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A moment ago I described myself to someone as 'extremely  skeptical', and it made me think:

It's easy to be skeptical of things 'out there' I don't believe in.  It's harder to be skeptical of things 'out there' I do believe in.  But the one thing I know for certain is that most (if not all) of my thoughts turn out to be demonstrably wrong.  Yet I still believe them.  Again and again and again I believe them.

For some reason, applying skepticism to myself, to my thoughts and 'inner' beliefs - that keeps eluding me.  And I suspect it's where skepticism is needed the most

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Of course. Skepticism is often used as the ego's greatest weapon.

Rather than active skepticism, the much better position is to admit that you really don't know. That is actually what's the case. You just don't know what the truth is. So just stay with that, and try not to let your mind entangle itself in speculation. Speculation is very tempting, but it is a tool of the devil.

Not-knowing is a VERY counter-intuitive move.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura Absolutely - and thank you for that clarification.   It's fasinating to see people who call themselves skeptical not realise they're clinging to this-or-that foundational paradigm.

I had a really thought-provoking discussion with my partner recently.  Neither of us like socialising with people we don't know, so we were discussing small-talk, and how there might be much more interesting things to discuss than work or weather.  She remembered the time someone asked her 'when was the last time you allowed evidence to change your mind?' as a great conversation point.

But it stuck with me.  And I look around.  And my version of skepticism seemed to only be the skepticism that conveniently agreed with what I wanted to believe...

Yet it's so easy to convince yourself otherwise.  That 'not-knowing' you suggest: it's so easy to pretend like you're doing it, when you're really not...

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