Is Anyone Here On This Forum, Trully Enlightened?

Dino D
By Dino D in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God,
Is anyone here on this forum, trully Enlightenment? Like really, ,,100%" level Mojiji, Rupert Spira etc. Enlightenment? (I know we can say there are no levels)   Why I ask that? If non of you guys are, (evan Leo says he is is not-and I find him incredibly sharp minded, and he is a true seeaker (he reads a lot, went to seminars, meditates a lot, takes the real psychedelics and he still says he isn't Enlightenment) than we have, (esspecialy me) Nearly Impossible Odds to get there... and it's good to know that if you go on the path... I mean how much people like rupert, mojiji, eckart we have on this earth? 10? 20? 10.000,00 ?   If Leo who has an incredibile talent to start with, who put an tremendous work  and time into the path of seeking did not succeed, than I can never do it??? It's like, if usain bolt can't run that fast, I can? (let's be real, I will never even beat usain, Let alone run faster than him, or do better on the path then LEO?), or play like jordan, be smart like Nikola Tesla, or Enlightened like Rupert Spira... Leo, also is not Enlightened (not jet), if all of you on this forum also can't get there, then almost no one can? It would be to stupid and 100% unrealistic for me to try that or to think that I can ever get Enlightened... Like it's unrealistic for me to beat usain bolt, or someone like him, ever...
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