
Spiritual Chimpery

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What the F$*$* is this Chimpery? anyone believe this kind of stuff?  MIND BLOWN !!! 

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So what do you find about this to be 'chimpery'? What do you mean by chimpery? 

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I've noticed that some women have this pull towards a kind of paranormal, witchcrafty sort of spirituality. Not sure what to make of it. My guess is some human brains are more sensitive and have access to certain phenomena that normal brains don't, and female brains add an extra layer of complexity to the matter. This is just wild speculation on my part.

I'm glad I don't see hauntings, lol.

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3 hours ago, pete said:

anyone believe this kind of stuff?  

yeah dawg, lots of people on this forum. myself included.  (to be honest I didn't watch the whole video but it seems like your run of the mill new-age stuff)

I'm not so much into ghosts goblins and ghouls but I have heard a foundation of interesting other-wordly/non-physical/astral ideas from enough people that I respect or revere to suspect that there's probably a lot to it. Every year of my life I have had a pile of ideas that I consider reasonable and another pile of what I consider nonsense, and every year a whole heap of the nonsense pile started moving into the reasonable. So I try not to judge anything anymore. After a while you realize that a lot of it is interesting, but not necessarily that useful. 

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3 hours ago, pete said:



What the F$*$* is this Chimpery? anyone believe this kind of stuff?  MIND BLOWN !!! 

I don't believe you are using the word "chimpery" correctly. At least not in way Leo did in the video in which I assume you heard it. If you are than you seem to be, as most people are, relatively close-minded. We humans are capable of so much more then 99% of us utilize. While it is true that the "we only use 10% of our brain" theory is a myth, I believe there is something to it (as there often is) . Chi,Paraná,orogone,life force,ether,cosmos. Many historical accounts of paranormal, pyrokinesis, telekinesis, etc. These are the common denominators that run thru history. Could these things have something to them? What would the implications be? Perhaps I'll end this comment with some poetry. 

"For those who believe no proof is necessary, for those who don't, none is possible".


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At first she may  seem a bit flaky, but I'm subscribed to her network and a lot of what she preaches is very grounded...example..the relationship between popular media and fear in the masses.  I think she's onto something.

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