Dan Arnautu

Sadhguru Claims You Can Accidentaly Leave Your Body During Intense States Of Samadhi. Thoughts?

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Just now, Anna1 said:

why are you acting like it's rocket science?. .like you are incapable?

I will try remember your advice, it will cite the source. Do you think that everybody will be comfortable with that ? Somebody will say I am doing advertisement of Osho, Somebody will say write it in your own language. Somebody will say it is not your own experience. I can't make everyone contented. 

Still I will cite the source, if it makes you happy. If I forget sometimes, you can remind me whenever you like. Still you are not satisfied , you can request Leo to ban me. I will continue my work on some other form, if I don't find any forum, still I will live happily in isolation. There is nothing serious in it for me, it is just a play.

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10 minutes ago, Prabhaker said:

Somebody will say I am doing advertisement of Osho, Somebody will say write it in your own language. Somebody will say it is not your own experience. I can't make everyone contented. 

Yes, it's not you saying it. Yes, it's not your experience. People should know that... Otherwise, you are just inflating your ego, by getting compliments, ect on writings that had nothing to do with you.

If you consider Osho your teacher you can use concepts/words similiar to what he has taught you, in your own writings without it being plagiarizism, but when you copy/paste word for word, you have to cite the source.

“You don’t have problems; you are the problem.”

– Swami Chinmayananda

Namaste ? ?

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@Nichols Harvey I just saw your post. Yes, you are right I'm sorry.

“You don’t have problems; you are the problem.”

– Swami Chinmayananda

Namaste ? ?

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3 minutes ago, Anna1 said:

Otherwise, you are just inflating your ego, by getting compliments, ect on writings that had nothing to do with you.

Do you expect to write about Samadhi and full enlightenment from their own experience on this forum ?  

6 minutes ago, Anna1 said:

Otherwise, you are just inflating your ego, by getting compliments, ect on writings that had nothing to do with you.

There are thousand and one ways to inflate the ego, even writing in your own language can inflate the ego. It will drop on it own accord, I am not in a hurry. If you want to remind me to cite the source again , you can reply. I will continue to respond , as long as you want.

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@Prabhaker Do what you want... I do not wish to derail another thread/topic or continue to derail this one.

My apologies to the OP. Too many college English classes on citing sources! Lol.

“You don’t have problems; you are the problem.”

– Swami Chinmayananda

Namaste ? ?

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15 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

I'm beginning to think having an ego is the better alternative strategically lol.  

Having a ego is better, if you are happy with it. Without a ego nobody can grow. When you find that it is making you miserable, it will drop on its own accord.

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25 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

@Anna1 I'm beginning to think having an ego is the better alternative strategically lol.  

Recognition and identification with your true nature doesn't make you brain dead. You will still have preferences, likes/dislikes, opinions, ect. It's all a part of the "play". 

I will not respond again, as I don't want to further derail this thread, more then I have already.


“You don’t have problems; you are the problem.”

– Swami Chinmayananda

Namaste ? ?

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7 hours ago, Dan Arnautu said:

Basically, Sadhguru claims that having a piece of metal on your body, such as a ring or an anklet can prevent you from accidentally leaving your body during an intense samadhi experience or experience of ”oneness”. He also claims that he brought in the past someone back to their physical body by using his own energies in a very blunt way after that guy left his physical body unwillingly. This allegedly also put a tremendous toil on Sadhguru's body and made it age ”20 years in 8 months”, as he says.

OP, it sounds very "spiritual", but sounds like total rubbish to me. What would leave the body would be what's called the subtle body. If it were to leave in Samadhi a piece of metal wouldn't prevent it. As well as the gross body wouldn't age 20+ yrs because of the subtle body being ejected. Essentially, that's the same as an out of body experience or a NDE. 

“You don’t have problems; you are the problem.”

– Swami Chinmayananda

Namaste ? ?

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@Prabhaker I appreciate the input but you are entirely besides the point. I asked if you think you can accidentally leave the body and never come back when you are in a state of union (I don't mean the ego dying, I mean consciousness leaving the body), and you gave me an excerpt from Osho that has nothing to do with the question.

Pay more attention, please!

”Unaccompanied by positive action, rest may only depress you.” -- George Leonard

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@Anna1 I do not mean the guy who left the body having aged 20 years in 8 months, but Sadhguru, by using his energies forcefully to bring the guy back.

”Unaccompanied by positive action, rest may only depress you.” -- George Leonard

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2 minutes ago, Dan Arnautu said:

you gave me an excerpt from Osho that has nothing to do with the question.

You asked that , " Should one be worried about these kinds of things when they do their spiritual practices? "

Excerpt from Osho was in response to above question.

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Just now, Prabhaker said:

Excerpt from Osho was in response to above question.

He does not adress the problem of consciousness leaving the body while in a satori state.

”Unaccompanied by positive action, rest may only depress you.” -- George Leonard

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10 hours ago, Prabhaker said:

Everything I post is from Osho, no need to mention every time.

Why not try to post something of your own? Would be much more interesting this way.

enlightened no one


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1 minute ago, Dan Arnautu said:

He does not adress the problem of consciousness leaving the body while in a satori state.

He said that after Satori, you need a master, because now you are entering in an unknown territory. 

but there is no need of planning, these are the mysteries of life, existence itself takes care, existence functions in a very planned way.

I have heard that in India when some mystic enters Samadhi , other disciples protect his body. 

Excerpt from Osho book ~ The Miracle.

My first experience out of the body was falling from a tree. I used to meditate just behind the university, where there was a beautiful hillock and three tall trees, very silent, and nobody used to go there. I used to sit in one of the trees and meditate. One day suddenly I saw that I was sitting in the tree and at the same time my body had fallen down and was lying on the ground. For a moment I could not find how to enter into it again. It was just a coincidence that a woman who used to bring milk to the university from the nearby village saw my body falling down, so she came close. She must have heard that in situations when the inner body becomes separated from the outer body, if you rub between the eyes, the third eye, that is the door. The spirit that has left will be able to enter.

So she rubbed my third eye. I could see her rubbing my forehead, and the next moment I opened my eyes and thanked her and asked her how she knew to do that.

She had simply heard about it. It was a primitive village, but she had heard the traditional idea that the third eye is the place from where one leaves and where one can come back.

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Just now, Tano said:

Why not try to post something of your own? Would be much more interesting this way.

I live in isolation my way of life is different from western way of life. I think that teachings of an enlightened master will be more useful for others.

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6 minutes ago, Prabhaker said:

I live in isolation my way of life is different from western way of life. I think that teachings of an enlightened master will be more useful for others.

Give yourself more credit.

He is not 'enlightened'. And your suggestion of a way of life different from that of the western one bears no reality.

You are human. That's enough.

enlightened no one


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2 hours ago, Nichols Harvey said:

Keep doing what's working for you. 

Whatever that may mean.

enlightened no one


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@Dan Arnautu I am very skeptical about the claim that a metal can stop someone from leaving the body during Samadhi.. And, I have done some research on this topic and so far I haven't found anybody else other than Sadhguru saying something like this. 

Also, I did extensive research on whether it is common for people leaving the body during Samadhi or even enlightenment. Osho once said that about 90% of people leave the body on enlightenment. Sadhguru just repeats the same from Osho though he never mentions Osho at all (I am pretty sure that a lot of what Sadhguru says come from Osho. I have elaborated on this in my story here. ) But Osho once stated exactly the opposite when he talked about Vedanta. And he has openly admitted that he often contradicts himself, he is infallible and what he says may be factually incorrect but his main intention was to guide people on their awakening.

Anyway, I was wondering if anybody else said that enlightenment and death happen at the same time for most of the people. I found a book by Lakshmanaswami (he says he got enlightened in the Ramana Mahirishi's presence) who says in that book that his disciple Saradama might have left her body during her enlightenment if he was not there to stop it. Also, Ramakrishna Paramhamsa used to say that a person leaves his body after being in Samadhi for 21 days in a row, unless that person knows how to come back from Samadhi.

But when someone asked Ramana Mahirishi about this, he denied it.

Just compare these two:

By Ramakrishna:

"When the Kundalini rises to the Sahasrara and the mind goes into samadhi, the aspirant loses all consciousness of the outer world. He can no longer retain his physical body. If milk is poured into his mouth, it runs out again. In that state the life-breath lingers for twenty-one days and then passes out. Entering the 'black waters' of the ocean, the ship never comes back. But the Isvarakotis, such as the Incarnations of God, can come down from this state of samadhi. They can descend from this exalted state because they like to live in the company of devotees and enjoy the love of God. God retains in them the 'ego of Knowledge' or the 'ego of Devotion' so that they may teach men. Their minds move between the sixth and the seventh planes. They run a boat-race back and forth, as it were, between these two planes.

 - The Gospel of ramakrishna volume 1 (Sunday, August 3, 1884)


By Ramana Mahirishi:

TALK 286:

Seeker: Sri Ramakrishna says that nirvikalpa samadhi cannot last longer than twenty-one days. If persisted in, the person dies. Is it so?

Ramana Mahirishi : When the prarabdha is exhausted the ego is completely dissolved without leaving any trace behind. This is final liberation. Unless prarabdha is completely exhausted the ego will be rising up in its pure form even in jivanmuktas. I still doubt the statement of the maximum duration of twenty-one days. It is said that people cannot live if they fast thirty or forty days. But there are those who have fasted longer, say a hundred days. It means that there is still prarabdha for them.

Talk 391:

Seeker: It is said that one remaining in nirvikalpa samadhi for 21 days must necessarily give up the physical body.

Ramana Mahirishi: Samadhi means passing beyond dehatma buddhi (I-am-the-body idea) and non-identifcation of the body with the Self is a foregone conclusion.

There are said to be persons who have been immersed in nirvikalpa samadhi for a thousand years or more.


I also found the following verses from the scriptures:

When the ego-sense gets completely dissolved, the body,the product of ego, gets disintegrated too.

(Yogaśīkhopaniṣad, I.34)

When the root-cause of Avidyā is destroyed, the body must perforce fall away.

(Yoga-Vāsiṣṭha, III.92.6)


My take on this after going through all this:

Enlightened people are not scientists.. By this I mean they didn't conduct any extensive empirical research and find out such things. All they know about is their own experience, what they have seen in others and what they have read. So, nobody can say for sure  that 90% of people leave the body during enlightenment. To state it as a fact, we must have enough statistics based on some empirical research. Also, it may not be really common for people to leave the body during Samadhi, it may have happened during a few instances because their bodies were extremely feeble. Since historically we have seen many enlightened people perfectly alive after enlightenment and after any intense Samadhi experiences, you really don't have to worry about this. 

Edited by Shanmugam


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6 hours ago, Dan Arnautu said:

@Anna1 I do not mean the guy who left the body having aged 20 years in 8 months, but Sadhguru, by using his energies forcefully to bring the guy back.

I understood that. I just don't believe him.

“You don’t have problems; you are the problem.”

– Swami Chinmayananda

Namaste ? ?

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