
What If Every Human Died??

21 posts in this topic

Leo said this in the thread "No Free Will"?



Here's a paradox for ya...

You actually DO exist (as Nothingness) and you ARE the source and creator of all reality, so in this sense you control and will everything into being!

Of course, this is a very different "YOU" that we're talking about than the present you you believe you are. We are now talking about you as God. And "God's" will is a very different sort of thing than your personal will (which is basically just monkey mind imitating God).



Ok from that I gather that theres something which we're calling God who is the creator of the universe (who is really all of us on a deeper level that we're not conscience of because we're blinded by this physical world and falsehood. I'm wondering if every human would die, would "He" exist?




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No, because existence as we understand it is based on space and time. Beyond that existence doesnt really have any meaning.  

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Just because the existence that WE understand is based on space and time...doesn't mean there aren't things outside of our understanding which DO have meaning. Who says existence and reality only go as far as WE understand. Our minds are limited. 

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Who would have killed every human? a million atomic bombs equidistant around the globe, killing every person including the idiot who detonated the bombs.

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Ok so just answer straight out...Your saying that you think the answer to : "would "He" still exist after all humans would die?" is YES.

Ok great...Is everyone on board or do we have different opinions?

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Lol, man, you ask some silly questions.

God is a field of infinite Nothingness. This Nothingness exists always. And you are that Nothingness. Hence not only is God immortal, you are immortal cause you're "him".

Before any humans existed, did God not exist?

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 hour ago, TruthSeeker said:

Leo said this in the thread "No Free Will"?


Ok from that I gather that theres something which we're calling God who is the creator of the universe (who is really all of us on a deeper level that we're not conscience of because we're blinded by this physical world and falsehood. I'm wondering if every human would die, would "He" exist?




What some of us view as God extends everywhere. And returns from everywhere. But of course, there's still hierarchy. 

Do we do something like annihilate everything over ethnic differences or do we all contribute toward greater things in our own environments around the world.

As long as imperfect things exist we will have differences and needs. And it seems like great strides have been made recently to show us all reason. We've been reminded that this reason is still guiding us even though in a month some already revert. Doesn't it all speak to the nature of mankind.

Battlestar galactica is a wild story just to give some perspective. But there's lots of reality in this story. For better or for worse.

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26 minutes ago, Pinocchio said:

God sure mumbles some funny shit to himself.

Hahaha!!!! Well what do you expect when he has to listen to everything!! 

But really. God doesn't mumble. Doesn't even talk "much". 

Maybe your just talking to yourself!!! ;)

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10 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Lol, man, you ask some silly questions.

God is a field of infinite Nothingness. This Nothingness exists always. And you are that Nothingness. Hence not only is God immortal, you are immortal cause you're "him".

Before any humans existed, did God not exist?


Ok...lets clarify something. 

If I wanted to right now lets say fly or split the ocean in half and make there be dry land in the middle so I can walk through or do anything else that can alter nature in crazy ways...I am NOT able to do that. 

The field of infinite nothingness that we're calling God IS able to do anything. If he wanted he could make the sun stay out for 48 hours or do any of the stuff I just mentioned before.

If you say that he CANT do those things then he's not infinite, he has limitations...infinite means no limitations. 

I have limitations. 

When we say that "I" am "God" there is some truth in that, but its not the whole picture. The real God, the true infinite "nothingness" (somehow) has willed it that there should be this physical world with humans who have some limitations. We are only God in the sense that God is infinite so we sort of "Overlap" with him (in a spiritual way) But we are NOT him 100%. Again because if we were him we wouldnt have limitations. God has NO limitations. God has no limitations!!! Period :). I am not talking about a guy in the sky with a beard or crazy stuff like that. 

Do you agree that if God (how ever you define that, you, infinite nothingness) wanted to right now, he could turn every piece of wood in the world right now into Gold? Yes or no?





Edited by TruthSeeker

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12 minutes ago, TruthSeeker said:


Ok...lets clarify something. 

If I wanted to right now lets say fly or split the ocean in half and make there be dry land in the middle so I can walk through or do anything else that can alter nature in crazy ways...I am NOT able to do that. 

The field of infinite nothingness that we're calling God IS able to do anything. If he wanted he could make the sun stay out for 48 hours or do any of the stuff I just mentioned before.

If you say that he CANT do those things then he's not infinite, he has limitations...infinite means no limitations. 

I have limitations. 

When we say that "I" am "God" there is some truth in that, but its not the whole picture. The real God, the true infinite "nothingness" (somehow) has willed it that there should be this physical world with humans who have some limitations. We are only God in the sense that God is infinite so we sort of "Overlap" with him (in a spiritual way) But we are NOT him 100%. Again because if we were him we wouldnt have limitations. God has NO limitations. God has no limitations!!! Period :). I am not talking about a guy in the sky with a beard or crazy stuff like that. 

Do you agree that if God (how ever you define that, you, infinite nothingness) wanted to right now, he could turn every piece of wood in the world right now into Gold? Yes or no?





Well there is no you, only the illusion of you. Everything is and everyone is God and everything goes according to His(and thus your) plan. Everyone is 100% God, God does not discriminate. The 'you' you speak of is simply God playing he isn't you, God is such a great actor that most people don't even realize they are Him.

The limitations you speak of are absurd. It is His design, if he gave (the false) you all the power he would break the duality and the dream would be over. When you align with His plan you can do superhuman things and there are no limitations. When you go around running amok with your ego you will hit your head against the limitations you have set, because deep down you will know you are not following God's plan.

RIP Roe V Wade 1973-2022 :)

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Please read what you just wrote very very carefully :) and have a good day

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41 minutes ago, TruthSeeker said:


Ok...lets clarify something. 

If I wanted to right now lets say fly or split the ocean in half and make there be dry land in the middle so I can walk through or do anything else that can alter nature in crazy ways...I am NOT able to do that. 

The field of infinite nothingness that we're calling God IS able to do anything. If he wanted he could make the sun stay out for 48 hours or do any of the stuff I just mentioned before.

If you say that he CANT do those things then he's not infinite, he has limitations...infinite means no limitations. 

I have limitations. 

When we say that "I" am "God" there is some truth in that, but its not the whole picture. The real God, the true infinite "nothingness" (somehow) has willed it that there should be this physical world with humans who have some limitations. We are only God in the sense that God is infinite so we sort of "Overlap" with him (in a spiritual way) But we are NOT him 100%. Again because if we were him we wouldnt have limitations. God has NO limitations. God has no limitations!!! Period :). I am not talking about a guy in the sky with a beard or crazy stuff like that. 

Do you agree that if God (how ever you define that, you, infinite nothingness) wanted to right now, he could turn every piece of wood in the world right now into Gold? Yes or no?





God isn't what you think it is.. 

Edited by step1

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13 minutes ago, TruthSeeker said:


just answer the question :)

Your idea of what god is, is an idea.   What has been written about god for centuries is also an idea.  I don't want to get into religion or anything because its really off topic and not allowed anyway, but 'God' (or the truth) is not a concept.  It is beyond thought, and cannot be comprehended.  Right now you are trying to mentally construct what we are trying to communicate to you, but it cannot be constructed in the mind..  You have to experience it yourself by questioning everything you have been conditioned to think is true..  Question your own mind..  Ask yourself if you are your mind or if you are something separate to that.  Notice your ego.  After some aha moments you may start to get a glimpse of something that is foreign of the mind/ego.  I hope this makes some sense.  I must admit I'm new to this but its incredible  :) 

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The real question is, If pineapples didn't exist, would god still exist? 


Pineapple #2,375,175,986,965,876

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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9 minutes ago, Pinocchio said:

Do pineapples go to pineapple heaven?

Only the ones who are extra sweet.


The Sweetest Pineapple EVER!!!!!

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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Personally I don't like the word god (notice no capital G) at all. I guess it's our best word to describe our "higher power" but even that word dumbs it up a bit. My own opinion on this is that we become limitless energy. We are limitless energy and only our present reality is keeping us from experiencing it true power. Even finding enlightenment is just a tip of the iceberg. We can't describe it, we can't analyze it, we can't find meaning in it. It just is, so let's all just look forward to experiencing it when we travel on to the next phase of our journey. Who's with me?    

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13 minutes ago, Pinocchio said:

Do pineapples go to pineapple heaven?

plot thickens :D 



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10 minutes ago, DanoDMano said:

Personally I don't like the word god (notice no capital G) at all. I guess it's our best word to describe our "higher power" but even that word dumbs it up a bit. My own opinion on this is that we become limitless energy. We are limitless energy and only our present reality is keeping us from experiencing it true power. Even finding enlightenment is just a tip of the iceberg. We can't describe it, we can't analyze it, we can't find meaning in it. It just is, so let's all just look forward to experiencing it when we travel on to the next phase of our journey. Who's with me?    


I'm with you...but just realize that this stage of the journey is building that one. 

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how clueless of what's going on and so easily can be manipulated person...what stops you from imagining that all your life is a big manipulation? :)

It's pretty funny too, I should admit

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