone here bought it?

Do you recommend it?

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5 minutes ago, Ariel said:

Has anyone here bought it?

I have.

5 minutes ago, Ariel said:

Do you recommend it?


1 - If you're not the type of person who understands the value in buying it, then that $35 you would save by not getting the book list will probably be spent on total bullshit. The less you want to buy it, the more you actually need it.

2 - Its invaluable when you consider the amount of time and effort it saves you. Imagine having a recommended list of the best books for any subject you need to figure out, categorized and listed out right there for you. It's almost like a cheat code for life. 

3 - Despite what you might think, the recommended books or highest rated books doesn't come even close to the booklist. Leo goes out of his way to find unheard-of, niche books that you would probably never have considered given 10 years to research each topic. 

Edited by TJ Reeves

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37 minutes ago, Ariel said:

I started to read more books recently and I was just wondering if I should really get Leo's list. There are a lot of useless books out there and I was just wondering if the filtering that Leo did is worth it.


Has anyone here bought it?

Do you recommend it?

I bought it, and I definitely recommend it. It's hard to find good self-help books and this will help you avoid buying books that aren't great quality books. A lot of self-help books are pretty meh. 

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Buying the book list has been one of the best decisions in my life I have ever made.

I can't even imagine how I could find those books anywhere except from Leo's book list.

The variety and quality reviews that Leo provides with each new book is gold in the long run. 

This is a real investment!!:)


"Becoming 'awake' involves seeing our own confusion more clearly"-Rumi

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Buy it...the price is about the price of two books, but you get audio reviews of hundreds of books

I make YouTube videos about Self-Actualization: >> Check it out here <<

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Bought it. Read 12-15 of them. Would recommend. Nothing pisses me off more than buying a book and spending the time to read half of it only to realize that it sucks and I'm not going to finish it. I haven't had that problem with any of Leo's recommendations.

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Get it.  I read several books in it that were excellent.  Kinda took me from the newbie to intermediate level in personal development a couple of years ago.  I listened to many of the books as audiobooks.  Surprisingly a lot of them are on Audible.  I prefer audiobooks to paper books.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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On 6/27/2017 at 6:47 AM, TJ Reeves said:

1 - If you're not the type of person who understands the value in buying it, then that $35 you would save by not getting the book list will probably be spent on total bullshit. The less you want to buy it, the more you actually need it.

You don't know the guy personally. While he might just be in doubt about this book list, he might have excellent ideas about what to do with his money. Even if he doesn't, it's his money after all. Furthermore, you can't evaluate how much he needs it based on his desire to buy it. Maybe this guy buys the book list, only to find out he's read all the books or that he has better books in his own library. Or maybe not. But you shouldn't draw conclusions based on something you don't know. It's like the "I don't know what that flying saucer is, so it must be aliens". Well, if you don't know, then that's where your sentence should end. Especially when you give advice to people.

On 6/27/2017 at 6:47 AM, TJ Reeves said:

3 - Despite what you might think, the recommended books or highest rated books doesn't come even close to the book list. Leo goes out of his way to find unheard-of, niche books that you would probably never have considered given 10 years to research each topic. 

Actually, a friend of mine bought the book list and when I saw it, I found out that I have heard of many of those books on my own. If you're genuinely interested in philosophy (like I am), self-development, psychology you'll end up hearing about these books. Well, maybe not about all of them, but you might hear about better books that Leo doesn't know about. Leo's list will just save you a lot of time of going through bad books or reading a lot of reviews. However, also keep in mind that something that Leo might have considered a "bad book" and excluded off his book list because it didn't resonate with him, it didn't help him or he just didn't like it, might just prove to be the best book for you to read right now.

On 6/27/2017 at 6:41 AM, Ariel said:

Do you recommend it?

If you want my thoughts on the matter. Well... I'd recommend it sure. But I can also give you a link to a google drive that I have, with my own book list, which includes all that I read and what I am going to read (it also includes some books in pdf and ebook format). My list includes about 60-70% of Leo's books, but my list comes somewhere close to 500 books because I also read (or am going to read) a lot of science books, fiction and some poetry from my own country. If you want my book list, just ask and I'll share it with you freely.

Leo, if you see this, keep in mind that this is my own list, I made it during my life, just as you made yours. It is my own belief that no book list should have a price. I mean, it's not like some of that money is going to go to the authors of those books, who actually did the hard work of writing them... Sure you might say that the authors will get some money as a result of some people buying the book list. However, how would you feel if I'd ask you for money and in exchange, all I did was tell you if that restaurant over there has good food? I don't know, it just doesn't feel right... I mean I win, the restaurant wins, but you have to pay us both and the risk is that you might actually end up not liking the food at all...

EDIT: Got it, I know why "it feels wrong". Look at the book list as an 'ad' for the books, or as a 'trailer' for a movie. It's like paying to see an ad, or a trailer. It's ridiculous. It's one of the few things that I didn't like to see Leo doing (I generally agree with him, even with him doing psychedelics).

I mean, sure, he did some work in order to come up with this book list, and I appreciate that, but you can't just sell anything just because you worked for it. It's like someone who's distributing leaflets asking you to pay for those leaflets that show you information about their product, or in this case, someone else's product.

That being said, it is also worth considering that Leo's videos, which are his own work, are free. He could ask money so that we're allowed to watch those. He could literally say in one of his videos "from next week, all my videos are on my site only, and you have to pay 10$ to watch each new episode". However, he doesn't do that, as far as I understand, it is because it wouldn't actually be in line with his life purpose. So you could consider the 35$ (or whatever the cost is now) that you pay him now, as a way of saying "thank you" for all his free videos that you watched.

I still disagree with selling a book list, haven't changed my mind about that, it still rubs me the wrong way, but it's not really that big of a deal.

Edited by NEW11

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Bought it and I love it! 

I would pay 3 times the price! 

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Yeah 100% get it. Love the audio reviews, the categorisation, and the rating system. Plus by purchasing you're kind 'buying in' which will motivate you to read more stuff!

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No need to buy it untill you read the books you can see for free (from the list).

Then I also recommand to read "The Power of Now" (which is either not on the list or very low in it), probably one of the best book to read nowadays.

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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A resounding YES! You know he gives you a book report on each one, right? This really really helps sort out which ones you should buy first. If you’re totally strapped for cash, I’d be happy to buy it for you. Just email me. Worth way more than $35... I felt like I was stealing it from him. 

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The book of not knowing, or how to mindfuck your mind so much that you don't even know what is real or not anymore.

I understand why it's the first on the list now xD

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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All Leo’s products are great.  I’m gonna do the Life Purpose Course soon too — by the end of this year.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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Looks like an old post has been reincarnated.


To add my 2cents - I brought it partially for the book list and partially to support Leo for all the free work that he does.

The value of the book list is about right for what you get out of it - some hidden gems, a lifetime of reading ideas for a slow reader like me, and the books categorized and rated (so you can go straight to the most useful book about the subject you are most interested in). But the value we are all getting out of the whole videos, posts, forums, community, links etc is infinitely more than that. So overall, I am very happy with the purchase.


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