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I will describe my personal feeling of oneness for the purpose of expanding imagination! 

to me it feels like relating to the energy that moves people and things, when people walk,when do an action I feel related to the energy involved, it's like my own energy is right behind them. 
it's like a connection deeper then the conscious mind, I don't relate to their conscious actions, I don't feel they are mine, individuality is recognized, but the energy used to do, it feels like I recognize that energy. 
it's a feeling like ; ''wait, that person is moving out of their own free will, but it still feels like I'm moving them'' 
it's really in terms of the raw energy that moves the body, the organism, when people walk I feel like I'm behind their back pushing them, when they look out to something it feels like I'm looking out to something. its really a raw organic connection, separated from our identities on the level of the conscious mind

another thing is familiarity, no place looks ''strange''. everything feels familiar, yet new. 
its been awhile since Ive seen a ''stranger''. everyone is starting to look so familiar, so welcoming, as if everyone I see is my cousin,and I suspect the next level is that I'll perceive everyone as I see as intimately as a brother or sister,but I'm certainly not there yet. 

the strangers on the streets that I used to see like one year ago, they're gone, they're nowhere to be seen, there's not a single stranger like that anymore, when they used to feel so distant and dangerous, and separated from me...not in my reality anymore

I used to be scared of spiders and disgusted by flies.
no more really, spiders are recognized in their dimensional beauty and flies are like black specks of love flying around. 

keep an open mind!

Stellars interact with Terrans from ÓB (Earth’s Low Orbit).!

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I think that I should tell that I think that you need to think more about what you are thinking about.

Sarcaste <3 the Sarcasm in Me acknowledges and honors the Sarcasm in You 

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