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Will Having A Distrust And Fear Of People Hinder Self Actualization

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I ask this because as of late I am growing more and more untrusting of other people. I know this mistrust ultimately emanates from fear.

For some odd reason I have a fascination with missing persons cases and solving murder mysteries , which may eventually lead to a career in law enforcement. In these cases, I am confronted with the worse that humanity has to offer. And I have also come to the realization that a lot of seemingly good people have skeletons in their closet and there is no clue what one can be hiding. From watching Leos latest video, "Why People Seem Crazy"  I know that everyone has their own unique perpective on reality and reasoning for doing things that seem "evil" or "immoral". I didnt interpret this as a justification for wrongdoing but more as an appreciation for the complexities of the human psyche. However, this for me only legitmizes my distrust for people.

If people are so unpredictable with their behavior, how can one trust another? Is having mistrust for people a hindrance to self development and perhaps enlightenment?

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