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Joseph Maynor

Is Watching Yourself Like A Hawk Or Increasing Awareness, Paradoxically, A Subtle Addiction Too

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I just watched Leo's amazing new video on overcoming subtle addictions.  Thanks for this video Leo, you answered by prayer with this video, and I love you more than ever before.  But doesn't our addiction to awareness, mindfulness, and watching ourselves like a hawk also qualify as a subtle addiction too?  Aren't we, paradoxically, manifesting neurosis by engaging in this conduct as well?  We're like over-eager awareness-strivers seeking to note and label everything accept the neurosis we are creating for ourselves by engaging in this compulsive conduct.

Awareness alone is curative.  Ok, so that's our motto.  But does this strategy of constant mindfulness leave a neurosis trail in it's wake too, like a boat moving through water creates behind itself?  And if you're in the boat, you don't normally see this trail unless you turn around, so the trail is hidden from your ordinary plain sight, your normal forward-looking view on the boat.  Is it not?  But it exists nonetheless.

So, what is the sustainable solution to overcoming this problem, if any exists.  Maybe there is no problem and/or no solution, and if that's your contention,  please make an appropriate argument here so we can discuss this issue.  Let's get to the bottom of this.  This question is for everyone.  


Edited by Joseph Maynor

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I have not seen any of Leo's videos, so I may be speaking out of place.

IMHO, there are various definitions for what an addiction is. One is characterized by compulsive engagement in gaining something regardless of adverse consequences, and suffering withdrawal symptoms during disengagement.

I do not think this definition can be related to the engagement of mindfulness. However, if it does, then I'd rather be addicted to mindfulness of the truth and love, regardless of how it hurts my ego (adverse consequences) and longing (withdrawal symptoms) for serenity during disengagement; than living a life of fear and self-deception.

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@Visitor Wow I can't believe you haven't seen any of Leo's videos!  That's amazing.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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We're not here to fix addictions for the sake of fixing addictions, that would be missing the point. We're after living up to our highest potential, self actualization. So this idea of neurotic mindfulness, awareness seeking including the other addictions only exists because they themselves are antithetical to living up to one's full potential in life. It's like negative motivation. Always solving problems never aspiring to something greater. So if your addictions are not helping you do that then that should notify you that it's a cause for concern.

Memento Mori

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