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Joseph Maynor

What Is The Nature And Practice Of Ego Transcendence In A Nutshell

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Can you give me a brief overview?  How does this relate to Leo's notion of enlightenment?  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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33 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

Ego Transcendence In A Nutshell

You cannot drop it. Who will drop it? Then the DROPPER will become the ego. It always comes back. 

      Whatsoever you do, stand out of it, and look and watch.

      Whatsoever you do - humbleness, humility, simplicity - nothing will help. Only one thing is possible, and that is just to watch and see that it is the source of all misery. Don't say it. Don't repeat it - WATCH. Because if I say it is the source of all misery and you repeat it, then it is useless. YOU have to come to that understanding. Whenever you are miserable, just close the eyes and don't try to find some cause outside. Try to see from where this misery is coming. It is your own ego.

      If you continuously feel and understand, and the understanding that the ego is the cause becomes so deep-rooted, one day you will suddenly see that it has disappeared. Nobody drops it - nobody can drop it. You simply see; it has simply disappeared, because the very understanding that ego causes all misery becomes the dropping.

It is difficult to see one's own ego. It is very easy to see other's egos. Try to see your own ego. Just watch it.

      Don't be in a hurry to drop it, just watch it. The more you watch, the more capable you will become. Suddenly one day, you simply see that it has dropped. And when it drops by itself, only then does it drop. There is no other way. Prematurely you cannot drop it.

It drops just like a dead leaf. The tree is not doing anything - just a breeze, a situation, and the dead leaf simply drops. The tree is not even aware that the dead leaf has dropped. It makes no noise, it makes no claim - nothing. The dead leaf simply drops and shatters on the ground, just like that.

      When you are mature through understanding, awareness, and you have felt totally that ego is the cause of all your misery, simply one day you see the dead leaf dropping. It settles into the ground, dies of its own accord. You have not done anything so you cannot claim that you have dropped it. You see that it has simply disappeared.

From Beyond the Frontier of the Mind by Osho

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1 minute ago, Joseph Maynor said:

Very nice description!  So you have no ego then?  

In the East egolessness is taught , in east we are brought up in such a way that ego never becomes strong, never comes to a point of integration from where it can be thrown. It is never ripe. So, I am not an absolutely ego-less person but I live a relaxed and blissful life.

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@Prabhaker That's awesome.  What I like about you is you don't seem to get trapped by all the theory that others do pertaining to enlightenment.  Enlightenment is not rocket science.  I agree.  Enlightenment is you changing your view of your self and your actions towards your thoughts.  That's it.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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@Joseph Maynor Eckhart Tolle has given us some of the best ego transcendence accounts that lead him to awakening. He was in a state of intense anxiety and was even thinking about ending his life. One night as he was laying in bed dwelling again on how miserable his life was, he uttered in dispair, "I cannot live with myself any longer". "Who is the 'I' and who is the 'myself' that 'I' can't live with?" he started to ponder. The turmoil of anxiety and fear suddenly lifted and he went to sleep with unusual sense of relief and peace. The following morning, as he woke up, everything in the room seemed so fresh and new. He got up , stepped outside - the busy street, the noise, traffic, hurried people - even all that seemed peaceful. Eckhart knew something of significance had happened in him. Later, as he was researching and inquiring, he learned about the ego and how people mistakenly identify with it causing them pain and suffering. If you haven't yet, check out his books The Power of Now and A New Earth where he talks in detail about this. Also YT has his talks, intervews, and guided meditations.     

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@Joseph Maynor ego trancendence is a result of enlightenment. Or one could say that there the same as both require freedom from ego.:D

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