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The Turning Point. Please Read.

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Here is the deal friends,

The "story" is i am 25 years old I have been on this journey for over a year or so now, through my practice i have had full on enlightenment experiences the awareness has grown to such a state inside the body mind it feels like no mind just awareness and mind is just a tool to be used for practical matters. Here is the catch all this is happening however I am in management for a company and finally going to get the promotion ive been "working toward' this job however it gets time consuming and draining.. I feel pulled to go to hawaii I have a passive income stream and enough money saved to move, At work in the span of 2 days i saw 5 people with hawain shirts on plus a actual guy of hawain decent in the middle of the mid-west. is it trying to give me clues? what should do i ask you because you are me.. Drop everything and go or continue on this is a 100k+ opportunity. 

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