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Really Tricky Situation (hypothetical) Can You Get It!!

2 posts in this topic

Ok your walking down the street with you pride and joy.. (wife, daughter, son, car, watch, iphone :P

An a alternate dimensional being presents itself and gives you a few options..

  • Step into this beam and go to whatever you desire, be it, heaven, a reality where you super hot, loaded ... whatever.. But you cant keep your current body (its got to be obliterated in the process.
  • You can do this with your prised possession if you like too but you cant do it together. one has to go first and alone.
  • Remain and you need to have some alterations done in order to bring balance to the world, maybe a bit of mind stuff and a shift in your awareness or something. But the changes will be decided by this being
  • or be turned into plant food there and then

This is all you know and you cant ask any further questions, to me or the being.. you can ponder and take as long as you like but you have do it where you are. food and beverages provided :) 

What do you do...???

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