
Minimalism! The Best Video About This Self-help Field

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Hello everybody!

I want to share with you this hilarious video about minimalism. I have just recently started being a minimalist. Today I was searching for an inspiratin about minimalism when I found this. I could clearly say, this gave me a mirror, nothing has to be overdone. I continue being minimalist, but a bit more sober one.

There it is :D

I recomned you to take a look around his channel. He could change point of view to lot of us. Sometimes we are to serious. Self-help junkies are a bit of laughable.

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We need to make sure that Leo includes his book, in the book list:)

He has one 'vision board' episode:):  "..see I had this vision board 10 years ago and I still have it! :) "

Edited by Sevi

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