
Nice Article About Honest Looking

3 posts in this topic

This paper serves a fourfold purpose

1) To confuse the reader

2) To obscure what it should illuminate

3) To enhance the self-esteem of the author

4) To kick your ass further

Honest looking brought me here and what have been seen is:

'I' is a thought. Thought arise from memory (intuitive archetypal or individual). Memory arise from experience. Experience arise from perception. A thought can not think, and perception cannot perceive. There is no 'you' to perceive. Just perceiving happening. No you to be aware. Just awareness.

And here in this honest looking, is where the 'I' or 'ego-structure' instantly collapse and the illusion of self is seen.The fact that it has been seen will stay as true and change the viewing perspective for good, and forever make this insight recognizable. It can't be unseen.

When you have seen a giraffe in reality you'll have no trouble recognizing it , and see the difference from imagination of say the Capricorn or Donald Duck... The difference of reality and thoughts about it.

The impact varies.

For some people the collapse of the ego is permanent, and they are 'done' and have no trouble with letting go, trusting and resting in the pure creative intelligence of life unfolding.

But for most the 'ego-structure' just don't give up so easily even though it has been seen to be an illusion.

To die, or a complete annihilation of the 'I' as a fixed foundation, is very scaring on deep levels of the mind. And it fights back afraid of loosing grip. The 'I'-thought is like a cannibal living on other thoughts in an attempt to survive.

Due to long time habitual functioning of the mind the 'I' or ego will hide in the background behind every thought (most clearly in communication) and create some form of identification. And that's why a forum like this , and those branching from it, can be very helpful tools. As can meditation (effortless non-judgemental awareness) and Satsang (Sanskrit सत्सङ्ग sat = true, sanga = company).

Honest looking is just as important in what is happening after seeing no self. Having passed The Gate all that is left, is to keep looking at the depth of the implications of no-you . So, Looking is the only technique you'll ever need, provided honesty is your compass.

Being aware of our own fantasies/beliefs tend to dissipate the unconscious power of it, loosening its hold on us. This is why consciously examining the ego loosens much of its grip. The principle of the ego is unconsciousness . Whereas the power of conscious awareness enlightens what is unconscious in us, and thus frees us from conditioned compulsive necessity to cling to it.

Post gate some part of the ego is able to develop a sense of direction and function as 'guide' for questioning beliefs and thoughts arising from conditioned and habitual mind, exactly as direct pointing initially did, and make way for seeing 'no-you' again and again and again. In a loop out in 'investigation' back to see no-self. In this looping , apparent separation engenders the searching. When there is no one, there is no loop and there won’t be any questions. No agent. Not here, not there, not anywhere is an agent to be found.

Progress is paradoxically possible because things are seen to be empty with no inherent 'foundation'. It simply just gives action/reaction a new dimension.

So mind is not your enemy it's just the way it works.

This will automatically make the functioning of the mind change as it sees that its conditioning has nothing to cling to but the illusion of and 'I'. And as the fear of annihilation is overcome 'you' or 'self' or 'separate entity' becomes more and more transparent before identification disappears totally. 'You' is dying but there's still living....( Note that this does not imply 'being like the animals', cold nothingness, nihilism or lack of motivation or initiative.)...This doesn't mean depersonalization, just that the persona is seen not to be a inherent fixed entity (in fact nothing is), and seeing this is liberation from clinging to it. It is not disappearing but clinging to it ceases. If to be or not to be is the question, to be and not to be is the answer.

The process, or work after the Gateless Gate, will therefore be different for the apparent individuals, though following the same pattern of less and less resistance.

Only reluctantly the mind will admit that it hasn't any clue whatsoever of what is going on, and shuts up when all expectations, ideas, believes and concepts must be rejected.

In this silence a transcendental revelation happens that can not be conceptualized and understood.

There is no 'understander'. There is no 'you' back there making it all happen. There isn't even a 'you' back there watching it all happen. There is no entity back there that is aware of what is going on. Awareness is simply arising because the right conditions are in place for awareness to arise.

Then recognition happens that there truly is no separation between awareness and the object of awareness - they are one and the same. There is absolutely nothing left to identify with. Do not suppose that what you realize becomes your knowledge and is grasped by your consciousness. Although actualized immediately, the inconceivable may not be apparent. Its appearance is beyond your knowledge.

This doesn't mean that you give up thinking. Imagination and abstract thinking is very useful and not a feature to avoid. It just means that the idea of a self is seen as an idea , and not identified with.

It is indeed possible not to have self-referential thoughts at all, and no thought at all when not needed . But non-self-referential thoughts used for planning and problem solving are are showing up spontaneously. Self-referential thoughts, are emotional and "sticky" while planning/problem solving thoughts are not. Stillness is the base so to say.

Same goes for stories. Stories are the human way of expression. The perspective from which it is viewed is crucial to the way action takes place, and seeing through the illusion of self changes the perspective radically.

However, do not be fooled by the conceptual paradox that such gradual development or evolution implies cosmological or psychological distance to be covered. The direct path is in your face all the time. There is no 'you' to be enlightened. There never was.


This is just words picked up in the flow. And they are like shadows from a visitor carrying a torch behind his back.

There is a danger of regarding words as names: for then they create forms or images which perpetuate ignorance while creating an illusion of knowledge (grasped by a knower)!!!!!

From wherever and whenever this insight is communicated, it has no connection with end-gaining, belief, practise or process. It cannot be taught but is constantly shared. Because it is all that is, no individual can lay claim to it. It needs not to be argued, proven or embellished, for it stands alone simply as it is, and can only remain unrecognised and rejected, or realised and lived.

This morning a blackbird was sitting in the top of an apple-tree singing , and expressed the simplicity of awakening , far better than words. It is indeed a gateless gate.

Bon voyage.

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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Thanks for sharing...what is the source of this?  May want to add it to the original post.

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@Real Eyes  I found it on a group in Facebook from Liberation Unleashed... I asked the original poster if I could share it and he told me it was OK because it wasn't from him... so, I have no idea really who is the author...


I think they have no problem if we share it everywhere...

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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