Leo Gura

Questions About Becoming A Life Coach? Ask Me

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@Tenortone21 i will coach you, tell me your problems... I have gone through a lot of psychology concepts for quite some time, the working of the human mind is the same for every one, if you follow the instructions I give you your life will certainly change for the better, but if you want results you have to do the exercises that I give you on a daily basis. Always remember Change is the only constant, some people try so hard trying to resist change like it was even possible. :-) 

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On 8/2/2016 at 4:12 AM, Guest said:

Alright Leo, I want to start practicing this right now. In fact, I already tried to coach someone but it failed horribly. Basically she started to ask me questions and for advice and short after her questions became so tricky that I didn't know what to say anymore. Thank god it was just a practicing session. Tomorrow I will coach my mother and see how this turns out.

Until I can do my coaching training I have to wait one year, because I don't have so much money. Can you spare any advice on how to actually coach someone? Can you share one coaching session for example? I really need to get my head around how this works. I know that I ask questions and make the client think, but like with my last client she answered all my questions so fast and then started to ask me tricky questions and totally threw me off. I still feel raped by her, lol. Session was over after 5 minutes. Tommorrow I want to do better!


Edit: I'm not asking for you to teach me how to coach, don't get me wrong! I can't wait for the training programm to teach me how to do it. But at least one little hint, a small stepping stone on how that actually works just to give me a small taste would be really appreciated.

Hi! look for REALLY low cost coaching training (and good one) in Udemy  https://www.udemy.com/  see attached   screen shot. Good Luck!! 

Captura de pantalla 2016-06-18 a la(s) 17.58.51.png

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On February 7, 2016 at 2:12 AM, Guest said:

Alright Leo, I want to start practicing this right now. In fact, I already tried to coach someone but it failed horribly. Basically she started to ask me questions and for advice and short after her questions became so tricky that I didn't know what to say anymore. Thank god it was just a practicing session. Tomorrow I will coach my mother and see how this turns out.

Until I can do my coaching training I have to wait one year, because I don't have so much money. Can you spare any advice on how to actually coach someone? Can you share one coaching session for example? I really need to get my head around how this works. I know that I ask questions and make the client think, but like with my last client she answered all my questions so fast and then started to ask me tricky questions and totally threw me off. I still feel raped by her, lol. Session was over after 5 minutes. Tommorrow I want to do better!


Edit: I'm not asking for you to teach me how to coach, don't get me wrong! I can't wait for the training programm to teach me how to do it. But at least one little hint, a small stepping stone on how that actually works just to give me a small taste would be really appreciated.

I am becoming a certified life coach going through the same program Leo did. Here is my advice, go to a program. But if you're going to try and coach now remember this, only ask open ended questions. You are not the expert of their universe, they are. You are just there to help them figure out their own solutions. An easy cheat way to remember this is ask questions starting with:

- How


- Tell me

- What


Stay clear from yes or no questions. One of the goals in coaching is get the client to think in a way they haven't before. A good coach asks really good questions.


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@Leo Gura

Hi Leo,

I wanted to formally introduce myself and ask a few questions about life coaching. My name is Carrie and I'm a hypnotherapist/hypnotist, reiki practitioner, and weight loss coach for Ideal Protein.  I also went to college and studied video game design back in the day and felt it wasn't a good fit for me, so I feel that I can personally relate to you.   I do prefer however to coach people one on one in person.  I enjoy giving my heart and passion to people and seeing their beautiful transformations take place.  I look forward to their success and seeing a big happy smile on their face!  But I also see why you chose your route to give advice because it also allows you have a more flexible schedule and free time to work on enlightenment (or I hope that it does! lol). 

I've been told by other hypnotists that youtube videos are great for website ranking. Did you find that to be true for yourself?
Do you suggest specific software applications (imovie)  or hardware (cameras or microphones) to use while filming and editing youtube videos for my website?  I find that I'm gaining the majority of my clients through SEO, and my Godaddy Advertisting. I have attended several networking events and have not found them to be helpful in gaining clients and a waste of my time. 

From your experience coaching people one on one, did you notice that you were drawing in/attracting a specific target audience? Were you getting the majority of clients that were interested in certain specific areas: personal development, relationship issues, weight loss, etc?   Most of the clients I see for hypnosis are usually weight loss and personal development, even though smoking is considered a big thing in the hypnosis industry.  And then every once in a while I'll get a certain cluster of clients of a specific niche at the same time! lol (ie: insomnia, relationship issues, etc.).

I've naturally started to coach them with the experience I've gained.  I've been told by clients that I have a natural knack for it., but I do wish to go back to get certification in life coaching or something applicable. Would you say that IPEC is the best route?  If you had to do it all over again, would you have still attended the same school?  Did you have to obtain additional certifications in specific areas of coaching to expand your knowledge or did you feel IPEC gave you enough well rounded information to work on multiple topics and areas?

Thanks for all your help, advice and attention to detail!
Be Well!
Carrie :)


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On 19/06/2016 at 3:43 AM, Sarah_Flagg said:

But if you're going to try and coach now remember this, only ask open ended questions. You are not the expert of their universe, they are. You are just there to help them figure out their own solutions.

Great advice, especially these few lines. The person must feel comfortable in revealing to the life coach and not feel judged. From this experience, the life coach could gain lots of experiences and uncover truths that could lead to paradigm shifts for all.

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@Leo Gura I recently started to 'coach' two friends of mine. Basically sharing the knowledge from my path, that is the Life Purpose Course and the books on the recommended reading list of this course, which I all read. Now I want to take this to the next level getting certified. I am on a Caribbean island so it has to be online (teleclass), and preferably in the States because of the time zone. Do you have any suggestions for institutions? When I google only 1 in the USA appears. Which one do you recommend?

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Hey Leo! Out of curiosity, have you ever coached any high profile over achievers? (Clients that would be considered famous or very successful otherwise). The only reason I ask is to get a grasp on two things: 1) your overall success as a life coach, if you "made it big" so to speak, and 2) just how popular/ high the demand is for life coaches. My idea is to do coaching on the side while I get through university, as I am currently going through the life coaching portion of the reading list I bought from you and am really enjoying it so far. Really appreciate that you are open to answering questions, thanks! ~ PS Would also like to know if life coaching is technically a profession similar to the medical field in that there is great privacy in handling the clients case? (Not looking to divulge people's information obviously, just curious if the same rule/ laws applied as in the medical field)

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I am 19 and am very interested in life coaching, I am in college right now working toward my degree in Psychology. I thought it would be very wise to wait to do the coach training program after I get my bachelors degree or even my PhD. Sound wise?


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