
Anxiety And Sexual Arousal

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Hello everyone. I'm new to the website but I've seen Leo's videos for almost 2 years. I have been dealing with anxiety for a while now and I wanted to discuss some of the feelings that I experience. The most important thing is that sometimes when I feel sexually aroused it triggers my anxiety. I searched on the internet and could not find anything in this regard. Moreover, even rarely when I'm really excited, the same thing happens and triggers my anxiety. Has anyone experienced something like this? 

Thank you for your response :-)

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I've found sort of similar issues in me. 2 things:
1) When I feel good or have sexual arousal etc. I feel somewhat guilty and afraid of feeling good. It's probably due to my limiting belief that feeling good is somehow bad and I'll lose myself in that pleasure cycle followed by the vicious cycle of depression and lowest of lows (As I've indulged in pleasure and experienced it before many times! freaking story of my life in a nutshell -_- )
2) When I get excited about a work/vision/project, very quickly I sabotage myself with unrealistic fantasies, addiction to results and perfectionism. 

@arsha All these things including your problem are results of limiting beliefs, mis-perception and never actually questioning the default mode of reacting and seeing through whats actually true. On top of that there may be unhealthy diet, poor physical vitality, thinking, porn, other addictions, sleep pattern etc issues that are reinforcing and holding this pattern in your life. There is no temporary solution of anxiety. It feels like shit. You really have to re-examine your life and specifically work through the things that are responsible for your problem. No easy way out! All the best :)

''Not this...

Not this...

PLEASE...Not this...''

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Whenever you feel sex desire arising, there are three possibilities: one, indulge in it - ordinary, everybody is doing that; second: repress it, force it down so it goes beyond your consciousness into the darkness of the unconscious, and the third is when the sex desire arises, close your eyes. It is a very valuable moment: desire arising is energy arising. It is like the sun rising in the morning.

One small technique will be of tremendous help.

Close your eyes; this is the moment to be meditative. Move downwards to the sex centre where you are feeling the thrill, the vibration. Move there and just be a silent onlooker. Witness it, don't condemn it. The moment you condemn, you have gone far away from it.

And don't enjoy it, because the moment you enjoy, you are unconscious.

Just be alert, watchful, like a lamp burning in a dark night. You just take your consciousness there, unflickering, unwavering. You see what is happening at the sex centre, what is this energy.

Don't call it names because all words have become contaminated. Even if you say it is sex, immediately you have started condemning it. The very word has become condemnatory. Or, if you belong to the new generation, then the very word has become something sacred. But the word is always loaded with emotion. Any word which is loaded with emotion becomes a barrier on the path of awareness.

Just watch the fact that an energy is arising near the sex center and you will feel a totally new quality of energy. Watching it, you will see it is rising upwards. It is finding a path inside you. And the moment it starts rising upwards, you will feel a coolness falling on you, a silence surrounding you, a grace, a beatitude, a benediction, a blessing all around you. It is no longer like a painful thorn. It no longer hurts; it is very soothing like a balm. And the more you remain aware, the higher it will go. 

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As soon as the mind desires sexual pleasure, the body begins to make preparations for it. From the sex centre the ganglia begins pulsating another demand. The sex centre becomes projected outside. The science of Tantra says, if the sex centre can be made to project inwards and can be drawn within (which is known as sex-mudra), you will within two moments find that the body has ceased its demand for sex. But the demand was made and the energy for it was already awakened. It is possible to take this energy upwards. No sooner do we think about sex that our mind begins to flow towards the genital organs. One has to draw the genital organs inwards. All the doors going out from the genital organs will be closed.

When the energy has already been awakened, we should close our eyes at that time. Having closed the eyes begin to look at the head from within, just as you see a ceiling from within a room. By constant practice you will find within a month that something from below has begun to rise up. This will be, in fact, your experience that something has started to rise above, something is going up. Some call it kundalini, some give in another name. It is necessary to pay attention to two points here. One is the muladhar and other is the upper centre sahstradhar.

Sahastradhar is our centre at the top level and muladhar is our centre at the lowest level. Muladhar is contracted inwards. The energy created in it tries to find a way out. Now we should direct our mind to the higher direction or upper direction, because that path is open. The energy of the body starts flowing towards that direction in which the mind is directed. This is a small process in the transformation. If you experiment with this, celibacy will be achieved without suppression.

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